View Full Version : Thanks

13th August 2013, 08:01 PM
I just wanted to thank a few people that have helped me with getting my rig to the stage it is at.

Well firstly would be the old man who has helped me rebuild the motor not even a month after buying it as well as moving his cars out of the garage for the couple of weeks it took to strip and rebuild, would also like to thank mum for putting u with the mess and everything else that goes along with that.

Daz (dads sparky mate) who helped me wire up the turbo timer.

BA (Jonathan) If it wasnt for BA I would not have a winch (fitting as well), then fixing and re-fitting once fixed. I would also not have the light bar installed without the advice and some small bits to help wire it in. Along with the swag he gave me. I have never met a more helpful generous and person.

Mudski (Mark) for lending me your uhf for the snow trip.

The misses for putting up with the times I have been stuck/wanting to work on it and singing off on the finances.

So thanks heaps to all the people that have helped me over the years. If the world had more people like them and those on this forum that have that helpful nature it would be so much of a better place.

13th August 2013, 08:25 PM
Your very welcome.

Wait. Hold on. It's not for me is it.
You a good bloke and deserve the help you get. Cheers.