View Full Version : 2.8 Turbo diesel engine

23rd August 2013, 11:26 AM
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. Anyway I have a 99 model 2.8l turbo diesel patrol. It's great driving long distances in it on the highway as its great on fuel and it performs well on the beach in the soft sand.
What I want to know is, what are they like when you take them off road. Like mud, rocks, hills? I live in Alice Springs and would love to start doing trips through the deserts etc but unsure if it has enough power at times.

Would be great to hear from anyone who has one or knows about the 2.8l engine models when taken off road.


23rd August 2013, 07:16 PM
G'day Kano,
had a 4.2D and a 3.0CRD but no 2.8 so I'd be guessing.
Reckon though the condition generally of the wagon would be more important than the cubes for remote work. There's magic around Alice but if the wheels were a bit on the stuffed side I'd not be going real remote on my own. You've got the question of ancillary equipment as well. Go prepared. Rocks or sand or mud? Probably an influence on tyre selection.
Good condition will be good generally but regardless of engine, I've never tried for a speed/time record over or through anything. A good 'troll driven sensibly will chug just about anywhere.
Good luck and enjoy

23rd August 2013, 07:57 PM

People go bush in all sorts of vehicles.... just get it checked or serviced by your mechanic - let them know you are going remote, and make sure that yours is in good condition and off you go.

Your 2.8 will be OK to go wherever you want to take it.
