View Full Version : Merry Christmas and Sincere Thanks to Everyone

23rd December 2010, 03:28 PM
Well, wanted my 1000th post to be for something other than a joke!!! lol

I wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas/New Year Period, and a prosperous 2011. As nothing more than another user of it, I say many thanks to you all for your efforts on the forum - it truly is the best one out there for people who first and foremost don't take themselves to seriously, whom want to help others, whom wish to have a good giggle, and whom wish to continue to hear others opinions and stories in order to learn more (not even necessarily about Patrols!!). I know I certainly at times take it for granted that www.nissanpatrol.com.au will just be there when I log in each day, but reality is, it takes effort from all of us to continue to contribute, make people feel welcome, assist where possible, and foster the growth of the forum where and whenever possible. Special mention has to go to the Administrators and Moderators - without you it wouldn't be possible - my sincerest of thanks!!!

If you are on the roads (as I am) over Christmas - please take extra time to get to your desitnation, plan it well, stop for breaks (even just to 'smell the roses') and remember that being late and safe is FAR better than the alternative ...

All the very best to you all.

23rd December 2010, 04:12 PM
Thanks Scott,

You (and Sandra) have a safe and happy Christmas and New year as well.

Thank you for all your contributions to the forum.


23rd December 2010, 04:49 PM
Well said Scotty

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2 u and Sandra

Look forward 2 hopefully catching up with u early in the new year, depending on when you leave.

Be safe in you journeys over the break



23rd December 2010, 05:06 PM
Well, wanted my 1000th post to be for something other than a joke!!! lol

I wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas/New Year Period, and a prosperous 2011. As nothing more than another user of it, I say many thanks to you all for your efforts on the forum - it truly is the best one out there for people who first and foremost don't take themselves to seriously, whom want to help others, whom wish to have a good giggle, and whom wish to continue to hear others opinions and stories in order to learn more (not even necessarily about Patrols!!). I know I certainly at times take it for granted that www.nissanpatrol.com.au will just be there when I log in each day, but reality is, it takes effort from all of us to continue to contribute, make people feel welcome, assist where possible, and foster the growth of the forum where and whenever possible. Special mention has to go to the Administrators and Moderators - without you it wouldn't be possible - my sincerest of thanks!!!

If you are on the roads (as I am) over Christmas - please take extra time to get to your desitnation, plan it well, stop for breaks (even just to 'smell the roses') and remember that being late and safe is FAR better than the alternative ...

All the very best to you all.

Just what Bigrig said....... cheers guys and have a good un

23rd December 2010, 05:14 PM
Thanks Scotty, hope you and your family have a great holiday and a safe one mate.

23rd December 2010, 05:32 PM
Scott thnks heaps for the kind words mate & the same to you & your family

23rd December 2010, 06:46 PM
Good post Scotty, the forum is nothing without the members and we seem to have a good bunch of blokes and even new members are liking the attitude here so great work all round.

Have a safe one too mate and Merry Christmas!!!

DX grunt
23rd December 2010, 07:42 PM
Thanks Scotty. Great to have you and your humour onboard. Merry Xmas and a happy new year, too.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

Finly Owner
23rd December 2010, 11:05 PM
You have shocked me, That sounded like you were sober and meant it.
Well Mate it was very nice and I second your thoughts.

May you and Sandra and family have a great Holiday Season and reurn to us in one piece.

Tim(and Dia)

24th December 2010, 09:02 AM
Well said Scotty.
I think i said to you when you joined the forum buddy, you sound like a lawyer or a polly.........LOL
Still owe you a beer for that.
Seriously though buddy that was a great post up above and you are certainly a big part of the ongoing success of it all. The humour, the sarcasm, the advice, wouldnt be the same without you.
Well done buddy, love ya work. Look forward to more of your sarcasm in 2011.
Stay safe buddy and enjoy.

Cheers Pete :santa:

Dark 1
24th December 2010, 09:28 AM
Well, wanted my 1000th post to be for something other than a joke!!! lol

I wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas/New Year Period, and a prosperous 2011. As nothing more than another user of it, I say many thanks to you all for your efforts on the forum - it truly is the best one out there for people who first and foremost don't take themselves to seriously, whom want to help others, whom wish to have a good giggle, and whom wish to continue to hear others opinions and stories in order to learn more (not even necessarily about Patrols!!). I know I certainly at times take it for granted that www.nissanpatrol.com.au will just be there when I log in each day, but reality is, it takes effort from all of us to continue to contribute, make people feel welcome, assist where possible, and foster the growth of the forum where and whenever possible. Special mention has to go to the Administrators and Moderators - without you it wouldn't be possible - my sincerest of thanks!!!

If you are on the roads (as I am) over Christmas - please take extra time to get to your desitnation, plan it well, stop for breaks (even just to 'smell the roses') and remember that being late and safe is FAR better than the alternative ...

All the very best to you all.

x2 scotty & merry xmas everyone.

24th December 2010, 11:11 AM
To all, a happy and safe festive season and a healthy and prosperous New Year


Dark 1
24th December 2010, 01:35 PM
To all, a happy and safe festive season and a healthy and prosperous New Year


Hey bro , give the kids & missus are kiss & cuddle for us. Nat & i wish you's are merry one.


24th December 2010, 02:21 PM
Good on ya Scotty, well put.

Mate, Take it easy wherever you and your family might be traveling.
All the best mate, and I hope Santa is kind this year.


24th December 2010, 08:06 PM
Good on ya Scotty, well said, ditto to everyone thanks again to all the advice and laughs. Stay safe over the holiday season and enjoy our great country for we truely are the lucky ones

Jimmy and Nic.