View Full Version : Close calls

20th June 2013, 01:08 PM
Hi all

This happened to me a few years ago but I thought I'd share the story anyway. Being a member of the navy we have annual dental and medical inspections. In recruit school my teeth were xrayed which showed some impacted wisdom teeth. They weren't causing me any issues but the navy would rather have them removed just in case I had issues while at sea, due to our ships not having any dental facilities to perform the surgery.
So anyway I went through the process of getting them removed. Had to go to the dental mob here on base, they did some quick inspections and assessments then referred me to a specialist mob that would perform the surgery. I had to visit the specialists for a consultation visit and talk about options and what not. So I did the hour trip up and visited my surgeon. He was a very strange bloke, freaky smile and just didn't seem right. When he asked if I wanted to be awake or put to sleep for the surgery he was pleased when I asked to be out asleep. Told me that he understands and it's a good idea.
After the consultation I had to wait about a month before they would actually perform the surgery. This was fine, my teeth weren't causing me any issues so I could wait. But then the day before my surgery, I get a call from the dental mob on base here telling me that my surgery had been canceled and that I'd need to go through the whole process again. I asked why, and was only told that my surgeon wasn't a surgeon anymore. This annoyed me as I had made plans and arrangements to stay local after the surgery and what not.
So months passed and I went through the whole process again. Surgery went fine, teeth out and I recovered fine. It wasn't until a month after my surgery, I was sitting in the car with my wife listening to the radio and my original surgeons name popped up. He'd been sent to prison because he used to molest his patients when they went under...
The first thing I did was check myself. I don't know why, I knew this guy hadnt had a chance to touch me, but I was one day away.

Anyone else got any close calls to share?

20th June 2013, 05:19 PM
Just imagine if you had the surgery and the day after you hear it on the radio.. it would always be in the back of your mind did he or didn't he

20th June 2013, 05:32 PM
Growing up, my best mate's dad was a GP. I was sat down to dinner with the family one evening & the conversation between the doc & his wife was about a surgeon at the local hospital who got his sexual jollies from amputations! I don't know how many patients lost bits of themselves unnecessarily, but distinctly recall the main part of the conversation being about the surgeon's wife putting her foot down & refusing to have any more toes cut off!


20th June 2013, 06:46 PM
I nearly fell in a jaw crusher clearing a blockage.
The other one was a few christmas's ago where I was on a shut down at a saw mill, I was plug testing contactors for a trim saw line, I got to the 7th contactor (21all up)and it didnt work. So I walked over to the apprentice who was watching the saws, then said fork it we will test the rest first. I turned around and went back to the switchboard, and the first contactor I plugged didnt completly break contact, (old switchgear) the door to the switch board was open ant at that time the only thing seperating me from the switchgear, It blew up. The contactor had a fault current rating of 65,000A, and it blew it to pieces, if it wasnt for the switchboard door I would have been seriously injured or killed.
I had all my statutory testing done before turning power on, which also saved me a sideways pineapple up the clacker fromnthe boss..

Hey parksy are you still at albatross? The old man works out there in training and development, ex sea king squadron ( cant remember if it 816 or 817)

20th June 2013, 06:59 PM
Blew the fork outa me self with a home made bomb

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

20th June 2013, 07:03 PM
Blew the fork outa me self with a home made bomb

Sent from my iPhone using Motorculture mobile app

Thats no fun you gotta tell the story.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

20th June 2013, 07:06 PM
Got called up for jury duty, like usual you dont know what the case is going to be and after 2 days I ended up in the final selection before going in for final selection in the court room.
With one hour to go we all get told we can go home, whooo. Turns out it was the case for the terror plot on the MCG and I would have ended up stuck there for 6 - 8 months.
Thank god they pleaded guilty at the final moment.

20th June 2013, 07:23 PM
Thats no fun you gotta tell the story.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

Loooong story short, x+y+glass bottle = bleeding 13yr old growler. 11 years later got a big zit on me chest and out of it came a shard of glass
Did learn from my mistakes and all my home made land mines worked puuuuuurfectly ;)

20th June 2013, 07:53 PM
Hahaha, that is so messed up, Cuppa!

Nissangq, I'd be a different person I think.

Beneboy, yep still at albatross. What's your old mans surname?

20th June 2013, 08:20 PM
We do fireworks around local area for New Years and big functions as my old man has the licence so always give him a hand!.. None of us get paid for it do it all for the fun!.
Anyway last year we was doing a show and it started to rain and some of the fireworks got wet so we had to light them a different way, me no thinking was lighting one and this went off straight away with me just over the top of it! Happened to get hit on the side of the face and ear ect. Nothing serious just couple of small burning feelings and small lose of hearing for a bit!
All is well and we are in the planning for our next big one!.

20th June 2013, 08:26 PM
My old man took us all over Australia dozens of times but I always remember the trip to Wonnangatta Station. Coming over the ridges to the valley can get tough and one time a car got stuck and they winched off a massive tree.

I was in front of the tree about 8 years old and the winch pulled the tree down and landed literally in front of me about 10cm's away. Naughty Daddy for not keeping an eye on his kids and silly AB for being 8 years old playing in front of a winched vehicle.

The tree had a girth of 1 metre and would've killed me instantly. Imagine that for my old man back then!

What no one knew at the time that it was pretty much hollowed out from the borers.

20th June 2013, 09:23 PM
I was working on my house exhaust fan in the bathroom that came on with the lights so I turned off the light circuit at the board and when I pulled the switch off the wall I accidentally touched the wire and it through me across the room, the dumb poos had wired it to the power circuit instead of the light circuit. Learned my lesson, all power circuits turned off before touching them.

20th June 2013, 09:47 PM
Well...... I was other dumb apprentice who drilled through a live 3 phase power cable.

And..... I was also the dumb apprentice who fell through a ceiling two weeks later.

And..... I have nearly rolled the troll down a mountainside. I was saved by a treein the right spot.


20th June 2013, 11:20 PM
We were behind an eighteen wheeler on the highway near Port Fairy when the trucks rear right side wheel came off. My missus was beeping and flashing our headlights as the wheel started to go along the other side of the road. After a few seconds it slowed a bit, hit a pothole and went between us and the truck, just as some oncoming traffic came past the truck. The wheel took off to the left and sliced through a fence and made its merry way through a paddock. The truckie pulled over just as the second wheel started to work its way off.

21st June 2013, 07:33 AM
Hi all

This happened to me a few years ago but I thought I'd share the story anyway. Being a member of the navy we have annual dental and medical inspections. In recruit school my teeth were xrayed which showed some impacted wisdom teeth. They weren't causing me any issues but the navy would rather have them removed just in case I had issues while at sea, due to our ships not having any dental facilities to perform the surgery.
So anyway I went through the process of getting them removed. Had to go to the dental mob here on base, they did some quick inspections and assessments then referred me to a specialist mob that would perform the surgery. I had to visit the specialists for a consultation visit and talk about options and what not. So I did the hour trip up and visited my surgeon. He was a very strange bloke, freaky smile and just didn't seem right. When he asked if I wanted to be awake or put to sleep for the surgery he was pleased when I asked to be out asleep. Told me that he understands and it's a good idea.
After the consultation I had to wait about a month before they would actually perform the surgery. This was fine, my teeth weren't causing me any issues so I could wait. But then the day before my surgery, I get a call from the dental mob on base here telling me that my surgery had been canceled and that I'd need to go through the whole process again. I asked why, and was only told that my surgeon wasn't a surgeon anymore. This annoyed me as I had made plans and arrangements to stay local after the surgery and what not.
So months passed and I went through the whole process again. Surgery went fine, teeth out and I recovered fine. It wasn't until a month after my surgery, I was sitting in the car with my wife listening to the radio and my original surgeons name popped up. He'd been sent to prison because he used to molest his patients when they went under...
The first thing I did was check myself. I don't know why, I knew this guy hadnt had a chance to touch me, but I was one day away.

Anyone else got any close calls to share?

That should only happen when you cross the equator :)

21st June 2013, 07:53 AM
Np99, doesn't happen anymore these days. At least not in our navy. Too much equity and diversity and policies and risks of being sued. But I've got my certificate saying I've done it. Don't need to tell anyone what happened though...

21st June 2013, 07:55 AM
Yeah, navy took the lead in squaring that away. It's a better ADF for it too.

21st June 2013, 04:07 PM
Growing up, my best mate's dad was a GP. I was sat down to dinner with the family one evening & the conversation between the doc & his wife was about a surgeon at the local hospital who got his sexual jollies from amputations! I don't know how many patients lost bits of themselves unnecessarily, but distinctly recall the main part of the conversation being about the surgeon's wife putting her foot down & refusing to have any more toes cut off!


Sounds like she was lucky to be able to put her foot down!!! LOL

21st June 2013, 04:16 PM
apart from a few near misses driving, the only thing I can think of is when I was about 10, we were away on holiday and I was playing on some rocks near the sea whilst my parents chatted on the jetty close by. They called me as they were leaving, but I'd gotten myself on a smooth, steep sloping rock covered in slime and I was slowly slipping into the sea!! Both my feet and hands were slipping and I couldn't get back up this rock. I was so afraid of getting bollocked of my parents for making such a mistake, that I didn't shout for help as they walked off, I just said "I'm coming"!! Fortunately, I just managed to get a drip on the top of the rock and saved myself, but I remember being pretty scared (I couldn't swim very well) and of course, still remember it distinctly 30 years later!

23rd June 2013, 03:41 PM
Belted myself in the face with a chainsaw at full revs early last year... I was bringing some thick hedges down to height, and the chain bit, and ran up a limb about 25mm thick (was using a farmboss ms360, should have cut through it like a hot blade through butter). Luckily The Bar hit the guttering above me, just as the chain knicked my nose. I got a nice scare, and a nice scare from where only 1 of the cutting teeth skimmed my nose!!! Close call, and now ALL ppe is worn no matter how small the job.