View Full Version : Adelaide to Uluru trip (and places in between)?

26th June 2013, 08:11 AM
Hey folks,

Trying to plan a trip from Adelaide to Uluru and various places in between.
Any suggestions on must-see places for this trip?
I have been told that Sept/Oct is best time to go, but any thoughts gratefully received :)


26th June 2013, 08:29 AM
How long is a piece of string, do you want to stray off track or stay on the main route ?

26th June 2013, 09:43 AM
Not a lot between there all tho we was rushing due to time!.. One place we did stop was cooper pedy has like an underground museum i think wish we stayed longer n done a tour ect but once again time was not on our side..

26th June 2013, 10:06 AM
Once at Uluru, you realy need to visit Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) as well, to walk the Valley of the winds. It's magnificent.
http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2013/06/147.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cuppa500/9137487849/)
It is also really worthwhile taking the extra drive to go to Kings Canyon.
Both require a reasonable level of fitness.

If you have time, going up to Alice in order to explore the East & West Macdonnell Ranges would also be great. I prefer the west. However a caution. I've 'done' them over a couple opf days, and also over a couple of weeks. The former was exhausting & had me wondering "why?", the latter had me hanging out for more.

As TD suggested, things to see on the way up depend on whether you are going up the Stuart, or wanting to get on the dirt.
Both are essentially journeys rather than destinations, remember this as you travel & you will get a lot more from it. Many folk drive up the Stuart & claim they have driven through 'nothing'! Don't rush, stop & go for little walks in the bush now & again to get your toes into the changing country you are driving through on that thin little ribbon of bitumen. The alternative to going up the Stuart is to go up to Marree & follow the Oodnadatta track. A bit more of an adventure, lots of history, & far more opportunities to free camp. Go up one way & return the other.
Coober Pedy is worth a night or three, it takes a little while to appreciate the real quirkiness that a couple of hours stop just won't see. Early morning at the Breakaways just north of Coober Pedy will get you a stunning backdrop for sunrise.


26th June 2013, 05:30 PM
Im interested to hear of ideas too. Mate from sydneys coming over and heading up. Be good to show him everyones thoughts.

26th June 2013, 06:38 PM
Thanks all!
I was thinking 10-12 days (ideally) but happy to go more of less if it means less driving per day. Prefer to avoid more than 6hrs drive per day ..... But happy to do more if it gets us to the next spot :)

Thanks Cuppa - v useful!
We're happy with either main roads or dirt ..... Looking forward to a break away and crossing off 'visit Uluru' from my bucket list :D anything else would be a bonus.

26th June 2013, 06:42 PM
If you go to Kings Canyon, fuel is expensive at Kings Creek Station. To get to Kings Canyon from the road it is a 6km walk.

dads tractor
26th June 2013, 10:14 PM
Run up the Oodnadatta track up to Kulgera out the to the centre of Au on the Finke Rd across to the Rock and Olgas camp at Curtain Springs used to be free camping around to Kings canyon (do it at night if a new moon is up speccy) Back to the hwy past the meteorite craters camp in the Oldest river in the world (Finke) and see Rainbow Valley then into Alice maybe.

26th June 2013, 10:18 PM
If you go to Kings Canyon, fuel is expensive at Kings Creek Station. To get to Kings Canyon from the road it is a 6km walk.

Are you saying you can't drive in any more? In 2009 there w as a car park just a few hundred metres from the entry into the canyon. We rode in on our trail bikes.


dads tractor
26th June 2013, 10:24 PM
I dont think so Cuppa the bus mob wouldn't stand for that

27th June 2013, 12:12 AM
The walk is apparently 6km from the car park. I didn't do research, so this was a surprise to us. At 6pm and still 36 degrees with tired children we decided to give bit a miss. Just doing a day trip loop from Alice, anti clockwise back around past kings canyon.

Another good spot is the 'largest permanent waterhole in the nt" about 70kms out of Alice. Take your swimmers and maybe floating something.