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3rd September 2013, 07:55 PM
Hi everyone,

Scotty has approached me to post this up for you all to see.

As some of you know, Scotty (AKA BigRig) was a member on here for over 3 years. He has been an extremely valued member to the forum with great knowledge of Patrols and a personality bringing in a lot of networking in QLD resulting in some great meet ups.

I for one want to thank him for all of his efforts to date and he will be sorely missed from the forum. He is a friend and a valued member to the forum who will never be forgotten.

It is unfortunate the events that have occurred over the last 3-4 months. I respect the effort he has put into the place and respect his actions in wanting me to post this on his behalf below.

Scotty has also requested that the ban stays to keep friendships he/we have made as a result of this place.

I had to laugh at the first comment though.....For those who don't know him, the below is actually "Short and sweet" for Scotty...lol

"I’ll keep this short and sweet.

I was a member of NissanPatrol.com.au (http://NissanPatrol.com.au) from October 2010 till August 2013. In that time I experienced the growth and development of the membership and associated interactions from a vast amount of people. I saw people come and I saw people go, however in the early stages I never quite understood what all the fuss was about regarding a “family friendly forum” as it was quite often referred to by others in those days. The place was as friendly a joint as one could hope for, but the ‘family’ reference is where most got it misconstrued – all that really meant was we wished to act in a way that presented initial courtesy to allow members to get to know each other at face value without preconception, and promote an online community that wives, kids, friends of friends etc would be happy to join – the bad stuff could come later!! Lol.

That is probably where I lost track, and for that I’ve also lost what was once a large part of my life – something I treasured, but something I obviously took for granted. I met a great many people through the place that I now class as true “mates” and for that I am exceptionally grateful – hopefully I’ll get the opportunity to continue to meet others through those on here I still interact with.

Firstly, to Andy (AB) – to you I owe the most, and to you I offer the sincerest of apologies. You placed trust in me and I quite frankly let you down by betraying that trust. I could offer a gamut of reasons as to my behaviour, but they would be veiled excuses and would be worth little. Quite simply, I fully respect what you have done, are attempting to do, and our friendship, so on that note, I can only offer you the greatest of wishes in hoping you achieve everything you’ve set out to do with the establishment of the forum – you deserve it, and much more.

The list of those I’ve upset (hopefully only over the last 6 months or so), I’m not even sure where to start. Bob, 3Dogs, MudRunner, Cuppa, Mudski, (especially MudRunner and Cuppa) and no doubt a range of others including some who are close to me and would have expected more. To you I can only say I have sincere regret for my ramblings (drunken or otherwise – no excuse), and offer my apologies. Not sure what “came over me” as it were, and certainly started placing to much personal emphasis/perception on my responses, which in the past were hopefully received as light hearted and genuine. You did nothing to deserve such wrath, and I trust that you can see fit to at least forget and move on, even if not to forgive.

To the moderators – simply put, a great bunch. Couldn’t be a better selection on any forum elsewhere and you’re input and support over time has proven invaluable – to both myself personally and heaps of others that you wouldn’t have even heard about.

To all the rest of you – it was a blast!!! As said, have met a great bunch from the forum, and no doubt many of you have. I offer my thanks to all those that made the place so enjoyable for so long, and I fully anticipate it will do nothing but continue to grow under the mature and even handed guidance of AB and those he appoints as moderators. Enjoy the place – don’t take too much heed of what may be perceived as a personal attack. The internet, and online communication in general is not conducive to understanding the tone or temperament under which something was written – take a moment, take a breath, and clarify. Guaranteed that 99.9% of the time, you’re reading it the wrong way … I know I did.

All the very best to you all, and I hope you continue to enjoy the place into the future as much as I did in the past. Hope to see you out on the tracks one day …"

3rd September 2013, 07:59 PM
R.I.P. Scotty...............................

EDIT: Sorry I think I may have confused some people!


Now lets hang some sh!t on him, it's what he would have wanted lmao

3rd September 2013, 08:00 PM
Bit brief!:)

3rd September 2013, 08:07 PM
eloquently put as always........... well almost!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha

and if you read this.......

see ya big fella and don't forget to give me a call when you're over this way, I'll get the beers in.

DX grunt
3rd September 2013, 08:07 PM
Love you, Scotty.

Take care out there.


3rd September 2013, 08:12 PM
Bugger! He had the 2nd best looking patrol on this forum...

3rd September 2013, 08:13 PM
Bugger! He had the 2nd best looking patrol on this forum...

But the worst looking noggin!

3rd September 2013, 08:13 PM
Even though I haven't met the bigman, it is sad to see him go ... can't he come back at some stage ....

3rd September 2013, 08:18 PM
I am glad to be able to consider him a friend. Good on ya Scotty!

3rd September 2013, 08:20 PM
Scotty you have my number as I have yours so will keep in contact, as I said the other week you and your family are always welcome at my joint when you're in Sydney and I know the same goes for me if I'm ever up your way.

Take care mate and I'll catch up with you one day soon :)

DX grunt
3rd September 2013, 08:27 PM
Please, not more sports injuries pics. I'm still scared. hahahaha


3rd September 2013, 08:31 PM
But the worst looking noggin!
At least only one! Lol

His witty informative post will certainly be missed around here.

3rd September 2013, 08:31 PM
Take care mate

3rd September 2013, 08:42 PM
Not our furry little round Oompa Loompa.
Good luck mate, hope to speak to you soon.

3rd September 2013, 08:49 PM
Many a smile made by this guy

3rd September 2013, 08:50 PM
such a pretty boy!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha

3rd September 2013, 08:59 PM
As one of the forum members who got 'special mention' in the message from Bigrig I feel I need to say something.

I think I must have missed the moment at which Bigrig was banned.

I do recall a couple of conversations in which the subject of 'family friendly' was discussed, conversations I was involved in, but do not recall who the other 'players' were. I guess Bigrig must have been one. I'm guessing perhaps Bigrig was one of those who felt that keeping the forum 'family friendly' meant pandering to political correctness, & the 'gagging' of what some saw as reasonable to express on an open forum. For a ban to have been implemented & maintained there must, presumably be more to the story than I am aware of. This message from Bigrig is a 'big' message, obviously after much thought & taking fortitude & guts to ask Andy to post it on his behalf. However From my own personal perspective I feel unable to accept Bigrig's apology, as I do not feel he has anything to apologise to me for. I certainly had not taken anything he had said to me to heart, if I had I would remember, & I don't.

On any forum there will always be differences of opinion from time to time, it is part of the hurly burly which makes an interesting community & I have certainly been part of more 'robust' differences of opinion elsewhere. Such differences of opinion can result in a temporary lack of respect in posts, but if this was part of the issue involved in Bigrig being banned, he has now shown himself to be a thoughtful & good bloke. If, as someone named in his message, a request from me carries any weight, I ask that Bigrig's ban not be permanent. Having been a long term member of an online community elsewhere which was suddenly, after many years, closed down, I am well aware of how big a gap the loss of such a community can leave in someone's life.


3rd September 2013, 09:01 PM
Thanks AB,

Good on you Scotty, you are already missed here mate. I enjoyed meeting you with the other guys at ABs and had a great weekend getting the job done over a few beers. I was looking forward to October and am disappointed you won't make it. It will be a blast.

Scotty your a great bloke with a big heart, no question. I was surprised and disappointed when you posted a couple of months ago and did not see it coming at all! Still confused to be honest but parked it in the archive. You don't need my forgiveness mate, nothing to forgive.

I appreciate you reaching out to AB here and this thread is a much better way to take a break. A wise man told me about 10 years ago that I should not always listen to the Voice in my Head, sometimes he gets it wrong! This little nugget blew me away at the time and changed my outlook forever.

The last part of your message suggests people regard the posts of others and consider what is written, take a breath, take a moment, and clarify. Wise words indeed my friend. Thank you.

Your account here will remain and your impact on the forum is part of the roots here mate. Reflect, enjoy the friendships you have here, when you want to come back I am sure you will find the door ajar mate.

Good luck to you in your new job and the future Scotty, take care.

Regards Darren.

3rd September 2013, 09:07 PM


3rd September 2013, 09:09 PM


i didnt know he got into the eccy's!!!

3rd September 2013, 09:09 PM
Scotty, if you are ever in the Alice, take it for granted that there is some cold beer in the fridge and some barbq food ready to go.....

3rd September 2013, 09:18 PM
Never heard about the ban until now. Reading through the thread I was expecting to read extreme bad news about hard times - forced to sell the patrol, an injury/death, or even that he had a mental impairment and was buying a toyota.

Good luck Scotty!

3rd September 2013, 09:33 PM
Ohhh Princess, i think im going to cry ! :tease: (ha-ha)

Bigrig, i don't really know whats gone on, but it seems the people you have upset don't know whats gone on, so its a bit confusing ?

Obviously you must have written some things that are somewhat out of character, and i can only assume these things have not quite fit into the guidelines of forum usage, ive not had the pleasure to read most of these said posts myself , due to them getting deleted before i get to see them (lol), but i can't understand you getting that fired up, not without some sort of stimulation from another party ?

While i don't condone any such behavior, id like to have read what you wrote, i kind of get a feeling you may have become frustrated at the changes the forum has gone through in recent times, perhaps you have just lashed out in frustration, espcially after seeing something you have put so much effort into, going a little off the rails ?

If that is true, ive seen changes here too, as im sure has anyone that has been a regular on here for a few years, and i can certainly say i know a few long time QLD members that will agree with me, when i say, we seem to be more and more moving away from the "all friends" family place i came to love here, and as the population grows, so it seems does the petty aggression.

Im not sure exactly whats happend, but most of the QLD people ive met and done many trips with, all seem to be appearing less and less on-line, QLD trips have gone from "thriving" to pretty much nothing, and im not quite sure why ?

Scotty, you always have my respect for what youve done for people met on this forum , and ive always believed it takes a "big" man to opologize, so that should be easy for you ! :bowdown:

Anyway, i won't miss you at all.......

Cos ill see you in person real soon :049:

3rd September 2013, 09:37 PM
Very sad day indeed . I for one have been hoping scotty would emerge sooner rather than later and post again because he is top value. A huge loss to this forum

3rd September 2013, 10:56 PM
Wow! Well I'm on the phone so I'll keep it short. I'm sorry to year Scotty has done something wrong and I know I'm not the biggest poster on the forum but not a day goes by where I don't sign in and see what's going on.

I don't know what Scotty did and I'm sorry to hear all has come to an end in this way.

I do know that Scotty, from the one time i met him, was an intelligent and very opinionated person, who only had the best interests at heart whenever he opened his mouth. I remember when him and Andy had a small argument at the meet up to fix Healy's car. He was very passionate about what ever he spoke about and wouldn't listen to anyone else's opinion if he believed himself to be right.

Now I know that some people would be offended by this, would think it was arrogant or a know it all but the lasting impression I got was that he CARED. and that's why he was so passionate about what he spoke about. I can't fault someone that cares hey, no matter how terrible their noggin is haha.

All the best to ya Scotty. I learned a lot from you, not only on here about nissans, but when I met u at Andy's about generosity and how a complete stranger can travel over 2000k's just to come get someone's car back on the road...

Thats about it guys.



3rd September 2013, 11:04 PM
Wow. I have no idea where I've been, maybe I'm the next to have a breakdown and go buy a Toyota :)

As i said before, I have no idea what happened but that message says heaps about Scottys character. It takes real guts to stand up say what he said, something that we don't see that often nowadays.

Thanks mate.

4th September 2013, 05:46 AM
Well that at least explains the big picture. I'd been away for a while and just in the last couple of weeks was thinking "where are the posts from Bigrig?" and went searching to try and find when he'd last posted.

It's a pity, coz I know many times when searching for things they'd come up in his posts. A lot of great knowledge and experience got shared with the forum, especially during some of his build process. This is one of those funny times where because I don't post a lot most of you don't really know me. I also can't attend anything because I'm a bit far away! But, because I tend to read a lot more than I post, I still kind of feel like I know a lot of you at least a bit. At least to the extent that you kind of know who has a specialty in what and who to look out for in technical answers, etc.

Regardless of what happened in the end or how it turns out in the future (maybe it's not final) Scotty's contributions I'm sure have been appreciated by many people. It is clear from all the responses there is a great respect for him.

So, Scotty, if you are reading, thanks for all your efforts and being willing to share. I'm sure there are many others like me that you've never met, who have still gained a lot from what you've put in here.


4th September 2013, 07:39 AM
Scotty - you have my number ... Stay in touch ok xXx

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

4th September 2013, 08:06 AM
Can I be blunt?

4th September 2013, 08:09 AM
Can I be blunt?

Sharp as a doorknob mate!

4th September 2013, 08:13 AM
Can I be blunt?

Didnt think you Poms could be anything else! Haha

4th September 2013, 08:23 AM
I am not sure why you are apologising to me Scotty as if I got upset about anything (which I cant remember) it was probably because I am a cranky old man.

Have a break and get back on here you big lump

4th September 2013, 08:33 AM
Ok then, I don`t know Scotty/Bigrig, but it is always a shame when somebody falls out with his "virtual Pub", whether they think there is a reason or not, it kinda dilutes the place.

Internet forums are not real life, sometimes you have to think that way and appreciate the "real life" friends you have made through the "virtual place", accept that they are worth more than some other guys who have pissed you off.

People type stuff that they would not say face to face, the internet is like that,always will be, ain`t worth getting strung up about it.

Basically, Scotty stop being such an arse and get yourself back to the bar,i`ll stand you a beer, you big mardy..............:)

4th September 2013, 08:35 AM
Ok then, I don`t know Scotty/Bigrig, but it is always a shame when somebody falls out with his "virtual Pub", whether they think there is a reason or not, it kinda dilutes the place.

Internet forums are not real life, sometimes you have to think that way and appreciate the "real life" friends you have made through the "virtual place", accept that they are worth more than some other guys who have pissed you off.

People type stuff that they would not say face to face, the internet is like that,always will be, ain`t worth getting strung up about it.

Basically, Scotty stop being such an arse and get yourself back to the bar,i`ll stand you a beer, you big mardy..............:)

well said mate haha!

4th September 2013, 08:42 AM
To be honest I still dont get it...... you wear your heart on your sleeve and as I do to it can make things hard to deal with.

You dont suffer fools and instead of ignoring those comments you dont like or agree with you run head long into them.

I wish you all the best and hope that maybe you will return once rested from the grind of the www.


4th September 2013, 09:01 AM
I don't know why you need to apologise to me, If you knew me you would know that nothing
gets me upset, I'm very easy going, Have a break re group and see you back here soon.

Welcome at any campfire, anytime

4th September 2013, 09:08 AM
Same as other's, not really sure what occurred but it's always a shame to lose a member. I honestly thought another fell off the perch reading Ab's first post.

Hats off to you Biggus Riggus even though I had not met you in the flesh (sounds odd lol) but you could put a smile up on an otherwise crap day

Sir Roofy
4th September 2013, 09:09 AM
Ive met scotty a few times since i came to this forum,ive read the post he put up that got him the ban
to know him as a generous man give you the shirt off his back kinda guy was way out of character for him
ive seen the changes happening here but now seems to be back on an even keel at the moment till the next wave
comes thruogh.i can see what may have started as a pimple and grew with in and fested at the end
i blame the alcahol chit chat that happens in the man shed late at night and for some reason this lit the fuse
scotty we miss you mate to the mods you do a great job to whom was abused and are confused maybe you should pm andy
but as read in your posts here were adults and can take it or leave it
thats all from me i know nothing

4th September 2013, 09:50 AM
I met Scotty at AB's place, and I found that he is a character with a big heart. He had most of us in stitches at one stage, or another. I don't know what went on to get you banned, mate, but your apology is sincere, and I hope it has opened the gate to get you back here, where you belong.

4th September 2013, 10:01 AM
I met Scotty at AB's place, and I found that he is a character with a big heart.

And a big oily ass. If I remember the night correctly.

4th September 2013, 10:25 AM
And a big oily ass. If I remember the night correctly.

oh wow, didnt need to be reminded of that one! good ol vegetable oil if i remember correctly? hahahah thanks for the reminder mego!

4th September 2013, 11:31 AM
i did see some of what was said and i was very surprised as to how things got out of hand so quickly, not sure what happened there?? still dont. anyway water under the bridge as far as i am concerned, big rig has always had great input here and been willing to help out wherever and whenever he could and it would be a shame to loose him, good luck mate and all the best. Hope to see you back here.

4th September 2013, 11:40 AM
Well well well. Seems I have missed a bit over the last week or so.

Scott. You are a C#@t of a man, but our C@#t of a man,

4th September 2013, 12:21 PM
My bloody internet goes down for a week and all hell breaks loose.

To Bigrig(aka Scotty), mate you will be missed, I had the pleasure of speaking with him personally very early in the piece but have never met him, what a great bloke.

Mate I wish you all the best to you and your family and much success in your business venture. I hope one day you may be allowed back here when the dust has settled.

But till then, take care and all the best.


4th September 2013, 12:24 PM
oh wow, didnt need to be reminded of that one! good ol vegetable oil if i remember correctly? hahahah thanks for the reminder mego!

Your very welcome, it's funny how some memories are wiped from our frontal lobe.

4th September 2013, 12:25 PM
Scott. You are a C#@t of a man, but our C@#t of a man,

Well said. Roflmao.

4th September 2013, 12:33 PM
To all,

Just spoke to Scotty on the phone, he has had phone problems and lost a lot of contacts, so to all of those who may be interested in keeping in touch with him if you have his number get in touch by phone or text.


4th September 2013, 01:02 PM
Can I ask is this in relation to 3 dogs vendor thread??

4th September 2013, 01:13 PM
To all,

Just spoke to Scotty on the phone, he has had phone problems and lost a lot of contacts.......

Girls tell me that all the time

4th September 2013, 01:24 PM
Girls tell me that all the time

hahah that old chestnut! poor fella

4th September 2013, 02:51 PM
Met Scotty at AB's and he was a laugh with his quick wit!

Theres not much more i can say about him from when i met him that already has been said before so i'll just wish him all the very best with his family and business and hopefully one day he may grace us with his presence on the forum again.

4th September 2013, 02:53 PM
Can I ask is this in relation to 3 dogs vendor thread??

No mate, it's a number of things that accumulate

4th September 2013, 03:04 PM
And a big oily ass. If I remember the night correctly.

I didn't spend the night at AB's place, so I couldn't tell you if his ass was big, or oily, for that matter. Care to elaborate on how you saw his ass in an oily state, Mego?

4th September 2013, 03:11 PM
What happens at church stays at church..... I

4th September 2013, 03:47 PM
What happens at church stays at church..... I

Not if a royal commission gets involved!

4th September 2013, 04:01 PM
Hmm, sounds like you are a bit worried there, Lucas, cause, I didn't spend the night and "Mums the word" amongst those that did. You're gunna spend a few nights, out in the cold lonely bush with those same blokes! Enjoy mate, enjoy...

4th September 2013, 04:08 PM
Hmm, sounds like you are a bit worried there, Lucas, cause, I didn't spend the night and "Mums the word" amongst those that did. You're gunna spend a few nights, out in the cold lonely bush with those same blokes! Enjoy mate, enjoy...

Do you have a double swag Lucas?

4th September 2013, 04:09 PM
Hmm, sounds like you are a bit worried there, Lucas, cause, I didn't spend the night and "Mums the word" amongst those that did. You're gunna spend a few nights, out in the cold lonely bush with those same blokes! Enjoy mate, enjoy...

And a night at the church too... He's in for a shock!

4th September 2013, 04:09 PM
Do you have a double swag Lucas?

The trick with a swag is to go 1 wide, 2 high.

4th September 2013, 04:10 PM
Don't worry Lucas as you will be safe from Winnie as he will fall asleep after a couple of V.B's and not even stir for a Roast Lamb Meal

4th September 2013, 04:11 PM
Don't worry Lucas as you will be safe from Winnie as he will fall asleep after a couple of V.B's and not even store for a Roast Lamb Meal

I am still spewing about that roast lamb! (not spewing up)

4th September 2013, 04:13 PM
Bugger me - a couple of months away and everything changes! Looks like I've got some catching up to do!


4th September 2013, 05:19 PM
I didn't spend the night at AB's place, so I couldn't tell you if his ass was big, or oily, for that matter. Care to elaborate on how you saw his ass in an oily state, Mego?

It involved lotsa alcohol and NissanNewby and Scotty showing what a Qld moon looks like.

4th September 2013, 05:26 PM
And a night at the church too... He's in for a shock!

I reckon I go harder on a regular weeknight

Don't worry Lucas as you will be safe from Winnie as he will fall asleep after a couple of V.B's and not even stir for a Roast Lamb Meal

Maybe if I can get him to drink proper beer he'll want ti stay up longer ti keep drinking it!

Sounds awesome bob, I wouldn't fall asleep, I'd be greatful for some hot lamb!

4th September 2013, 05:56 PM
Ok then, I don`t know Scotty/Bigrig, but it is always a shame when somebody falls out with his "virtual Pub", whether they think there is a reason or not, it kinda dilutes the place.

Internet forums are not real life, sometimes you have to think that way and appreciate the "real life" friends you have made through the "virtual place", accept that they are worth more than some other guys who have pissed you off.

People type stuff that they would not say face to face, the internet is like that,always will be, ain`t worth getting strung up about it.

Basically, Scotty stop being such an arse and get yourself back to the bar,i`ll stand you a beer, you big mardy..............:)

Well said Fracster!



4th September 2013, 06:44 PM
G’day folks,

Farkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, have I missed something here? I am totally farken confused to what is going on!

I know I am Irish and sometimes a farken little slow on the up-take, however, can somebody please have the decency to inform me what has occurred!

Like I say, “Life is like a piece of shit, it is great until you step in it” I know, I have stepped in enough farken shit over the years to know!

Trendsetters, with all relationships, you are going to have your ups and downs, with great camaraderie (goodwill and light-hearted rapport between or among friends) on this forum we must always remember the spirit of friendship and trust between friends, even if one of us crosses the line and offends someone at times. ("We are Human Beings not farken machines")

We must always remember, it takes a good Man or Woman to say sorry or apologise for an action or indiscretion that they may have caused against another person, however, it also takes a better Man or Woman whom forgives and keeps the camaraderie in a group together.

As previously stated, i do not know what has happened, however, Fark, if it is a simple case of "full off piss, bad manners and a few wrong words scenario", then we should all relax and live and forget, tomorrow the sun will shine again!

So Scotty/Bigrig, you are not allowed to leave this forum and that my fussy arsed friend is an order!

PS, fark, if anyone needs a kick in the arse at times, it should be me. lol



4th September 2013, 07:08 PM
accept the mans wishes folks and let sleeping dogs lay

4th September 2013, 08:03 PM
accept the mans wishes folks and let sleeping dogs layFair comment fella.

4th September 2013, 08:18 PM
Frakster if I ever meet you face to face i'll have some good Aussie untypable words for you bwahahahahahahahahahaha

4th September 2013, 08:21 PM
PS, fark, if anyone needs a kick in the arse at times, it should be me. lol

I can arrange that for you fella :D Just let me know what you prefer to be kicked with and it shall be done ;)

7th September 2013, 05:25 PM
We all say things in the heat of the moment that we end up regretting, hell I do it all the time, its the wog blood in me, thats what I'll blame :) Anyhow, let bygone be bygone I say. That ship has sailed. I only met you once and I was kinda stunned when all this came a head.
You know the door will always be open here for you. Best of luck in the future.

8th September 2013, 02:06 AM
I also met Scotty at AB's during the working bee on healys truck.

mate we will miss your expertise .

gq tankl

4th October 2013, 12:14 AM
Scotty, I'm sure you're still lurking here and enjoying the break. Hope to see you return, your chair is still at the table :)

4th October 2013, 12:46 AM
mmm, as the old saying goes.........

Don't hold your breath !...................... may as well put his chair on ebay :hpfredgeorge1:

Love him or hate him, pretty sure this lil budgie has flow the coop (or been kicked out by the other tweety birds depending on how you look at it)

But I can let you in on a secret, he'll definitely be back here on February 31.

4th October 2013, 01:37 AM
The same day you're allowed to take under size muddies :)

4th October 2013, 07:48 PM
mmm, as the old saying goes.........

Don't hold your breath !...................... may as well put his chair on ebay :hpfredgeorge1:

Love him or hate him, pretty sure this lil budgie has flow the coop (or been kicked out by the other tweety birds depending on how you look at it)

But I can let you in on a secret, he'll definitely be back here on February 31.

I taut I taw a puddy tat.......lol

I think you are correct Steve, I can't see him coming back.

So how would the ebay ad read for the chair...........

Once frequently used and highly fashionable. Allegedly had a place around the table with the knights and dined with gods.

Better quality then the newer plastic models and if treated correctly would serve you better.

Regretful sale, only brought about due to the announcement of the 4 horsemen. :smile:

4th October 2013, 07:53 PM
I taut I taw a puddy tat.......lol

I think you are correct Steve, I can't see him coming back.

So how would the ebay ad read for the chair...........

Once frequently used and highly fashionable. Allegedly had a place around the table with the knights and dined with gods.

Better quality then the newer plastic models and if treated correctly would serve you better.

Regretful sale, only brought about due to the announcement of the 4 horsemen. :smile:

Tastefully gussetted to suit a vast wasteband

4th October 2013, 08:00 PM
Something like this I rekon