View Full Version : Overseas call centre called me a.....?

27th July 2013, 06:08 PM
Here I am minding my own business when I get a call from an overseas number to be told my Microsoft computer is corrupted and bla bla bla..

After a trail him along a bit I then I inform him I am on the DO NOT CALL register in which he tells me he is going to f"Łk my computer and my mother is a mother f$Łker and all sorts of other shit...

The cheeky prick.......... told him to come here for a holiday so I could stick a shotgun up his nose!!!!

27th July 2013, 06:12 PM
Get them all the time as soon as I know its a call centre , no if, ands or buts I hang Up.

27th July 2013, 06:21 PM
I was getting calls from the same call centre every afternoon around 6-7pm for a few weeks, first few calls I politely said I wasn't interested and not 2 call this number, after it continued I just picked up the phone and didn't say anything and waited for them to hang up, calls continued.......Finally had enough and after picking up the phone and knowing it was a call center I placed the phone receiver up 2 the fire alarm and pressed the test button for a few secs. Only ever got 1 more call center call after that ( and I did the same thing ) :):):)

27th July 2013, 06:27 PM
When I know that it's an unsolicited call, I don't mean to be rude to them, so I tell them that now is an inconvenient time for me and would they mind calling back in an hour. I have never been called back yet and I have obviously missed out on some of the best offers out there for things that I don't want or need. Oh well, my bad,

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27th July 2013, 06:51 PM
I know what that's like. After telling one that I knew what he was up to then hanging up, the cheeky pr$ck rang me back and started abusing me. I hung up again and once again he rand me back. This time I recorded it and it went for 7 minutes! I could here his mates in the background and he was telling me he knew where I live and he was going to kill me etc etc. I just made all sorts of crude indian jokes and made animal noises at him until he gave up!

27th July 2013, 06:54 PM
I used to get a call around the same time every day, 5-6ish. So after the second day, I just had a Rick roll link setup and placed the phone right next to the speakers. This went on for further 3 days, and after that calls stopped.

27th July 2013, 06:55 PM
The other thing to do is tell them that the phone you are on is going flat and to hang on while you pick up the other handset, then simply put the phone down and walk away.

27th July 2013, 06:58 PM
I used to get a call around the same time every day, 5-6ish. So after the second day, I just had a Rick roll link setup and placed the phone right next to the speakers. This went on for further 3 days, and after that calls stopped.

I swear to god Hodgy if I start humming that song I am coming round to your place......?

27th July 2013, 07:04 PM
you guys are so cruel.i am quite different and are interested in them and how they are.So I ask them how are they,did I ring you,do you have a problem,where do you work,how much do you get paid,do you like your boss,when the last time you had a holiday.
I have a knack of winding people up and enjoy it with quite a few actually hanging up on me.I look forward to these call centre dudes and dudettes.
The blokes that ring you and say or ask if your computer is running slow I go along with them for a little while,then when I haver had my fun I tell them I have a MAC and don't run windows(which is a lie I do run windows)they also hang up really quick.

Actually I do miss talking to theses people but of late I have had no calls.Must be on there don't ring register

27th July 2013, 07:46 PM
I ALWAYS have fun with these clowns.
The best bit is because they are from non-English speaking backgrounds, they don't understand sarcasm.
I act all dumb like I believe them and get them all excited that I'm about to spill the secrets of my PC.
Last time my eldest daughter was pissing herself laughing as I yanked this guys chain and tried to get him to tell me which one of my computers it was that was infected. Was it the upstairs one? My laptop? The downstairs one? OMG could it be all of them???? LMAO.
Eventually just as they think I'm going to spill the beans I inform them that I'm actually a federal officer and that the call will be traced back to its origin no matter where in the world that is.......they hang up pretty quickly then.

Tip tip tip......tap tap tap....

27th July 2013, 07:54 PM
We don't have our land line phone plugged in anymore, but when we did I used to say
"Hello". Theyd start babbling away and mid sentence id say Hello, theyd stop and say hello then start again, then quizzically and a bit louder id say Helloooo and keep going till they hung up. One cock said you can hear me sir and I said no I cant........Hello hahahahahahhaahaha he hung up as well.
Then the one who rang telling me I had a virus on my computer can you turn it on sir so I can fix it for you. I say no sorry I cant turn it on. He asks why its very important I say cause I haven't got one you scamming #$%t @#$%^ &&*(^% went right off with every expeletive I know (I know a few) he hung up to never to call back.
Mmmmm may go and plug the land line in for some fun :)

28th July 2013, 02:50 AM
I had this same call, whilst I was at a clients house fixing their computer. I was sitting their doing my stuff, and the clients phone rings, and he's like "Huh! Hang on a minute..." He then gives the phone to me and it was these nig nogs trying to say they are now in the computer and can see it has many virus' and they could fix it. I asked him for the IP address of the computer he thinks he's in. He rattles of some random IP addy and it was totally wrong. After I told him he was wrong he just said thanks for wasting my time and hung up.

The Irony.

28th July 2013, 03:16 AM
I love these calls............ had a woman call with the usual scam about my pc having a virus, so just told them I dont have a pc so how is it possible ( same as Growlers). She hung up but no word of a lie, literally 5 minutes later they call again and its the same woman giving the same spiel............... so played along, pretended to to on my pc yadda yadda yadda, played extremely dumb kept her on the phone for about 15 mins before I got bored, then said to her, are you serious. You called be a little earlier and I told you then I didn't have a computer. She got her "supervisor" who then proceeded to to tell me he knows where I live and he was gonna ef me up the pooper. I said that's great, you're very welcome too but I don't think my boyfriend would be too happy.

28th July 2013, 01:56 PM
Love these Guys, lead them along for a while till I get bored then whistle down the phone, they don't ring back, don't know why:devilred: