View Full Version : Winding back the Adometer

30th December 2010, 08:22 PM
No, this is not a "how to" post...lol

Just curious to read other peoples thoughts on this.

How do you tell if the clock has been wound back?

I was always taught that the numbers should all be perfectly aligned. They may be off centre but they should all be perfectly aligned otherwise they may have been tampered with. Also, checking the screws for paint wear, etc...

Now, I have attached an image of a car I saw for sale. I have seen a few adometer's that look very similar to this. So if you were checking out a car and saw this adometer would you be concerned?

I was, but I have also been known to be over paranoid.

Or could this just be the "7" still coming around after just clocking over?


30th December 2010, 09:03 PM
There's no way to be absolutely sure that the Odometer has been wound back or not. The numbers could be out of alignment due to wear in the mechanism. It's a gut feel thing a lot of the time, does the car feel like it's done more Km's than what the odometer suggests?


30th December 2010, 09:07 PM
If I saw that on my odometer I'd be stoked ... it would mean I've just wiped 40,000 klms off Tank !!!! LOL

I was always 'told' the same thing about the numbers lining up etc, but I suppose when you are driving around in a machine built with parts derived from the lowest bidder, then something has to wear out sooner or later ... and I'd prefer that it be the odometer than a diff, transfer case, etc, etc, etc ...

30th December 2010, 10:00 PM
Although I do agree with Tony's post I would have considered this clock a bit sus as only 3 out of the 6 numbers line up with each other & that would have had me looking closer at other things as Tony said "did it feel like the kms match the car"

Finly Owner
30th December 2010, 10:08 PM
I would be looking at engine oil, it should not look new at that reading, but should not look too old either.
Look for oil leaks where it is hard to gerney.
Check for blow by while running.
Take air filter off and check intake for oil residue.

Tap odometer and see if digits jump, if so, they are just worn.

31st December 2010, 08:43 AM
Wouldnt a quick check with main roads tell the Ks
When ya get a RWC done the Ks are written down im sure they are logged on the main roads computer,as winding of the clocks was a big thing a while ago (and probably still is)
Oil at those Ks IF not serviced regularly will be black as
A general check of the car mite help for a guage as to the Ks
Swapping dash clusters is also another thing people do

Sir Roofy
31st December 2010, 10:33 AM
very interesting looks a tad sus but why would the 7 fall into place after the 04 ? unless stuck or tampered with.

can the digital adometers be run back as well.


31st December 2010, 10:48 AM
Digital odometers can be wound back if you have the right equipment, however the original reading will usually be stored in an internal read only memory that only certain authorities can access.


Sir Roofy
31st December 2010, 11:01 AM
thanks for that tony so your average backyarder would have trouble with it


31st December 2010, 11:14 AM


Sir Roofy
31st December 2010, 11:37 AM
thanks tony

Finly Owner
31st December 2010, 10:30 PM
I firmly believe this clock the seven had just turned over and had not yet locked into straight line. These are only tiny cogs and are not a swiss built mechanism like a watck. They are factroy assembled parts that are produced cheaply. I believe if someone was going to wind back the odometer, they would hide the fact better than that.

But I am just one who thinks upside down.

1st January 2011, 01:13 AM
If the clock has been tampered with the cogs will be out. Thats my feeling ( not always correct)


27th January 2011, 02:37 PM
this is very interesting thanks guys