View Full Version : Who needs a snow trip

20th August 2013, 08:19 AM
.....when we have our own. This is what we work up to this morning.

20th August 2013, 08:22 AM
Awesome cuppa great shots too

20th August 2013, 08:28 AM
your a lucky bugger cuppa! what i would give for that to wake up to...

20th August 2013, 08:30 AM
Wow ... now I have seen your place first hand it really gives me a better understanding when you post pics like that!!!!!!!!!

20th August 2013, 08:43 AM
your a lucky bugger cuppa! what i would give for that to wake up to...

Wanna buy a house?

20th August 2013, 08:49 AM
Wanna buy a house?

would love to mate, only reason im stuck in sydney at the moment is the missus, ive been trying to escape for years!

20th August 2013, 08:57 AM
How has your stock handled the cold, Cuppa? Our goats have been constantly moving to escape the worst of the wind and rain.

20th August 2013, 08:58 AM
Love it! I wish I was waking up to those sorts of sceneries. During my younger years I was growing up in shoulder height snow during winter. Haven't seen that for 20 years now.
Beautiful shots Cuppa.

20th August 2013, 12:18 PM
would love to mate, only reason im stuck in sydney at the moment is the missus, ive been trying to escape for years!

You could buy our 76 acres of mountain for the price of a Sydney car port! Bargain self sufficiency & surrounded by 4wd bush tracks in every direction. We're hoping it'll be on the market within the next couple of months. ;)

How has your stock handled the cold, Cuppa? Our goats have been constantly moving to escape the worst of the wind and rain.

About to find out. Am going out to feed out a bit of hay to the cattle. Had to go into town to the Doc's first thing this morning, just got back, snow has turned to light drizzle at the moment, so I suspect the snow will be short lived. It averaged between 2" & 4" deep this morning. Deepest non drifted we've ever had is thigh deep in years gone past. Usually get two to four light falls like this each winter, but this winter's been mild & it's the first we've had. Looks nice but it's a pain in the arse. Snow always means extra work in some way.


20th August 2013, 12:29 PM
You could buy our 76 acres of mountain for the price of a Sydney car port! Bargain self sufficiency & surrounded by 4wd bush tracks in every direction. We're hoping it'll be on the market within the next couple of months. ;)

thats what ive been telling her for years she just doesnt wanna listen! so your selling up to get on the road mate? 76 acres sounds like a dream!

20th August 2013, 12:30 PM
Far out cuppa, that's awesome! How high up are you?

20th August 2013, 01:01 PM
Looks awsome cuppa , I've never seen snow , its on the list though


20th August 2013, 01:53 PM
Far out cuppa, that's awesome! How high up are you?

600 metres Winnie.

Just back from checking things. All good, including the youngest of the lambs (9 days old). Cows were keen on the hay judging by the way they charged up the hill when I called them. Goats had found a spot out of the weather. No trees down. After a week of extremely high winds (could feel the house shaking & it's a brick house!) it's great to have some relatively calm weather again.
Amazingly for here with all the weather we've had in the past week, our power has only been out once for around 4 hours. We are at the end of a SWER line & power loss is fairly common whenever we get heavy weather, but is usually restored within a few hours. More of an inconvenience than a problem when it occurs though. Our cooking & heating is all either wood fired or gas & if I really need to use a power tool, I just fire up the little Honda gennie. We also have a couple of emergency battery powered LED lights indoors. Actually when it happens, getting snowed in is quite nice & cosy generally, especially as I get to have MrsTea home with me for an extra day (or two). Because we are only a little above the snow line, if we turn left out of our driveway & head down hill the snow generally peters out within a couple of kilometres, but gets deeper if we turn right & head higher towards Balook & Mt Tassie.


20th August 2013, 02:57 PM
Snowed last year too hey Cuppa?

20th August 2013, 04:02 PM
Snowed last year too hey Cuppa?

At least once every year since we've been here TD.