View Full Version : Ban the Super Trawler for good.

23rd August 2013, 01:52 PM
There is currently a two year ban on Super Trawlers in Australia, but the Liberal Party and some Independents did not support the ban. A Federal Court challenge could overturn the temporary ban on Super Trawlers any day and neither of the major parties have yet supported a permanent ban on Super Trawlers!


Folks please consider doing your bit. The link takes you to a page which makes doing so easy. A pre written email unless you wish to compose your own. Just enter your postcode & it automatically brings up your local candidates & addresses the email to them. Quick & easy & could save our fish stocks from unsustainable plunder.

No need for forum debate about the Super Trawler. Either send an email or don't depending upon your views.


23rd August 2013, 02:17 PM
Done my bit and forwarded on to other friends. Thanks.
Can everyone please get behind this campaign.

23rd August 2013, 02:26 PM
Cuppa, I am a believer. Done.

23rd August 2013, 02:39 PM
Done cuppa


23rd August 2013, 02:40 PM
im down on it. i had a read through the template, real good stuff there.


23rd August 2013, 02:50 PM
Hey I did it without the PC going Boom,

23rd August 2013, 04:07 PM
I don't fish but just for you cuppa supported the cause and shared it on 2 faceache pages :)

23rd August 2013, 04:22 PM
I don't fish but just for you cuppa supported the cause and shared it on 2 faceache pages :)

Thanks, but this is about more than protecting the interests of those who fish. this is about protecting our marine environment & the future of our fish stocks. Anyone who wants our fish to be available for Australians to buy/eat in the future should be concerned. The super trawler is just a 'miner' of the sea, which doesn't care about wrecking things for the future when enormous profits can be made today. Fill the holds of the factory ship, & move on to more productive parts not yet destroyed. Profits made from selling our fish cheap to someone else.

Once it's gone it's gone.

Sir Roofy
23rd August 2013, 04:27 PM
Done:smile: if its not banned will be more shark attacks

23rd August 2013, 06:27 PM
Once it's gone it's gone.

Too true. Theres a reason that the ship came from the northern hemisphere to rape our waters.....it's because there's f all left to rape where it's from.

And on another note, I don't why people are in such a hurry to plunder anything and everything in our country!?
Just slow it down

23rd August 2013, 06:43 PM
Done and passed on to all I know!

23rd August 2013, 06:48 PM
Done, done and done

23rd August 2013, 06:59 PM
And on another note, I don't why people are in such a hurry to plunder anything and everything in our country!?
Just slow it down

At risk of going off topic ............You're speaking my language. Much as though I'm not happy about mining buggering up our environment & feel that the costs of REAL environmental care should be built in to the cost of the mined natural resources, I also think that we should be in no rush to get it all out of the ground, only to sell at firesale prices to overseas interests. Dig more slowly, charge a bit more & have something of value for years to come. Rushing around in the boom cycle like greedy chooks squawking "more money, more money" is cutting of our nose to spite our face. Sure it creates jobs ...... For a while.....until the bubble bursts. It also creates increased divides between the haves & the have nots & encourages an 'I'm alright Jack' attitude (for those on the right side of the fence) rather than a strong & fair community.
Yeah I know, I'm just an old green lefty. :)


23rd August 2013, 06:59 PM
Done. The whole concept is disgusting! Those fish stocks are ours, no govt has the right to sell or give them away unless we say so :(

23rd August 2013, 07:05 PM
At risk of going off topic ............You're speaking my language. Much as though I'm not happy about mining buggering up our environment & feel that the costs of REAL environmental care should be built in to the cost of the mined natural resources, I also think that we should be in no rush to get it all out of the ground, only to sell at firesale prices to overseas interests. Dig more slowly, charge a bit more & have something of value for years to come. Rushing around in the boom cycle like greedy chooks squawking "more money, more money" is cutting of our nose to spite our face. Sure it creates jobs ...... For a while.....until the bubble bursts. It also creates increased divides between the haves & the have nots & encourages an 'I'm alright Jack' attitude (for those on the right side of the fence) rather than a strong & fair community.
Yeah I know, I'm just an old green lefty. :)


and that bubble Cuppa appears to be slowly letting out air as we speak...............

23rd August 2013, 07:11 PM
I also think that we should be in no rush to get it all out of the ground, only to sell at firesale prices to overseas interests. Dig more slowly, charge a bit more & have something of value for years to come. Rushing around in the boom cycle like greedy chooks squawking "more money, more money" is cutting of our nose to spite our face. Sure it creates jobs ...... For a while.....until the bubble bursts.


yeah im not against mining at all. It has probably the best area used versus dollars made ratio of anything really. Way more money in a 3 square km of mine than in 100 square ks of this damn forestry down here.

and yep, the stuff in the ground isnt going anywhere and its only going up and up and up in value..... in another 50 years (let alone 100, 200 years) how much more money can we make off the same amount?

23rd August 2013, 08:41 PM
Done Cuppa, thanks mate

23rd August 2013, 08:49 PM
Done - Agree with you on this.

23rd August 2013, 09:28 PM
Done ..........

23rd August 2013, 09:31 PM
Done, thanks for bringing my attention to it Cuppa.
Even shared it on Facebook, only thing I have ever shared.

24th August 2013, 08:20 PM
Got an email reply from the Greens today-

Dear Tony,

Thank you for your email.

The Greens believe that, given the lack of information about the impactthat this technology may have on our fisheries, the precautionary principleshould apply and that super trawlers should be banned from Australian waters.

We believe that in general the onus of proof for new fishing technologies suchas super trawlers should be reversed, so that things like super trawlers arebanned from our waters in the first instance; localised depletion andby-catch concerns must be scientifically proven to be unaffected by the newtechnology before it is ever allowed in our waters.

The Australian Greens care about our marine life and want to see our fisherieswell managed so that they continue to thrive into the future.

Greens MLC Mark Parnell hasspoken out on this in the South Australian state parliament with a motion“to recognise the growing community opposition to the FV Margiris super trawler,and to call on the federal government to prevent the trawler's operation inAustralian waters.” You can read the full transcript here:

http://markparnell.org.au/speech.php?speech=1186 (http://markparnell.org.au/speech.php?speech=1186)

Greens Senator, RachelSiewert, federal Fisheries portfolio holder, has been an active campaigner onthis issue as well, stating “This Government, and indeed future Governments,need to ensure sustainable management of our oceans and the protection of thefish stocks that support communities around our coastline.” Read all about ithere:

http://rachel-siewert.greensmps.org.au/content/media-releases/greens-respond-super-trawler-announcement (http://rachel-siewert.greensmps.org.au/content/media-releases/greens-respond-super-trawler-announcement)

http://rachel-siewert.greensmps.org.au/content/transcripts/joint-press-conference-super-trawler-and-mining-royalties (http://rachel-siewert.greensmps.org.au/content/transcripts/joint-press-conference-super-trawler-and-mining-royalties)

You can find all of theGreens fully costed policies at http://greens.org.au/initiatives-and-policies (http://greens.org.au/initiatives-and-policies)and if you’re interested in helping the Greens at a polling booth on electionday please sign up at http://www.greens.org.au/electionday (http://www.greens.org.au/electionday) Your presence can makea real difference to the outcome of this year’s federal election.

Thanks again for taking thetime to contact me about this issue.

Best wishes,


24th August 2013, 08:22 PM
Got the same but from the member in our electorate.

24th August 2013, 10:28 PM
The greens have been the only party to respond to me so far........poor form!

24th August 2013, 10:51 PM
Had nothing from anyone over here

24th August 2013, 10:53 PM
Had nothing from anyone over here

2 hr time difference :)

24th August 2013, 11:18 PM
Had nothing from anyone over here
Do you have the Greens over there? I thought the mine owners would run them out of town.

24th August 2013, 11:22 PM
Yeah mate, they're here but I've yet to see them out and about lol

27th August 2013, 08:25 PM
Got a couple of responses from over this way.

First the Greenies - very chatty people these Greens

Thanks for your email. The Greens do support a permanent ban on super trawlers in Australia and will do all we can to make this happen. See link for a press conference on this issue from the Greens.


Then the Swan district Labor bloke, who has plenty to say..............

Dear Adrian,

Thank you for your email regarding the temporary ban imposed by the Federal Government on the Supertrawler. As you are no doubt aware, Seafish Tasmania recently applied to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) for a fishing permit to use the Abel Tasman to process small pelagic fish species caught by other vessels operating in the Small Pelagic Fishery.

Last year, we acted to prohibit the super trawler from operating because it is not clear what the impacts will be and we needed to make sure that the science was right.

While the new proposal may have been a compromise, from their point of view, but it does not alleviate community concerns about environmental impacts. Protection of our oceans has to be the most important principle.

The previous minister made the decision to prohibit the new activity.

Unfortunately, Coalition MPs consistently supported the super trawler by voting against the legislation that allowed this ban to happen.

Fishing communities around Australia should be very angry that the Coalition would be so careless with their future.

We shouldn’t be taking risks with our oceans. We know that the super trawler could have an impact on endangered and migratory species like dolphins, sea lions and sea birds. Australia’s fisheries are among the most sustainable and best managed in the world.

The Labor Government has taken action to strengthen the sustainability and management of our fisheries in the long term and strongly supports scientific work into the recording of the impact of new methods of fishing.

Kind regards,

Team JB

And oddly enough, nothing at all from the Libs - how odd

27th August 2013, 08:35 PM
Done...... not much for the Greens myself but I never liked any right wing groups... oops did I say right wing I meant very far left!!!

27th August 2013, 08:38 PM
Got a big long email response for my local ALP bloke (well his reply biatch anyway)

27th August 2013, 08:39 PM
Just done that, thanks Cuppa.

28th August 2013, 07:25 AM
Cheers guys. It's something pretty close to my heart as the vessel (or more importantly it's support boat) would have been based out of Devonport which is not far from where I live. I can't believe the short sighted supporters tried to justify its existence by the 20 jobs it would have created in Devonport! It's so short sighted to swap all that destruction for 20 jobs.

28th August 2013, 07:56 AM
Good to see that some folk have received responses from their local candidates. That's more than I have, not a dicky bird from any of them!

29th August 2013, 10:09 PM
Still nothing from the Libs

30th August 2013, 07:53 AM
Still nothing from the Libs

If you want to hear from them all ya gotta do is come up with an idea and they'll be along to criticise it in no time!

7th October 2013, 11:21 PM
Now with the election over, let's see where this heads?

8th October 2013, 06:17 AM
Now with the election over, let's see where this heads?

Good bump. Yeah I wonder what will happen. I have a bad feeling that we are about to head back into rape and plunder mode......

8th October 2013, 06:59 AM
I have the same feeling.

8th October 2013, 11:00 AM
Rant mode on.

I'm pretty certain of it. :( It's what this trade agreement with China in the next 12 months is all about. Get the agreement & worry about the details later. Details like make as much short term profit as possible by selling our resources for far less than they are worth, whilst encouraging us to rape & plunder as much as possible. We'll be told that it's good for employment, but it won't be good for long term secure employment, it wont be good for our children's employment, & to boot we'll leave our kids & future generations country & oceans that are damaged & depleted. We have the capabilities of doing enormous irreversible damage in a short space of time. Abbot is attempting to reignite the Chinese led resources boom. When will folks like him learn that by definition, booms are followed by 'busts', & busts hurt . Well they hurt some, but perhaps not the minority who profited from the boom. They talk of 'trickle down econmics' - I've never seen an evidence of it, instead the divide between the 'haves' & the 'have nots' simply widens further.

Grrrrr ...... end of rant.