View Full Version : i have arrived!!

1st January 2011, 04:11 PM
No Patrol Forum would ever be complete without ME LMFAO!!!

so i decided i'd show my face and my truck.

some of you will already know me, for those that don't, what bloody planet have you been living on?

First off

name: whatever you feel like calling me at the time, but most people call me stets, vegas, or some other derogatory term that suits the mood

region: the top end for now

work: name it, i have either already done it, or plan on doing it sometime soon

I have been around for a while, just not here.

1989 GQ, factory diff lock in the rear.

6.2 V8 diesel, TD 2" lift, superflex arms and a few other bits and pieces

pics from various stages over the last couple of years







1st January 2011, 04:18 PM
Welcome to the best forum around Buddy

1st January 2011, 04:21 PM
Just love the intro

Welcome to the forum stets,

Great bunch of guys and girls on here

Love the pics



1st January 2011, 04:29 PM
Welcome to the forum mate...great intro and nice rig

1st January 2011, 04:34 PM
Welcome to Trol town Bang, Great intro.
Good to see you on board the best forum around.
Great bunch of people with a s*** load of knowledge, experience and adventures to share.
Plenty of good laughs along the way as well. You will fit in quite well by the sound of it.
Your in trouble when Scotty gets back........LOL.
Great pics buddy and nice rig. Good to see you hold up the traffic for a promo shot....
Surf around and join in where ever you feel comfortable..Like I said for you that will prob' be anywhere.

Good luck, Welcome aboard and Enjoy the ride.
Hope you had a great new year buddy.

Cheers Pete

1st January 2011, 05:13 PM
Welcome aboard
Nice intro there to bud

Your not a bus conductor at all ???

"Tickets Please"

1st January 2011, 05:49 PM
Hey Stets, welcome mate it's about time you got here, enjoy.

1st January 2011, 06:00 PM
Welcome to the forums mate, great to have another member on board :smiley_thumbs_up:

1st January 2011, 06:45 PM
Welcome to the forum mate!
Im only new here to but what a great forum!

1st January 2011, 09:40 PM
Glad you made it here mate (I've seen you kicking around on patrol 4x4).

Bloody good bunch here & stuff all crap too which is a refreshing change so kick back & enjoy.


Finly Owner
1st January 2011, 11:01 PM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House Stets, I think Big Rig has some competition Boys..........


2nd January 2011, 12:14 AM
Welcome and hope you enjoy as I have so far in my short time here so far.

2nd January 2011, 02:34 AM
Oh My God What have I done :1087: Ill be kicken me self for this wont I, LOL Just kidden Mate Welcome to here :thumbup:

ps I like the look of the fourth vehicle up the hill in the second foto hehe

2nd January 2011, 09:04 AM
Welcome to the forum mate, feel free to ask any questions and join in the conversations.

Great photos too!

DX grunt
2nd January 2011, 09:18 AM
Welcome to the forum.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

2nd January 2011, 10:29 AM
Oh My God What have I done :1087: Ill be kicken me self for this wont I

hahahaha smartass

2nd January 2011, 10:31 AM
so i take it "scotty" and "bigrig" are one in the same?

bring it on, he has no chance!!!! lol

5th January 2011, 10:50 PM
Bloody Hell Stets! Where have ya been mate, we all been here waiting for ya mate. Bout Bloody time!

There is a thread on here somewhere where we all asked the same question, "Stets? why isn't Stets here yet? maybe he didn't get the email? who sent it?" I reckon they sent via Australia Post mate.

I know... you where waiting for the new year to roll in.

Welcome to the forum mate, enjoy.

Like the stickers on the first pic mate. Good job.

9th January 2011, 07:57 AM
G'day mate - welcome aboard. Great intro mate!!! (sorry for the copy and paste introduction, but been away for over a week and a lot of catching up to do!!! LOL). As you've no doubt noticed, heaps of useful information, great people and a good laugh to be had on the forum so make the most of it and get amongst the conversations. Don't forget to throw a few happy snaps of the rig up in the members ride section - we never get bored of looking at them!!!

9th January 2011, 09:30 AM
Good to see photos of a well used and used well 4x4. I'm jealous!

the evil twin
9th January 2011, 02:17 PM
Noooooooooo... 4,000 K's away and he still found us.

Maybe there's a Forum in Nuu Zeelund he hasn't found yet.

ROFL, Hiya Stets... Mrs Evil says G'day and sends hugs as well...

3rd March 2012, 12:39 AM
round 2

back again!!

this time in Geraldton WA ...... again, and this time for good hopefully.....

news? hell, i havent been out for a wheel in ages. transfer case chain is stretched and jumping teeth, too heavy to fix myself and no cash to pay someone else yet, so..... i bought a mazda bravo 2600 so i dont keep wearing out the old troll (after all it aint the yrs its the miles that make it age)

started up my own handyman, renovation, diy consultancy business and bloody hell it has taken off!!!

other than that.... they say no news is good news right?

3rd March 2012, 01:10 AM
Dont worry about the Patrol mate, you know if ya get stuck I will always come and tow ya out again.

3rd March 2012, 10:57 PM
Welcome back mate

3rd March 2012, 11:14 PM
G'day Mate - Welcome aboard join in when you are ready and have fun mate plenty to do see and if u have any problems just ask and im sure u will get an answer !! Bucket loads of usefull information here plenty to read so join in meet the great bunch of guys and girls on our wonderful forum !!

You will not be disapointed !!

