View Full Version : Front Locker !

6th July 2013, 11:15 PM
Hey guys, so the next mod is a front locker on my gu patrol. I have been looking at the lock right front locker and eaton e-lockers, any advice on these? obviously u get what u pay for but i dont wanna fork out 2 g for a air locker. these ones are about 500

ALso any places south of river in w.a that are good for fitting lockers? or can they be done at home? no special tools ect.
Cheers guys

6th July 2013, 11:31 PM
Plenty of of threads in here on this subject...... I don't have a locker but from what I've read an heard from guys who have them, the auto lockers offer great value for money and can be a DIY jobbie.

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7th July 2013, 05:38 AM
From what I have seen on telly, if you do any sand driving a locker is not a good choice. Apparently when using a locker your tyres will bite in too much and just dig into the sand rather than letting you scoot across the top of it.
Could be wrong, prolly am, but they said this on telly a while back, and it kinda makes sense...

7th July 2013, 07:56 AM
Seems to be some sense in the idea of scooting across the top. If you are just doing some flat beach maybe ... Over here most of our 4x4 driving is just sand and I didn't think it would make much difference to have a locker. In the end I got tempted by all the talk and more affordable price of the Lokka and put one in my old Trooper (Jackaroo). It was definitely a noticeable difference. Better than I expected. Especially on a steep climb or anything with an angle to cross. I'm convinced now it's worth having. Also with a set of manual hubs to on/off one of these in the front is great I reckon. Cheap and simple.

Since upgrading to the Patrol it's been on the wishlist. After following BA's thread I just ordered a Spartan from ruggedrocksoffroad.com. Looking forward to comparing it to the Lokka. I assume they are pretty much all the same for these style.

Trying with Motorculture

7th July 2013, 09:25 AM
Is it just a case of too much traction, on sand.
As a normal 4x4 in 4wd only has two wheels driving it.
I'll still fit a Pro locker, Then I decide when to deploy it pitoo

7th July 2013, 09:44 AM
The E-locker is around the same price as an Air-Locker.

It sounds to me like you are trying to decide if you want to spend $500 odd on an auto-locker or more $$ on a selectable locker.

Both have their merits and there are many many threads debating the pros and cons.

Either way... it's a fun choice!

7th July 2013, 09:22 PM
Yep, either way you will never look back once you have had one. But big price difference between the auto lockers and the e-locker/air-lockers and that is the deciding factor for many.

7th July 2013, 10:27 PM
Any front locker in the sand will help when going "straight ahead", assuming you practice the usual correct sand driving methods.

The locked front diff problem comes when you want to turn, especially in soft sand, the front will not want to turn and will tend to plough straight ahead, the usual technique of hitting the loud pedal when turning (as works well with a open centre) only makes matters worse.

Now , this is where a "auto" lokka becomes advantageous over a normal locker, if you can re learn your driving technique, they can work great in sand, with the auto lokka, as you start your turn, you lift off the accelerator, once the front wheels are pointed in the directon you wish to travel, punch the gas like you would if you had a open centre.

It takes a bit of getting used to , but once you master this technique, the car will pull and turn in the sand like nothing else (much better than a open centre).

7th July 2013, 10:33 PM
For me definitely cost driven. For about 25% of the cost you get most of the benefits from an autolocker. Also easier/cheaper to install. I'm not saying I wouldn't have one of the others if cost wasn't an issue, but it is, so choice is simple.

Trying with Motorculture

8th July 2013, 09:51 AM
lots of information here;


I find my front auto locker awesome, but have never tried it in sand. Thinking about it logically; a tyre digs in when it starts to slip. It'll most likely start to slip with an open diff. With a locked diff, both tyres will be pulling equally, so both will be required to slip together before they dig in. Once they start to slip, both will dig in where-as an open diff, one will dig in. So with a locker, they are less likely to dig in, but when they do, you need to be ready to back up so as not to make it worse.

8th July 2013, 08:59 PM
Cheers guys !

10th July 2013, 01:29 AM
I've got an ARB air locker in mine - had it for 6 years. Can't comment on the others. Not great for going around corners, but it will if you need to. I only use mine in bumpy terrain where the lumps are likely to exceed wheel travel. Without it, once one wheel finds fresh air, the power on that axle shifts to the wheel of least resistance - the one in the air, so a temporary loss of drive on that axle. With the locker in, any fresh air still results in traction on that axle, even if there's one wheel in the air. For the question about lockers on sand, unless it is a bumpy exit, you probably don't need it. Just drop your pressures as required. That's my experience, anyway.

10th July 2013, 01:50 AM
Auto LoKKa brand for me !!! X a hazillion

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