View Full Version : An observation

24th May 2013, 10:41 PM
Hey guys and gals - just an observation but I kinda feel the forum has turned into a Women's Weekly forum of late. This is not a bagging of AB, the moderators or members, but for gods sake - the over-sensitivity, minding our p's and q's and mindless bollocks that has been going on is doing my head in.

How about we get back to what this awesome forum was intended to be - not a place to file our fingernails but a place to discuss, brag, enjoy our Patrols, help a mate out, and just generally have a place to have fun.

Moderate me if you will - but remember - I've given a lot of my personal hours to help the forum out - and more so has AB and the mods - so for heavens sake - let's get back on track.

Please - no disrespect is intended to anyone - but if anyone does feel put out by this post - ask yourself why - and if the reason is because its interrupted your nail filing - well go figure it out!!


24th May 2013, 10:48 PM
Well jas you did interrupt my MANicure to read this post but I will forgive you because I agree. Lets have a bit of fun hey.

Now for my BCS waxing

Guns don't kill people, people with mustachios kill people

24th May 2013, 10:54 PM
But I've done over 14k of mindless bollox, no point changing now!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

24th May 2013, 10:56 PM
If you are going to use crude language like "p's and q's" I am out of here, this is a family forum you know!
No place for racy sailor blushing language like that.

24th May 2013, 10:57 PM
But I've done over 14k of mindless bollox, no point changing now!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

Yeah - but I like your mindless bollocks! :)


24th May 2013, 11:01 PM
Hey guys and gals - just an observation but I kinda feel the forum has turned into a Women's Weekly forum of late. This is not a bagging of AB, the moderators or members, but for gods sake - the over-sensitivity, minding our p's and q's and mindless bollocks that has been going on is doing my head in.

How about we get back to what this awesome forum was intended to be - not a place to file our fingernails but a place to discuss, brag, enjoy our Patrols, help a mate out, and just generally have a place to have fun.

Moderate me if you will - but remember - I've given a lot of my personal hours to help the forum out - and more so has AB and the mods - so for heavens sake - let's get back on track.

Please - no disrespect is intended to anyone - but if anyone does feel put out by this post - ask yourself why - and if the reason is because its interrupted your nail filing - well go figure it out!!


At last......... Some sanity :)

24th May 2013, 11:04 PM
Yeah - but I like your mindless bollocks! :)


I like them too, I've grown very attached to them over the years and have helped me through the hard times

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

24th May 2013, 11:10 PM
If ya get offended by what i read so far(as in i haven't found myself offended yet)you would want to camp next to me then...i do enjoy a drink ....and tell a story.....and quite often get reminded by the wife.......even though were in the middle of bumpharknowhere.Oooppps...that i should quiten down a little.......i have kids too but there not over my shoulder reading this are they.They spill me feckin drink and spill me ashtray.

24th May 2013, 11:14 PM
How about we get back to what this awesome forum was intended to be - not a place to file our fingernails but a place to discuss, brag, enjoy our Patrols, help a mate out, and just generally have a place to have fun

This comment inspires me jas. whilst I haven't been on here lately due to personal issues I've seen some issues on here too but it seems to be getting back on track bud.

I think it's all good now and at the end of the day it's a bloody popular forum these days and we all can't agree on everything. We are individual people with our own mindsets so one thing I want to say to everyone is please just accept some things that may or may not happen on here in the future and if you have any concerns then just pm me.

Don't be pissed off if we do or do not action something you should feel that should or should not be done.

I started this forum with good intentions for a friendly atmosphere of patrol loving members and I believe I have succeeded but we all can't hold hands and agree on everything in life unfortunately.

Whilst I think we can be soft sometimes in our moderation decisions that has been set in place from the very start of the forum 3 years ago by me of course to try and build something "different" I do believe the forum can evolve but we all need to support each other that's all.

I'm really loving this place and its a great escape from some of the crap life throws at us so let's all work together and build it up to suit all of us.

24th May 2013, 11:33 PM
Hi Jas,
I gotta admit I'm not really sure how you prefer to envisage the forum. From my perspective it seems that the stuff you want IS here & continues to be posted. We have the technical stuff, the bragging stuff, & the helping each other stuff. We also have the stuff in between that helps to keep the community strong. I don't know if that's what you think of as womens' weekly fingernail filing bollocks, but if so I suppose you could just not read it. I wouldn't want to lose any of it. Any online community, just like any other community is made up of a wide variety of folk with differing interests & needs, but generally with something in common to hold them together. I don't see this forum as any different. . By keeping this forum 'sensitive', by minding our p's & q's, it keeps it not just family friendly but everybody friendly.

Clearly you are feeling the forum is over sanitised & I'd agree that we wouldn't want things to get to the point of blandness, but I think this is unlikely to occur whilst we have the likes of Growlers Ghost Chilli thread, but when someone like ThreeDogs feels comfortable enough to share his distress at having to put his dog down it says that the community is working & supporting it's members. For folk like me (who live relatively isolated lives) forums such as this are our primary social contact, & as such need to have space for more than just that which brought us together. We do need to keep a balance, but I think that we need to also accept that that balance ebbs & flows over time. I can't see that we are at risk of losing any of the variety of aspects that we all value here.

I like to think of the forum as being like a virtual campfire. If I camped with you & others from here for a weekend I expect we'd talk a fair bit about Patrols, 4wd'ing & touring, it's what we have in common & it makes it easier to 'break the ice' but we'd talk about a hell of a lot more too. We might even have a couple of drinks! The better I got to know each other the more likely we'd be to share other aspects of our lives, We're all different.

Well that's how I see it anyway. Perhaps I should go back to filing my fingernails.

24th May 2013, 11:37 PM
I prefer to pick my nose

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

24th May 2013, 11:39 PM
Hey AB - couldn't agree more. It was, is, and will be a great forum. I just think we need to live and live let, but unfortunately the minority of late seems to me to be leading so far off-track we've turned into a nanny nation. Don't get me wrong - love this place - and in tough times its a great escape from it all - I'm just echoing the sentiments ( I believe) of some of those not outspoken enough to lead with thief chin. If I'm out of line I apologise - I agree - let's mind our language and content - but also let us all live and live.

Personally - I don't have an issue with anything posted, moderated, or deleted, just want the old camaraderie back that was the reason I joined up in the first place. Definitely - it's coming back - but just wanted to poke a reminder to all of why we are on here.


24th May 2013, 11:42 PM
I don't think anything on here has really pissed me off, I was annoyed when a thread was deemed to be offensive and deleted but that lasted for about 30 seconds and I then continued to enjoy the forum.
Live and let live, enjoy what you like and ignore the rest.
Do not believe I could find a better forum.

24th May 2013, 11:47 PM
Hi Jas,
I gotta admit I'm not really sure how you prefer to envisage the forum. From my perspective it seems that the stuff you want IS here & continues to be posted. We have the technical stuff, the bragging stuff, & the helping each other stuff. We also have the stuff in between that helps to keep the community strong. I don't know if that's what you think of as womens' weekly fingernail filing bollocks, but if so I suppose you could just not read it. I wouldn't want to lose any of it. Any online community, just like any other community is made up of a wide variety of folk with differing interests & needs, but generally with something in common to hold them together. I don't see this forum as any different. . By keeping this forum 'sensitive', by minding our p's & q's, it keeps it not just family friendly but everybody friendly.

Clearly you are feeling the forum is over sanitised & I'd agree that we wouldn't want things to get to the point of blandness, but I think this is unlikely to occur whilst we have the likes of Growlers Ghost Chilli thread, but when someone like ThreeDogs feels comfortable enough to share his distress at having to put his dog down it says that the community is working & supporting it's members. For folk like me (who live relatively isolated lives) forums such as this are our primary social contact, & as such need to have space for more than just that which brought us together. We do need to keep a balance, but I think that we need to also accept that that balance ebbs & flows over time. I can't see that we are at risk of losing any of the variety of aspects that we all value here.

I like to think of the forum as being like a virtual campfire. If I camped with you & others from here for a weekend I expect we'd talk a fair bit about Patrols, 4wd'ing & touring, it's what we have in common & it makes it easier to 'break the ice' but we'd talk about a hell of a lot more too. We might even have a couple of drinks! The better I got to know each other the more likely we'd be to share other aspects of our lives, We're all different.

Well that's how I see it anyway. Perhaps I should go back to filing my fingernails.

Hey Cuppa - I value your opinion, your insights into all things solar and electrical, your history and more (and no - not being sarcastic or facetious) my comments perhaps are a little harsh - but to be honest - my issue isn't talking topics that aren't about Patrols - it's more the "over sanitising" you have referred to. Nothing galls me more than a topic being posted I don't agree with - BUT it being deleted or closed before I can post my two cents worth - the forum is pretty good at self-moderation - and yes - we need moderation - but I think we all need a little more open robust debate at times. And to be honest mate - I see you as one of the last people here "filing their fingernails!!!).


24th May 2013, 11:53 PM
Open and robust debate is what I proposed as a new hotbox thread, but the majority deemed it un wanted. I'll save mine for the campfire :)

25th May 2013, 12:01 AM

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

25th May 2013, 12:04 AM
Damn you Clunk, now this will have to be moderated.lol

25th May 2013, 12:12 AM
Damn you Clunk, now this will have to be moderated.lol

Its all done in the best possible taste!!!!!!! :D;)

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

25th May 2013, 06:37 AM
If I camped with you & others from here for a weekend I expect we'd talk a fair bit about Patrols, 4wd'ing & touring, it's what we have in common & it makes it easier to 'break the ice' but we'd talk about a hell of a lot more too. .

Yeah like coke and hookers! Bwahahahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs

25th May 2013, 06:48 AM
Yeah like coke and hookers! Bwahahahahaha

Who wants to talk about Patrols, when Growler brought the coke and hookers to camp.

25th May 2013, 09:12 AM
Jas ,

Since I have joined, it seems like there is three or four more virtually every day.......I didn't know there was so many Patrol owners....

The more people we get, the more likely it is there will be some sort of conflict or problem that will arise. That will always be fact unfortunately.....
I must say that I haven't met a greater bunch of blokes and some gals too, that I have never met, and most of the conduct and banter here is top notch.


PS: you have to expect some sort of impairment here with some members, as I have learnt that some of them have driven Cruisers in the past...:tease:

25th May 2013, 09:30 AM
Nothing like a B,S&C while getting the post count up.
Only a Newbie but my take and the reason I asked AB to help me sign in was because
This forum was/is for Nissan Patrol owners with Nissan Patrol problems
Must admit I've met some great ppl who I now regard as friends. And continually
meeting new members. @ Jas I can knit, but only at camp LOL

26th May 2013, 12:49 AM
I started this forum with good intentions for a friendly atmosphere of patrol loving members and I believe I have succeeded but we all can't hold hands and agree on everything in life unfortunately.
bla, bla bla!!

Remember the wicked time we all (well some members) had under the pews of the church a few months back. The amount of booze consumed and crap was spoken. Remember this time and cherish it whilst posting on the forum.

I vote the next VIC meet up at Cuppa's place. Hehe!!!

26th May 2013, 09:21 AM
Remember the wicked time we all (well some members) had under the pews of the church a few months back. The amount of booze consumed and crap was spoken. Remember this time and cherish it whilst posting on the forum.

I vote the next VIC meet up at Cuppa's place. Hehe!!!

There are still stains on the table and concrete slab....There is also still a faint smell of poo and paw paw cream as well....LMAO

26th May 2013, 09:51 AM
There are still stains on the table and concrete slab....There is also still a faint smell of poo and paw paw cream as well....LMAO

Definitely no censorship that night.

26th May 2013, 10:29 AM
I vote the next VIC meet up at Cuppa's place. Hehe!!!

It could happen, but needs to wait for warmer weather.


26th May 2013, 11:56 AM
It could happen, but needs to wait for warmer weather.


26th May 2013, 12:58 PM

Coke n Hookers

26th May 2013, 02:29 PM
Coke n Hookers

I'm in for sure, growlers bringing coke and hookers.

26th May 2013, 02:42 PM
@ Cuppa think it through, read AB's last post, stains on table, concrete floor
with a faint smell of poo and paw paw cream. Who and what do you need
Paw Paw cream for, isn't peanut butter good enough anymore. I'd me tying up Gloria,
no I take that back she has to have a fighting chance, unlike the goat in Jurassic Park. lol

menace 2
26th May 2013, 03:27 PM
Hmmmmm...the simpson desert trip is starting to look a bit different to me ....hahahahahahahaha
I was thinking a hooker was a new item for the end of my winch , the coke was because no-one drinks so I would be alone in that..and we all have to do oil changes as soon as we find hard ground to be leaving stains behind /...maybe its just me being a hairdresser and all that .

26th May 2013, 04:06 PM
'It was a sharp piece of paw paw ...' Black Adder.

26th May 2013, 04:22 PM
No concrete floor to stain, just dirt & gravel already infused with the odour of goat & lamb poo & already carrying various unmentionable stains. Gloria's a tart & won't worry whether it's paw paw or peanut, just so long as the peanut isn't the crunchy variety. I prefer Pepsi Max with my rum, but if you prefer Coke, liquid or powdered it's up to you. Byo hookers though. Entertainment courtesy of Growler.


26th May 2013, 04:50 PM
@ Mudnut paw paw can be sharp just like Smithers bathing Mr Burns with the pointy sponge rlmfao

@ Cuppa edit was I needed to re check my BUCKET list, nope do a goat not on it,
Heartbreaking as Sam Newman says A good goat would do that.
looks like its heaps of masking tape and some chickens. lol
or as I call it "Plan B"

26th May 2013, 04:52 PM
The paw paw is not really the issue here, it's what he used as an applicator!

26th May 2013, 05:13 PM
The paw paw is not really the issue here, it's what he used as an applicator!

I'm glad I stayed at the In Law's place instead of Andy's on that particular night.

26th May 2013, 06:02 PM
True,,,,, coughing feathers, candle wax, Getting mental pictures of Paw paw applicator, nah got nothing
Will look on Ebay, is it similar to an egg flip?

26th May 2013, 06:14 PM
The paw paw is not really the issue here, it's what he used as an applicator!

Index finger...lol

26th May 2013, 06:20 PM
Now I'm really confused, how do you get the piece of Paw Paw to stay in place, nah just not seeing it lol
OOOhhhh Paw Paw I was thinking Mango My bad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyeeeewwwwwyyyyuu Bad pigs

26th May 2013, 06:30 PM
Now I'm really confused, how do you get the piece of Paw Paw to stay in place, nah just not seeing it lol
OOOhhhh Paw Paw I was thinking Mango My bad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yyyyyyyyeeeewwwwwyyyyuu Bad pigs

Next meet up mate I'll show you how It's done. Bring some cooking oil, feathers, a mask and some muscle relaxant....LMAO

27th May 2013, 12:24 AM
Next meet up mate I'll show you how It's done. Bring some cooking oil, feathers, a mask and some muscle relaxant....LMAO

Is this what you had in store for us.