View Full Version : Preparing for the Middle!

2nd September 2013, 06:57 AM
Building up the Ol' Patrol for the Meetup in the Middle (was going to happen anyway haha). Started this thread to hopefully get people to add/comment on what I'm planning on install before the time!

Currently thinking:

Drawers (Provided i can convince someone to let me use their workshop for the build)
Snorkel for Milweld, not just for the trip but would help with the dust.
Water Bladder, which I am going to put over the read foot well once the seats are out.

Possible additions:

Dual Batts
Alloy Radiator

If anyone has any idea of extras would be much appreciated. I'll keep adding as i think of it but this is just a small list thought of at the end of a long night shift.

2nd September 2013, 08:24 AM
Dual batteries should be higher on the list I reckon, more important than drawers. I would not get an alloy radiator but a HD copper one, apparently alloy is not very good with the harsh situations we put our 4WDs in.

2nd September 2013, 09:13 AM
Cargo barrier is a must have

2nd September 2013, 09:45 AM
Yeah, I was thinking that the only reason drawers are up there because I could probably know a set up fairly easily. Forgive me for being naive but what are the main benefits of dual batteries? Only quite recent to the world of 4x4s.

In relation to the cargo barrier I'm going to have a look at a roof cage and cargo barrier this weekend that my mate took of his Patrol, just got to see how they will fit in with the SWB.

2nd September 2013, 09:47 AM
I didn't realise that about the alloy radiators, the current one in there has to be changed out soon so I'll check out a HD copper one!

2nd September 2013, 11:31 AM
What about a long range tank and a roof rack?

2nd September 2013, 11:41 AM
The idea behind a dual battery set up is so you can run a fridge , camp lights and your UHF off the AUX battery leaving your start battery for that just starting.
Redarc do a great dual battery isolator. . High on a list would be long range tank, mainly if doing the Simpson desert, Cargo barrier will allow you to pack to the roof.
I'm not a fan of drawer systems as they are 80kg empty, But with proper selecting you might be able to use plastic storage crate, or even space cases all clearly marked.
How many going??

2nd September 2013, 12:06 PM
I assume you have good shocks and springs with some lift, if not that is the first thing I would do as the Simpson is harsh on suspension.
As Winnie & TD said, a long range tank otherwise you have carry several jerry cans.
I think drawers or shelf is a good idea as you end up with a flat floor for packing and easier to tie things down to stop movement over the bumps.

2nd September 2013, 12:26 PM
you can get a water bladder approx 20 litres that fits between the outer steel skin and the inner plastic panel on left hand side from rear wheel arch to rear door fills the air space in the cavity i think "float pac " make them.

2nd September 2013, 03:51 PM
A mate has one of these bladders and I will be getting one also as it fits perfectly across the floor of the 2nd row seats
( providing you don't have large kids or adult sitting there) and his kids were walking on it to get out of the car.
Its also a good way to keep the weight down low.

When I get mine I'm thinking I may get a quote on getting a divider in mine incase I get a leak all wont be lost


One like this may also work if you have a cargo barrier
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Hanging-water-bladder-tank-60-Ltrs-for-4x4-Camping-Fishing-and-Boating/321154938550?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222002%26algo%3DSIC.FIT%26ao%3D1%2 6asc%3D163%26meid%3D995826231495010103%26pid%3D100 005%26prg%3D1088%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D3211465 72299%26

2nd September 2013, 04:42 PM
Change all belts and hoses then use the old ones as spares.
Avoid if possible a roof rack it only elevates your centre of gravity
Tyre repair kit ,Jacking plate 300mm x 300mm square, Tarp that can be used to lie on if repairs need to be done.
and first thing to get is an EPIRB. or hire a satelite phone
Spread your water around in different size containers <Cause if you have it in one and it leaks, you could be rowing that dirty creek