View Full Version : About to buy a 4.2 int TD, any comon problems to check

1st August 2013, 11:14 AM
??? Anyone got any idear on what to check

1st August 2013, 11:26 AM
History, history, history, overall condition will be a reasonable test of how its been treated
4.2td what BTW GU or GQ

1st August 2013, 11:32 AM
If you can get it up to highway speeds. Check for steering wobbles, and warped brake disc.
Apart from that the usual oil colour, coolent colour.
If you have a raa or racv, or whatever it is in your neck of the woods they do a couple of free car inspections for you and a written report.
We'll worth it imo.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

1st August 2013, 11:35 AM
What not to look at? Would be an easier question to answer. Look at absolutely everything. If you can what westy suggests is good too.

16th September 2013, 05:39 AM
Thanx fellas, It was a 03 GU 4.2 Intercooled TD. Only had 150 thou on the clock. Car is excellent for its age, old bloke owned it and looked after it. Got it for 26 grand.

16th September 2013, 05:46 AM
Thanx fellas, It was a 03 GU 4.2 Intercooled TD. Only had 150 thou on the clock. Car is excellent for its age, old bloke owned it and looked after it. Got it for 26 grand.

By the sounds of it, you got a great car at bargain basement prices.

16th September 2013, 06:13 AM
Thanx fellas, It was a 03 GU 4.2 Intercooled TD. Only had 150 thou on the clock. Car is excellent for its age, old bloke owned it and looked after it. Got it for 26 grand.

:eek: bloody hell.. Jealous..

But congrats on the purchase mate.

16th September 2013, 04:11 PM
See, us old blokes do serve a purpose :)

16th September 2013, 04:14 PM
Highway robbery well done ,

5th September 2014, 06:49 AM
Fantastic price mate my son has been looking for one in WA and found rubbish for twice that price and twice the mileage