View Full Version : hey kids..

6th January 2011, 02:14 PM
figured it was about time i got some pics up..

Just a few for now, check the Album.

Let me know what you think.. The ti is a write off and the rx is the replacement.. :thumbup:

6th January 2011, 02:58 PM
Cannot see any Pics

6th January 2011, 03:12 PM
Cannot see any Pics

Go to his profile a check his album

6th January 2011, 03:14 PM
Great pics mate, thanks for sharing!

6th January 2011, 05:32 PM
Hey buddyl, Welcome aboard the Trol express,
Simply the best forum around. Heaps of handy information,
Great bunch of people with a s*** load of knowledge, experience and adventures to share.
Plenty of good laughs along the way as well and lots of pics to check out. We love em

Good luck, Welcome aboard and Enjoy the ride
Hope you have a great 2011.
Happy trekin buddy, stay safe

Cheers Pete

6th January 2011, 05:41 PM
Hey Fockaluck, welcome and enjoy the forum

Finly Owner
6th January 2011, 10:25 PM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House

Nice triplets


6th January 2011, 10:28 PM
Welcome Fockaluck, enjoy the forum mate

7th January 2011, 07:15 AM
welcome great pics mate

9th January 2011, 07:50 AM
G'day mate - welcome aboard. (sorry for the copy and paste introduction, but been away for over a week and a lot of catching up to do!!! LOL). As you've no doubt noticed, heaps of useful information, great people and a good laugh to be had on the forum so make the most of it and get amongst the conversations. I'll be sure to suss out the album when I get through reading the THOUSAND posts or so I missed whilst I was away!!! LOL ...

25th January 2011, 10:45 AM
Welcome on board & I hope you enjoy the forum.