View Full Version : More dick heads out there

29th August 2013, 10:58 AM
I just found this pic on a 4wd page on Facebook. They found it in walhallah near the otools camp site
Would hate to see a child or anyone stand on that.
This would do massive amounts of damage to your car.
This gives me the s@$&s
They are getting more extreme.

29th August 2013, 11:00 AM
Just been posted on the "what makes me angry thread". It's utter crap hey?

29th August 2013, 11:04 AM
Pics are a bit small but if injury or God forbid worse happens , these clowns could be up for Manslaughter.
What gets in a persons brain to do stuff like this. If a group of 4x4ers came across anyone found with this can only think what would happen.
Be vigilant look and take rego's, keep these clowns away from the forests

29th August 2013, 12:24 PM
I just found this pic on a 4wd page on Facebook. They found it in walhallah near the otools camp site

That community has been having a few problems with hoons over the past year. Only recently one inconsiderate person (or a group of them in the one car) tore up the free roadside camping areas out there and left doughnuts and wheel marks all over town.

I however do not think this is a good idea. Set up some remote IR cameras in the trees overlooking the campgrounds and you will eventually catch these ratbags whoever it might be. Then report it to the correct authorities and let them handle it.

Just my two cents worth



29th August 2013, 01:40 PM
That is pretty extreme and I hope Its not the local council laying these to get hoons.. There are better options..

We visited a local cemetery over the weekend as my wife loves photography and enters some comps.. But there was bloody burnouts all threw the car park.. FfS, can't the past rest in piece..

29th August 2013, 02:30 PM
If a fatal accident occurred the police would get the person responsible.

Why cant they pursue the irresponsible who did this?

Why wait until something bad happens?

29th August 2013, 02:54 PM
We visited a local cemetery over the weekend as my wife loves photography and enters some comps.. But there was bloody burnouts all threw the car park.. FfS, can't the past rest in piece..

It was probably people there burying a mate. Not saying that makes it ok but I've seen burnouts at funerals plenty of times

29th August 2013, 03:10 PM
The world is full of muppets and I'd say it'd be hard to track these ones down.

I just hope these things are removed before someone is hurt.

29th August 2013, 03:31 PM
It was probably people there burying a mate. Not saying that makes it ok but I've seen burnouts at funerals plenty of times

So have I, but at the scene of the accident.. Not the cemetery..

29th August 2013, 04:02 PM
when I worked in the timber industry and there was a bit of HUFF and PUFF between the loggers and protester we often had spikes banged into our logs,not a good idea when your the benchman,I can remember a whole set of saw teeth in the roof above my bench....Until someones gets seriously hurt I think they won't be bothered..

29th August 2013, 04:13 PM
They use those infra red remote cameras to detect illegal rubbish dumping .
As rkinsey says set them up, catch them in the act and let the proper aurthorities deal with it

29th August 2013, 08:41 PM
Here is a bigger picture


29th August 2013, 09:10 PM
There were similar incidents of this type of useless behaviour in the pine forests not too far from the border. It has made me wary of going on some of the tracks over that way. Imagine the outcry if a family gets hurt or killed as a result of rollover from a flat tyre. There should be steps taken to catch these criminals, but I would think it would not be a priority until such a tragedy occurred.

29th August 2013, 10:10 PM
Wonder if this was for the bikes or 4wds..... I don't condone this sort of behaviour at all, but having watched the antics of some bike riders at some of the spots near residential areas, I can 'nearly' understand why these things are put out there.

Fair dinkum, I have seen guys pull up right near all the houses, unload their bikes, and then proceed to roar up and down the road near the car for hours on end, whilst there is 100,000 acres of bush nearby.

I hope that no-one gets caught on one of these spikes - as I have seen a six inch nail through a friends foot before, and it wasn't pretty.
