View Full Version : Rear drawer system

24th May 2013, 06:47 PM
Hey all,

I'm going to build myself a rear drawer system in the next few weeks, just wondering what size mdf should I use? Or maybe even ply? It's going to have 2 drawers, a fridge slide that lowers it down, covers for the side bits and in the front house 2x12" subs and two amplifiers, which don't have a specific box dimension to work (win!) do yeah before I start rambling, what size wood do you recommend and what hinges would be best?

24th May 2013, 06:52 PM
I have made my drawers out of aluminium so mine will be different, but i have used marline ply for the top, as it is moisture resistant.
MDF will swell if it gets wet.


24th May 2013, 07:35 PM
I think marine ply is an overly expensive overkill. Talk to a timber yard and see what a sheet of ply in 12mm is worth!

24th May 2013, 07:36 PM
I have a alloy box on the back of my GU Ute , made my own two draw system which sits on one side and the fridge ( no slidder ) and esky on the other .
Made then from 5 or 6 mm ply with steel 50 x 50 box cut in half and bolted to the sides which the bearings slid on. But as Happy just said I'm going full alloy due to the weight and strength found i loaded then up with all your gear usually gets over the 50 kg mark per draw .
Or if your not carrying a great deal of weight bunnings sell the sliders but for long term tend not to like sand or dust being on your trips due to having so many steel balls in the slides

24th May 2013, 08:05 PM
I went 17mm marine ply.
Why did I go 17MM I hear ya ask???
cause I got it for free !
And I noticed very little, if any, difference because of the weight of it.

http://i372.photobucket.com/albums/oo166/ozzyboy2000/P1050247.jpg (http://s372.photobucket.com/user/ozzyboy2000/media/P1050247.jpg.html)

http://i372.photobucket.com/albums/oo166/ozzyboy2000/subandamp.jpg (http://s372.photobucket.com/user/ozzyboy2000/media/subandamp.jpg.html)

I really gotta learn how to resize pics !


24th May 2013, 08:05 PM
I think marine ply is an overly expensive overkill. Talk to a timber yard and see what a sheet of ply in 12mm is worth!

Your right NP99, marine ply is expensive overkill, but only till your stuck in the river or boghole


24th May 2013, 08:10 PM
Nice job ozzy how are you looking doing the alloy box's ? weld, rivet

24th May 2013, 08:10 PM
12mm structural ply is priced around $44 a sheet (2400 x 1200).

24th May 2013, 08:14 PM
Sorry ozzy , wrong person meant to ask that question to happygtu about the alloy draws .

24th May 2013, 08:52 PM
12mm ply should give you enough strength and if you carpet them allow a little room

24th May 2013, 08:56 PM
Sweet. :-)

24th May 2013, 09:08 PM
dont forget to upload pics when done... Am interested in what others do for a DIY

24th May 2013, 09:45 PM
Sorry ozzy , wrong person meant to ask that question to happygtu about the alloy draws .

I have lots of pictures and have been planning to start a buildup thread, but......need to pull my finger out


24th May 2013, 09:48 PM
I have used 15mm on the top, as this is where all the weight is carried....fridge...water

I may have even used17mm on the last set


24th May 2013, 09:54 PM
If you wouldnt mind Mic , when you do get around to it throw a couple of pics my way in a msg , I'm still in the middle of building up the back of the truck for trips around OZ and got some left over alloy that i intend on using for the draws and could do with some ideas as the timber were just a quick knock up job to get me out there.

cheers Ash

24th May 2013, 09:57 PM
that is the draw system i like..i've seen a few but i like them ones more and i'm thinking about doing some soon..Any plans or did you just measure and build..

10th July 2013, 04:20 PM
I'm currently going through the design phase of rear drawers for the GQ. Created two designs in Sketchup - one from 12mm ply and one from 25mm ally box. I'm contemplating going to 17mm ply to increase the strength; not fussed about minimal extra weight that'll add.

The ply setup will be carpeted and has pull out wings on each side. It will have roller slides that attach to bottom of drawer to give both lateral and horizontal support (i.e. http://goo.gl/Tzdl8). The top of the drawers have a 30mm cutout at the front so fingers can't get squashed (we have a 7yo daughter, plus myself and wifey would get nipped at least once!).

The ally frame setup would have a ply front and top, with the drawers skinned in ally sheet then carpeted inside. It will have same pull-out side wings and slides as above.

Still thinking about locking mechanisms.

5th August 2013, 07:39 PM
Well we bought a 47L ARB fridge the weekend before last, so the drawers design has changed slightly! Going with this design now. The rectangle boxes on the left side under the ledge are for two sets of Narva USB / cig outlets (http://goo.gl/Hz3Yv8) - the panel is recessed ~100mm in from the face so I can have things plugged into the socket and still be able to close the door. The fridge platform is on slides, as well as the drawer. Contemplated just putting the fridge on top of the original design in my earlier post, however it was too tall for the wife to get into, and cheaper to do this new design than get a $600 set of drop-down fridge slides!!!