View Full Version : Live & learn - I wish!

8th July 2013, 06:24 PM
It had been a long time, so long that I could't remember the last time I did it, but therein lies the problem! I had vague memories of it being an absolute pr*ck of a job & very messy to boot.
So when I dug out the trusty old Muralt grease gun that I've had for over 30 years to do one of those two minute jobs which always take longer, & found the grease gun was empty I knew it was not a joyous occasion. For those unfamiliar with this lubricating essential it looks almost identical to this.
http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2013/07/35.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cuppa500/9235675103/)
When you unscrew the end you find that attached to the T handle is a length of chain holding a large spring, which in turn pushes onto a plunger. It is this plunger which ensures the grease is pushed down to the business end of the grease gun, ensuring that pumping the handle does not just pump air. Having removed it I set about the messy business of filling the tube with fresh grease, finding one of MrsTea's long handled spoons from the kitchen useful for the task. Then came the really fun part, re-inserting the plunger, spring & end cap. After several aborted attempts because the task proved impossible (& ever increasing amounts of grease getting spread everywhere that grease should not be spread) I reasoned that the problem was that I had overfilled the bloody thing. So lots of puggling to extract much of what I had already put in, & I was beginning to resemble one of those sticky papers that are use for catching flies. Grease everywhere. But I was persistent. Each new attempt after the removal of a bit more of the grease saw me getting closer to achieving my goal of overcoming the pressure of the spring & being able to screw the end cap back on........ but with well lubricated hands the job continued to prove difficult. I swore & cursed at the designer of the instrument of lubricating torture, how could such a commonly used tool be such a pain in the friggin arse to refill. Asking myself that question, aloud, & at quite a volume suddenly had this grease covered & frustrated forum correspondent slapping the side of his head. Well almost, but I was smart enough to realise that my hands were covered with grease, & thus avoided the need to degrease my hair. The penny finally dropped! I was trying to fill the bloody thing from the wrong p*ssing end! Duh & double duh! When I finally removed the 'nozzle end', emptied all the grease out, inserted the plunger, spring & end cap, refilled the gun & replaced the 'nozzle end cap', it all proved quite simple. It was about half way through doing that, that I remembered going through exactly the same bloody process when trying to fill the gun in the past! I wonder if I'll remember before I start next time it needs filling?!

Anyone reading this who didn't know what I was doing wrong until the end? ;)


8th July 2013, 06:35 PM
I use the gun that you just insert the entire canister and bleed

Sent by dealing with motorcrap

8th July 2013, 06:36 PM
I also have the type your talking about but it sits in the shed on display for what not to use ;)

Sent by dealing with motorcrap

8th July 2013, 06:52 PM
Hi Cuppa

Ever thought of a career in stand up comedy?

I've almost done exactly the same but the penny dropped before I tried to put the grease in the wrong end. Sheer luck I suppose and not good management.

8th July 2013, 07:18 PM
you're just a bloody great shiela.
Real men fight the Bas***ds and never, NEVER, EVER give up.
Cuppa, I admire you. Mainly because I've been there and having done that know the effort you've put in. You're my hero. A living legend.

Wiz, that's not comedy, that's real life and truly, it sucks and then you die. Never laugh at the man's tribulations, even if they are hysterical.

P.S. I've now got one of those canister models but don't tell anyone.

8th July 2013, 07:26 PM
Cuppa, i reckon you should scratch or engrave "fill this end" onto the right end. OR lash out and by a nice new easy smart technologically advanced grease gun lol

DX grunt
8th July 2013, 07:29 PM
Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? hahahahaha.

I can't laugh. I'm still crying over me arking the dipstick on the + terminal - twice. lol

8th July 2013, 07:40 PM
Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? hahahahaha.

I can't laugh. I'm still crying over me arking the dipstick on the + terminal - twice. lol

you guys need to make a club................. lol oh yeah the POD club!!

8th July 2013, 07:43 PM
Far out Rossco
Never done it (yet, but I live in hope) but when I saw it, baby, was I impressed.
Truly impressed,

8th July 2013, 07:50 PM
Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? hahahahaha.

I can't laugh. I'm still crying over me arking the dipstick on the + terminal - twice. lol

HahahahahahahhahahHahHahhhhhahahaha funny stuff Rossco!!

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

8th July 2013, 07:50 PM
All podologists should have a little telltale 'notch' on the dipstick. It is evidence of pod club initiation! Only one notch needed. Rossco's just extra keen ........ you don't get promoted to Prez for nothing you know.


8th July 2013, 07:53 PM
I actually did a Rossco the other week when i put my air filter ontop of the battery. The metal ring around the filter arced and scared the crap out of me...lol

I thought of you straight away Rossco!!!

8th July 2013, 08:58 PM
Don't worry Cuppa, it just means with failing memories like ours, we discover more new things everyday.