View Full Version : My brother in law pissed me off.

17th August 2013, 12:46 AM
I have known my wifes sister in law for over 18 years as I met them on the same night .

Now this Sunday we are going out for a drive with the kids and today my brother in law turns to me and says " I hope the weather is shit so Sab(His wfe) stays home"... then repeats his comment again 5 min later???

A moment later his wife calls me into the kitchen to ask about food for the day and while I was talking about options he butts in with "The weather is going to be shit" hoping she will say I am staying home..

Now I love my wife so very much I want her to experience all there is and see what I see when I go to some of these remarkable places... I want my whole family to come.....???

Dont get me wrong I enjoy a boys weekend but I think talking down about your wife is so demeaning and I dont understand it at all........ My wife is my best friend and my rock!!!

When all is shit in the world she is there for me and keeps me planted.... I cant understand those that talk down about there wives and put them into the nagging bitch category ??

I love my mates and spending time with them but its my family that truly fills me with joy and makes me want to experience all there is of this great land and share it with them and have many things to talk about for years to come...........

17th August 2013, 12:55 AM
Go to bed ya big drunken soft shite............. And yes, I agree but they do nag on occasion, as we all do ;)

17th August 2013, 01:06 AM
Lmao, couldnt have put it better. Could he be taking the piss my wife and I do all the time.bu not behind each others back

17th August 2013, 01:35 AM
He's loss........foolish!

17th August 2013, 01:56 AM
Just feed it back lol. Tell him he can stay at home if he's worried about the weather.

17th August 2013, 05:38 AM
Just feed it back lol. Tell him he can stay at home if he's worried about the weather.

Addaboy. Lol

17th August 2013, 06:56 AM
Look the knob straight in the face as day,"why do you do that to your wife?"
He will think about what hes doing...will probably give some sort of answer so he doesnt look like a dick in front of you but he will think.

My wife pulled me up one day, id gone from being a larakin to a sarcastic c#@k and i hadnt realised... i love her and i nipped it in the bud

17th August 2013, 09:37 AM
Yeah thanks guys... pretty pissed last night but it did annoy me as it is my birthday and I just wanted both our families to go and enjoy the day with all the kids.

I think if he does say something again I will pull him up on it..

Now to nurse this hangover???

17th August 2013, 10:13 AM
Yeah thanks guys... pretty pissed last night but it did annoy me as it is my birthday and I just wanted both our families to go and enjoy the day with all the kids.

I think if he does say something again I will pull him up on it..

Now to nurse this hangover???

You're a good bloke BA............. Have another VB, that'll help lol

17th August 2013, 10:25 AM
Your in a touch and go situation coz if you say something too harsh you will have dramas. I would go about it 2 ways, firstly i would just got to your sister in law and organize you day trip with her or get your wife to pull her brother up and make her look like the bad guy lol

17th August 2013, 10:37 AM
Your in a touch and go situation coz if you say something too harsh you will have dramas. I would go about it 2 ways, firstly i would just got to your sister in law and organize you day trip with her or get your wife to pull her brother up and make her look like the bad guy lol

Good old Georgina, hiding behind a girl!

17th August 2013, 10:49 AM
Good old Georgina, hiding behind a girl!

Hahaha your funny..

Its not hiding mate, let me put it this way if i have a problem with something one of my mrs relos does i'll get her to say something first coz its her family and i'm am an outsider, if they arc up then i'll put my 2 cents in ( but they usually get 50 from my girl lol ) plus my mrs is better at talking than me coz i'll get angry then tongue tied and i'll end up smacking teeth out of peoples faces lol .

There has been times that i've had to put my mrs relos in there place coz they have ganged up on her and start targeting her coz they are in the wrong and push the blame over to her coz of her dads situation. But thats a different story that i'll tell you face to face...

17th August 2013, 10:57 AM
happy birthday BA, dont let it worry you too much mate, just have a quiet word with him and say i dont treat your sister like that so dont treat your wife like that, he will either take it on board or not.

17th August 2013, 11:00 AM
happy birthday BA, dont let it worry you too much mate, just have a quiet word with him and say i dont treat your sister like that so dont treat your wife like that, he will either take it on board or not.

His b'day is tomorrow mate lol

17th August 2013, 11:11 AM
Hahaha your funny..

Its not hiding mate, let me put it this way if i have a problem with something one of my mrs relos does i'll get her to say something first coz its her family and i'm am an outsider, if they arc up then i'll put my 2 cents in ( but they usually get 50 from my girl lol ) plus my mrs is better at talking than me coz i'll get angry then tongue tied and i'll end up smacking teeth out of peoples faces lol .

There has been times that i've had to put my mrs relos in there place coz they have ganged up on her and start targeting her coz they are in the wrong and push the blame over to her coz of her dads situation. But thats a different story that i'll tell you face to face...

Let me put it this way:

It was a joke and you got all d and m so I have quoted your post but I haven't read it, Lol

17th August 2013, 11:26 AM
Lifes way too short to be finding faults in others,
lets those with no sins cast the first stone.
Just fning enjoy

17th August 2013, 11:40 AM
Well said TD.

17th August 2013, 11:42 AM
Thought you'd like that one, now to hard wire my engel,[again]

17th August 2013, 11:44 AM
Let me put it this way:

It was a joke and you got all d and m so I have quoted your post but I haven't read it, Lol

Yeh i know i thought i would make my point clearer thats all.

I'll leave the d'n'm for you and winnie while your holding hands in october lol

17th August 2013, 11:53 AM
I am not finding them like its a bloody Easter egg hunt... they are just there being thrust into my face!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so now I am very hung over and grumpy........

17th August 2013, 12:26 PM
I am not finding them like its a bloody Easter egg hunt... they are just there being thrust into my face!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so now I am very hung over and grumpy........

So what's wrong then...... Seems like a normal day for you :p

17th August 2013, 12:58 PM
So what's wrong then...... Seems like a normal day for you :p

Yes all is normal........ now come and help me fit this brake controller!!!

17th August 2013, 05:17 PM
Bring your car over tonight to my place and we can fit it in my garage while we drink more beers :)

17th August 2013, 05:22 PM
There's a plan if ever I've heard one

17th August 2013, 05:34 PM
Soooo now know how big a softie you boys can be ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

17th August 2013, 05:54 PM
Soooo now know how big a softie you boys can be ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

Boys a bitchy mate...lol

17th August 2013, 05:56 PM
I work with a bunch of bitchy whinging girls ... I mean BOYS!!! They are far worse than us girls (well all 4 girls that work there)

Good to see blokes actually sticking up for us girls !!

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

17th August 2013, 06:56 PM
I now have to tell my brother that Erica is sick so tomorrow is in jeopardy...

Mark there is no way I am heading round there again!!!

You get me pissed then you start drinking coffee....