View Full Version : Tough Mudder

11th August 2013, 02:11 PM
Well, Saturday of this week I will be running tough Mudder, a 20km SAS designed obstacle course.

Is anyone else on here taking the challenge?

Should be fun seeing as how i am fat and slow!


Anyone ever run it before?


11th August 2013, 02:43 PM
Is this the 2nd time its been run, in my hey day would not hesitate.
Always loved these type of commando style courses

11th August 2013, 02:50 PM
My mate does. Should be called stupid mudda. Lol. Gotta be nuts to do such a think IMO.

And that explains a lot TD...

11th August 2013, 04:42 PM
Nope, not stupid. Just something a bunch of mates heard about and decided to have a crack at for bragging rights.

I just decided I won't do too badly. I was running up and down a muddy hill with snatch straps fora hilux last night and it wasn't too bad.....


18th August 2013, 07:07 PM
Well, I did it!!! Fairly slow but for a fat bloke not too bad. At the risk of stating a massive debate, I have to say that the hardest obstacle was drinking a vb at the end. Seriously. I was parched and needed a beer but that stuff was just plain disgusting. Had to go back and drink the muddy water instead!

I reckon we should start a nissanpatrol.com.au team for next year! Whaddaya reckon!


18th August 2013, 07:32 PM
Well, I did it!!! Fairly slow but for a fat bloke not too bad. At the risk of stating a massive debate, I have to say that the hardest obstacle was drinking a vb at the end. Seriously. I was parched and needed a beer but that stuff was just plain disgusting. Had to go back and drink the muddy water instead!

I reckon we should start a nissanpatrol.com.au team for next year! Whaddaya reckon!


Good to hear.. Where is it held each year..

18th August 2013, 09:01 PM
Sunny coast, Sydney and Melbourne.


18th August 2013, 09:12 PM
Sunny coast, Sydney and Melbourne.


I could be keen to do Melbourne's next year..

18th August 2013, 09:50 PM
Well done mate, no easy feat!