View Full Version : Looking for a mechanic to install snorkel on a GQ

25th May 2013, 10:10 PM
Hey all,

We're getting the GQ ready for a trip over Queen's Bday weekend and first on the list is getting a snorkel fitted.

The ARB and Ironman places have quoted snorkel + labour approx $600, but I was wondering if anybody knows of a mechanic (inner Melbourne area) who would install a cheapo eBay snorkel?

Have called a couple of places but they only install the snorkels they sell which are Safaris etc and I'm not sure I want to spend that much; figured that as long as it's installed and sealed up properly, a cheaper model should do the job.

Any tips appreciated :)

25th May 2013, 10:21 PM
Hey mate, do a search for snorkel, a few members have installed their own and I am sure that there is a step by step instruction on how to do it somewhere here.

25th May 2013, 10:22 PM
Find yourself a small 4x4 accessory fitting shop, and ask them to quote.

Not sure who there is in the inner ring, but there are plenty of mobs in Bayswater , Dandenong or Sunbury way


25th May 2013, 11:29 PM
Not too difficult to fit yourself. Don't need a hole saw if you don't have one. Just remove the air box, mark the center of the intake hole in the inner guard with a center punch, then drill all the way through. This will mark your center point to punch a hole in the outside panel. If you have a hole saw, go for gold, if not, just mark out a circle of the correct diameter onto the panel and using a small diameter drill bit, drill along the marked circle, about 0.5 mm apart until all the way along the circle. Then use the drill and run it along the diameter of the circle. It will cut the gap between each drilled hole. Sounds dodgy but its common practice in the aerospace industry. File clean and u can dummy fit the snorkel. Marking mounting holes is straight forwards, as is connecting all of the intake together. Not difficult if you feel comfortable with hand tools.

26th May 2013, 10:24 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone! Will let you know how it goes .. now to choose a snorkel :)

29th May 2013, 12:34 AM
If you go onto iron man website it has a manual on how to install it might not be the same but gives you a good idea, or jump on ebay the people that sell them also have manuals on there website to download.

29th May 2013, 06:17 PM
thanks kkrogs, I was gonna get it fitted because I didn't have time to work it out before the trip I had planned.

but my GQ was stolen this week :(

so now I have lots of time up my sleeve but no patrol lol! ugh.

but the ironman manual sounds good, I hadn't bought a snorkel yet so might go for that when my GQ is safely returned to me in one piece (fingers crossed)

29th May 2013, 06:34 PM
I'll PM you my guys address, as long as you have everything template etc, charged my mate $150 I think took around 3 hrs from memory.

29th May 2013, 07:19 PM
Awh that's is fu*#ed up mate sorry to here hope you get it back

1st June 2013, 04:59 PM
oh wow thanks TD! that would be awesome. But only if you have time/enjoy installing snorkels though hehe. Will let you know soon as I know what's happening with the car, if we get it back (fingers crossed) or gotta get another.
