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27th August 2013, 11:16 PM
G,day, I live risks managed. Family believe I need back up? Scuba,work,fish, 4wd.

27th August 2013, 11:25 PM
Sooo, you want a GPS tracking device? Got one in my car. easy to fit and cheap too.

28th August 2013, 06:36 AM
Sooo, you want a GPS tracking device? Got one in my car. easy to fit and cheap too.

I think Daz is talking about a personal locator ( PLB ) rather than car tracker

And yes they are a cheap piece of gear to carry with you and should be on everyones recovery tool list

28th August 2013, 07:28 AM
it is similar to an EPIRB with 3 buttons you can press, eg press "A" all is ok proceding to next camp
"B" have mechanical problem but mobile again and "C" send help injured non life threatening,
along those line

28th August 2013, 07:48 AM
Thats a spot unit threedogs but I dono if they are waterproof for scuba diving

28th August 2013, 08:00 AM
Don't you tug the rope 2 times scuba diving, not sure of one for scuba
unless you can use those underwater communication helmets. should always
have a buddy diving on someone in a boat

28th August 2013, 08:58 AM
I think Daz is talking about a personal locator ( PLB ) rather than car tracker

And yes they are a cheap piece of gear to carry with you and should be on everyones recovery tool list
Hmm o.k. I know of the EPRIB but not of the PLB. Whats the difference? My Car tracker has its own battery backup and it's also portable so you can stuff it in your bag...Not waterproof but water resistant.

28th August 2013, 09:04 AM
I think the difference between an EPIRB & a PLB is that the EPIRB is acceptable for use off shore because it floats, whereas the PLB doesn't??

28th August 2013, 11:26 AM
Did they recently just change the name to PLB.???

28th August 2013, 01:03 PM
Did they recently just change the name to PLB.???

Nope mine's called the wife!

28th August 2013, 01:09 PM
Hmm o.k. I know of the EPRIB but not of the PLB. Whats the difference? My Car tracker has its own battery backup and it's also portable so you can stuff it in your bag...Not waterproof but water resistant.

Personal Location Beacons work in exactly the same way as EPIRBs by sending a coded message on the 406 MHz distress frequency which is relayed via the Cospas-Sarsat global satellite system.

However, there are a number of differences between them. PLBs are designed to be carried on the person so they are much smaller, some such as the Fast find are not much larger than the size of a mobile phone. PLBs are designed to be used anywhere in the world, on the sea and also on land. Some don't float but may come with an additional floatational sleeve which they should be carried in.

PLBs, once activated, will transmit for a minimum of 24 hours; while the battery life on an EPIRB is at least double (a minimum of 48 hours). An EPIRB is registered to a vessel, whereas a PLB is registered to a person. This means that if you are crewing a yacht and you swicth to a new yacht the plb is still correctly registered; however, if you have an EPIRB and buy a new yacht you will need to re-register it when installing in your new boat.

Source: http://www.epirb.com/difference_between_EPIRBs_PLBs.php



28th August 2013, 04:21 PM
I have mine dual registered with the Patrol and fishing boat.

29th August 2013, 09:35 PM
Hey sorry guys, Prob too many TEDS that nite, didn't explain myself clearly enuf.
Olds bought me GME ACCUSAT MT410G. Thnx Toddie for explaining.

Yes waterproof and floats.
Cheers Daz

15th December 2013, 04:33 PM
PLB &. Epirb are submersible to 1m FYI

15th December 2013, 05:41 PM
Nothing like an ankle bracelet the Government give you then, lol