View Full Version : xmas message that hits home

26th December 2010, 09:29 AM
Guys had this one emailed to me today. Well worth a watch, but can be upsetting. It really hits home.

Warning - This video contains some very graphic material.

This needs to be passed around to everyone who has the keys to a vehicle.
This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and damn well made.
I think that Australia should be complemented on having the guts to "tell it like it is" and get this campaign out to all of its licensed drivers and to air it on TV...it is very moving and very life like…it has a very strong impact.


Cheers Pete

DX grunt
26th December 2010, 09:42 AM
Guys had this one emailed to me today. Well worth a watch, but can be upsetting. It really hits home.

Warning - This video contains some very graphic material.

This needs to be passed around to everyone who has the keys to a vehicle.
This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and damn well made.
I think that Australia should be complemented on having the guts to "tell it like it is" and get this campaign out to all of its licensed drivers and to air it on TV...it is very moving and very life like…it has a very strong impact.


Cheers Pete

Thanks Pete for sharing something I used to be involved in, for a living - road safety.

A special thanks to TAC Victoria, too.

I get goose bumps everytime I see this clip. Even shed the odd tear. Every time I see it, I see something new.

I could talk, and talk and talk, but the clip says it all. Watch out for peer group pressure too. Let your "no", mean "NO".

Thanks again Pete and TAC Victoria.

Take care out there.


26th December 2010, 11:24 AM
It is indeed a message all need to note. Unfortunately when I was a young fella I did a lot of stupid things (thankfully no one was hurt). It took me 15 years to wake up to myself. I think I chose my partner wisely as she is pretty much a non drinker. The only thing for all to be aware of is the lunatics around the place.

Showed my missus the vid and was upset by it.

Cheers for the find and be merry and be safe.

26th December 2010, 11:36 AM
Not nice to watch but good to be reminded of how easily this can happen to anyone...

Thanks for the reminder Pete.

26th December 2010, 11:45 AM
Thanks Pete, have not seen that ad on air in NSW. I do hope they do air it here.

It does hit home, My uncle was involved in the below accident on the 7th of May2010, he was working at the time ( own business ), even though he only had minor injuries, the mental scaring he still carries with him. I know he has not driven a truck since and does not plan on returning back to driving the truck for a living.

I have not spoken 2 him for a while but hear that he still hasn't driven any type of vehicle since the accident.

My uncle was not at fault, they believe the man was racing or "drifting" at the time of the collision.


The wreckage of the Mazda MX5 convertible. Picture: Bill Hearne Source: The Daily Telegraph

TWO young men have died in a crash involving a car and a truck that has blocked the Pacific Highway in Sydney's north.

The accident occurred about 11.30pm (AEST) last night at Cowan.
Two men, believed to be in their 20s, died when their Mazda MX-5 convertible collided with a truck on the Pacific Highway near Brooklyn Rd.
The truck driver was taken to the Royal North Shore Hospital and treated for minor injuries and shock.
The Pacific Highway is blocked in both directions, with all traffic being diverted from the highway onto the F3.

26th December 2010, 01:00 PM
Thanks Pete, have not seen that ad on air in NSW. I do hope they do air it here.

It does hit home, My uncle was involved in the below accident on the 7th of May2010, he was working at the time ( own business ), even though he only had minor injuries, the mental scaring he still carries with him. I know he has not driven a truck since and does not plan on returning back to driving the truck for a living.

I have not spoken 2 him for a while but hear that he still hasn't driven any type of vehicle since the accident.

My uncle was not at fault, they believe the man was racing or "drifting" at the time of the collision.


The wreckage of the Mazda MX5 convertible. Picture: Bill Hearne Source: The Daily Telegraph

TWO young men have died in a crash involving a car and a truck that has blocked the Pacific Highway in Sydney's north.

The accident occurred about 11.30pm (AEST) last night at Cowan.
Two men, believed to be in their 20s, died when their Mazda MX-5 convertible collided with a truck on the Pacific Highway near Brooklyn Rd.
The truck driver was taken to the Royal North Shore Hospital and treated for minor injuries and shock.
The Pacific Highway is blocked in both directions, with all traffic being diverted from the highway onto the F3.

Thanks for the post Todd. Got goose bumps just reading it.
Sorry to hear about your uncle buddy, Hope he's on the mend.
Just goes to show it doesn't have to be your fault and you don’t even need physical injuries for it to scar you for life.
There is just too much senseless waste of life in the world today.
Admittedly we have all done idiotic things in our lives, and when we sit back and reflect we sometimes think how lucky we are and how stupid we were.
Unfortunately some don’t get the chance to reflect back on it.
Please guys / gals, no-one is invincible some of us think we are but were not,
stop and think and be aware of the D***H**** out there, both on and off the roads.
STAY SAFE, so you can live to tell the tales of your adventures to your grand kids.

Cheers Pete

27th December 2010, 08:32 AM
Man that is a bloody shame Todd & its normally the way it go's in most cases which make it worse.

My Uncle was hit in the rear some years back just out side the Eagle on the hill in SA & the Woman driver of the car that hit him was killed. It took in years before he could bring himself to drive again but he did.

Thanks for the post mate.


27th December 2010, 06:11 PM
I have never seen that video before it certainly make one think that's for sure, scary stuff.

Finly Owner
27th December 2010, 10:05 PM
Well this christmas was my most sober and I didn't even see this. But well, you all have said it all.

10th January 2011, 11:00 PM
This is not so much a xmas message, but a message in general. I previoulys posted in this thread about my uncle that was involved in an accident ( not his fault ), finally caught up with him the other day and he is certainly not the same man I once knew, I did live and work with him 4 a year and I do know him pretty well. This man once was a very hard worker, had a few of his own businesses and was driving a truck doing a Paper / magazine run from Sydney back up the Central coast where he lived at the time of accident. Now he is a complete mess, won't drive at all ( he has a Patrol of course! ), he is not the best passenger 2 have in the vehicle, so i have been told. This man once was a very hard working independent man that now relies on other people...... and I know he hates the fact that he relies on other people :(

Not only be safe urself, but really know whats going on around you. Some things cant be avoided but that's unfortunately how life is, and we have 2 live with it

A news clip of the accident if anyone wants 2 have a look.


DX grunt
10th January 2011, 11:20 PM
This is not so much a xmas message, but a message in general. I previoulys posted in this thread about my uncle that was involved in an accident ( not his fault ), finally caught up with him the other day and he is certainly not the same man I once knew, I did live and work with him 4 a year and I do know him pretty well. This man once was a very hard worker, had a few of his own businesses and was driving a truck doing a Paper / magazine run from Sydney back up the Central coast where he lived at the time of accident. Now he is a complete mess, won't drive at all ( he has a Patrol of course! ), he is not the best passenger 2 have in the vehicle, so i have been told. This man once was a very hard working independent man that now relies on other people...... and I know he hates the fact that he relies on other people :(

Not only be safe urself, but really know whats going on around you. Some things cant be avoided but that's unfortunately how life is, and we have 2 live with it

A news clip of the accident if anyone wants 2 have a look.


Thanks Todd for sharing your life with us. Enough said from me.

Finly Owner
11th January 2011, 10:48 PM
Todd, Your Uncle is the victim here. He will live with this for the rest of his life and it wasn't even his fault. I hope he can get over it enought o at least believe it was not his fault. It will keep haunting him I'm sure, but with the support it sounds as if he is getting from family, it will get fewer and fewer times.
