View Full Version : charlie borman GQ sliding on snow in africa

29th August 2013, 09:14 PM
Did anyone else see the Charle Boorman extreme frontiers last nite? i saw a bit of it before i went to sleep and they had a GQ up in mountains in snow fanging it with no chains! ended up very close to cliff faces a couple times but the last one was crazy. the african guy driving had never been up there in snow before and was fanging it, spinning all 4 and starts goin backwards and fast too. he did quite well to pull it up and not hit the embankment or go over the cliff, but my god ya would have been shittin ya self. why no chains has got me beat. Charlie should know better.

29th August 2013, 10:41 PM
Nah mate, what channel?

29th August 2013, 10:43 PM
sbs last nite

29th August 2013, 10:47 PM
Will have to keep an eye out for the series.......... Enjoyed Long Way Round and Long Way Down with Ewan McGregor. I forget what the other one he did was called but had to travel to Australia using various firms of transport.

29th August 2013, 10:49 PM
yea i cant remember right now either but ive enjoyed all his shows. :)

29th August 2013, 11:48 PM
I knew it would come to me eventually......... It was called "By any means Necessary"

30th August 2013, 12:23 AM
he also did the dakar and the hard road from sydney to tokyo by any means

30th August 2013, 08:40 AM
ah yep thats the names of other ones :)

30th August 2013, 11:40 AM

SBS TV Catch up, the 20min mark is the bit I think you are talking about

30th August 2013, 01:06 PM
Charlie should know better.

Unfortunately he doesn't seem to.
I felt so sorry for his team in race to Dakar. They worked extremely hard just to have that fool flopping all over the BMW.
That's why I can't watch his shows. It's almost like Russell quoits outback adventures! Lol

30th August 2013, 02:12 PM
Unfortunately he doesn't seem to.
I felt so sorry for his team in race to Dakar. They worked extremely hard just to have that fool flopping all over the BMW.
That's why I can't watch his shows. It's almost like Russell quoits outback adventures! Lol

yep kinda reminded me of russel too. that guy is pretty careless. a bit of a cowboy IMO. its hard to say cos obviously we werent there, but i think that they were terribly unprepared for that trip to the top of the mountain... it owuld have been alot easier with chains, a winch and an anchor...

30th August 2013, 02:36 PM
Unfortunately he doesn't seem to.
I felt so sorry for his team in race to Dakar. They worked extremely hard just to have that fool flopping all over the BMW.
That's why I can't watch his shows. It's almost like Russell quoits outback adventures! Lol

Must admit that although I watch his shows, because adventure travel is an interest of mine, I do tend to find him a bit of a tosser. He & his mate Russ have made an industry out of the association he had with Ewan McGregor in 'Long way round'.
He seems to spend half of each episode whinging & making excuses. The other half is spent talking up his activities as dangerous, even though the accompanying footage generally shows otherwise. Not surprised the GQ slide was used in the promo, it was the one exciting (& dangerous) part of the episode.

I wouldn't mind if the focus was on appreciating the people & country, but the focus is always on 'adventure.

30th August 2013, 03:19 PM
its all done in the name of TV ratings folks lol

30th August 2013, 03:53 PM
its all done in the name of TV ratings folks lol

So is big brother!

30th August 2013, 04:20 PM
big brother is just soooooooo 90's

30th August 2013, 04:24 PM
It's sooooo a lot of things!

30th August 2013, 07:50 PM
Brown pants moment much lol.
That is why I dont do passenger ha ha