View Full Version : nads question?

6th June 2013, 09:27 AM
have done the full nads 5months ago and is doing everything it should without any issue's. [good egt and no over boosting]question is should the battery been disconnected for an hour or so to reset ecu after this mod?

6th June 2013, 11:13 PM
Some say yes. I say no. I have never disconnected the battery after doing any of this work. Doesn't really matter if you do anyway. Only takes a minute.

7th June 2013, 09:15 AM
not that I have any problems, I will be leaving it alone. but for others that my want to disconnect their battery to reset things, how long a time? is it just minutes or a lot longer.

7th June 2013, 09:36 AM
Half an hour is fine as a clean of the Maf can be done at the same time.