View Full Version : I don't know why, but.....

DX grunt
30th June 2013, 11:21 AM
Much of the WA Wheatbelt farming community is at a crisis point.

Some, if not most, if not all areas of the WA Wheatbelt, need rain desperately. I'm not talking about raining tomorrow, or the next day or next week - I'm talking about right NOW.

For whatever reason, it's been a very poor season for rain. It's July tomorrow and some crops haven't even broken the surface, while many are looking very, very 'ordinary'. As late as a couple of days ago, farmers were still putting in crops, and from kilometres away, you could see the dirt spiraling into the air.

Some farmers have been denied finance, while for others, this year's crop is make or break. Some may even just be walking off their land.

I have a real passion for our local farmers, even though I'm not one myself. These are Aussie families running small businesses, and the survival of many towns depends upon them.

Please, believe for rain now and thank a farmer for your next meal.

Take care out there.


30th June 2013, 11:31 AM
Sadly all farming is dependant on the weather, rain ,sun , frost and of course fire, all have an impact on quality and quantity of your yeild be it crops, meat or wool.
Buying in water is not really an option with the prices they want. Understand how banks can be nervous about lending out monies. What if no rain comes for 5 years??
The suicide rate amongst ppl on the land is on the rise I think as more and more just walk off after generations of farming, I too feel for them. but there is no magic
potion I'm afraid. You need to work with and around MOTHER NATURE

30th June 2013, 01:54 PM
.....and buy Australian

so far so good on motorculture