View Full Version : My beloved Telstra...

24th April 2013, 01:46 PM
ordered broadband (to go from existing provider) and 2.5 weeks later no news, nothing. So (stupid me) get on the phone get bounced three times to finally get told, no nothing is on the system and to have the privilege of listening to one say "I'm hungry, can I have it now ?".

So here I am listening to that wondering WHAT THE FIG!!! :toot: I ordered broadband, can I have it while I'm still alive!!! :furious:

So I get on the phone .... again.... to talk to the rep directly and I get she's not allowed to take incoming calls (why are her land line and mobile numbers are in her emails then ?) so I said to the very polite lady, if I can't talk to her I want to talk to her supervisor. Yep you guessed it !!! "Not here at the moment".

Like really, I was about to go feral when I got to talk to a fifth person who finally told me that the paperwork is still being processed 2 1/2 weeks later !!!


I'd go have a :beer: but I'm waiting on getting a call from the mechanic about paddy expecting to be bent over and having a fire extinguisher inserted :eck05: so that I can get her back. :1092:

I know it's not unusual, lucky I'm not cranky :tease:

24th April 2013, 03:09 PM
Your call is important to us zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzclick :=(

24th April 2013, 03:11 PM
When I changed over from one provider to Telstra, there was an initial delay but we were told this from the start. You are usually given a date from when you signed the documents, this gives all parties involved time to get their crap organised, paperwork etc stamped, double stamped, then cripple stamped etc etc etc. Our delay was not with Telstra but withe yeh previous provider losing paperwork ???

Don't slap it, tap it!!!!

24th April 2013, 03:32 PM
I spent a total of 25 hours on the phone trying to get my wifes phone put on our one account.... in the end she got a company account so it did not matter but something so simple?????

I do feel your pain mate..

24th April 2013, 06:46 PM
ha ha i went to a local teltra shop and there were some people waiting behind me, this is true, they went off and watched a movie at the theatre and when they came back they looked at me and said are you still here? incredulous was the look on their faces, thebloke would have been the most incompetent sod i ever had to deal with. 4.5 hrs to get a mobile account for my son.

24th April 2013, 07:47 PM
Got me stuffed why people still bother with using Hel$$tra. Its not news that their phone support is the worst out of anyone. Most of them can't even speak engrish. If I ever need to ring my ISP, which is never, I just simply ring them, chose to get the CSR to ring me back within half an hour, I hang up the phone, go have a dump, read the new paper, and RING RING! It them! NO stress.
But I do have a mobile with Telstra though. Only because I need to rely on their mobile service for my business as no-one else can be relied on for that.

24th April 2013, 07:55 PM
Years ago we left telstra for their appalling customer and overall service. I have since gone back to their mobile service as it is second to none

24th April 2013, 08:15 PM
Yes that's kicker, mobile service is better than anyone so I stay with them!

24th April 2013, 08:57 PM
I have to say, since joining Telstra over a year ago now, I have yet to have any issues with service, customer service or accounts...................... I'm waiting for it to fall over and turn to sh*t mind you but so far so good.

I was with another provider for over 8 years (they started in WA), all was good to start with, then they started getting bigger and bigger an bigger, to the point that their service and customer service went to poop as far as I'm concerned, doubt if I'll back but you never know

25th April 2013, 01:38 AM
I have to say, since joining Telstra over a year ago now, I have yet to have any issues with service, customer service or accounts...................... I'm waiting for it to fall over and turn to sh*t mind you but so far so good.

I was with another provider for over 8 years (they started in WA), all was good to start with, then they started getting bigger and bigger an bigger, to the point that their service and customer service went to poop as far as I'm concerned, doubt if I'll back but you never know

Cough! iiNet! Cough! I remember on the Whirlpool forum they boasted how they will never use oversea's phone support. Look at them now. Depending on what time zone your in and what time of the day it is, depends on the accent you will hear on the other end. Atleast its a surprise for you.
They are still better than Telstra though. Nearly nine years tenure with iiNet for me now. Yes they are like all other Telco's now, chit, but atleast they don't stuff the bill up every month. Telstra just couldn't get it right from the day I joined them. Then they had the nerve to send me a $500 bill for their stuff ups. Optpus is the same with billing. They never sent me a bill for five months and then all of a sudden they cut me off. So I rang them, and asked why I was sent no bill and now I 'm cut off. "Because you have shifted to Kalgoorlie in W.A sir!" WTF? I say. "I am calling you from home in Melbourne where I have always lived" "But you signed the papers saying you moved sir" "Erm! No I didn't", "Yes you did sir"...Yes/no tennis went on for another few minutes and they refused to email me the docs with my signature on it. So I flat out refused to pay the bill.
A necessary evil Telco's are.

25th April 2013, 01:42 AM
Telstra would send alcoholics home from a brewery party sober!!! We have ditched telstra totally now. Went naked DSL with a voip phone....

25th April 2013, 08:25 AM
I ended up with Vodaphone for a little while there and that left Telstra for dead.... they were frickin terrible.. call drop outs missed calls that I never got in the first place and with my kind of work the customer will not leave a message just ring the next bloke..

In the end thats how I got out of the contract with them and my wife did not like the fact that I would go shooting only 40min up the road and have no reception... she was worried I would shoot myself in the foot and not be able to call anyone!!!

So with Telstra now as the coverage wins but as mentioned the service is 2nd hand...

27th April 2013, 12:24 AM
I had the same issues with telstra.

We moved house - I rung up to have them transfer my broadband - this is when the fun started. The account was in my name & they transferred it to the new house, they then created an account for my wife - also at the new address.

We then got a call from a telstra telemarker offering an upgrade - but we had to have a landline ( we had cable and where using engin VOIP). I agreed - if they waived the connection cost of the landline. They accepted and booked a tech - never showed up. we waited

2 months later

We got another call from a telstra telemarker offering an upgrade - but we had to have a landline. I agreed - if they waived the connection cost of the landline. They accepted and booked a tech - never showed up. we waited. Started the complaing process.

2 months later

We got another call from a telstra telemarker offering an upgrade (200g internet, T box, free landline and local & long distance calls) - but we had to have a landline. I agreed - if they waived the connection cost of the landline. They accepted and booked a tech - never showed up. we waited. Logged a complaint with the telecommuinications ombudman.

We where then given the Telstra complaint surport centre number and a referance.

The girl worked out the problem with the 2 accounts.

She then booked a tech to come on a monday - after I had told her we where not home on the day.

Tech - turned up and left a nasty message - rung the telecommuinications ombudsman again - issue esculate higher in telstra.

We then found tha the last offer was not avaiabe.

To meet the promise we here offered (500g internet month, T box, free landline and local & long distance calls), free connection of the landline & 2 years free connection.

When it was all resolved the ombudman contacted us and asked if we where considering going testra for compenastion as well - by this time we had had enough and was happy with the 2 years free connection - once its over we will go adsl - (curtsy of telstra)

27th April 2013, 12:43 AM
When I moved about 8 years ago I had to cancel the Telstra phone line at the old house and arrange a line at the new house.
Having been stuffed about Telstra before I made sure I followed all the correct procedures.
After about 5 weeks in the new house I noticed that I had not had a bill from Telstra, I thought they are probably sending it to the old address so rang them to check and they assured me they had the correct address and would resend the bill. 3 more weeks and still no bill so ring them again and get the same story and told they will resend the bill plus new bill.
Another week passes and our phone and internet stopped working, ring Telstra to complain and they tell me I have been cut off for not paying my bill.... I THEN GOT A LITTLE BIT ANGRY, explained what had transpired and asked them to reconnect me immediately, they told me it would take a few days....GOT ANGRIER, told them I would ring them every 5 minutes until it as reconnected.
Half hour later it was reconnected.

It is a pity that such a great network is controlled by complete f#$%ing imbeciles.

billy bleed
27th April 2013, 03:58 AM
..count your blessings you ain't stuck with optus..

I am made up of the following parts.. Black Irish / Gypsy / Tattoo's and Grumpiness.. and this was sent from my phone using Tapatalk!

DX grunt
27th April 2013, 08:34 AM
From my experience, when you move or travel from the burbs to the bush, you have 2 choices with mobile phone coverage - Telstra or no reception.

Generally I'm happy with them and to their credit, they've put our town and a few surrounding towns from limited service to full service. Thank you.

What I can't understand is how their billing service works. I have my phone bill direct debited from my bank account every month, and suddenly, without my knowledge or consent, my wife's bill is being deducted from my bank account - not that I mind, because it's one less job I had to do - but that's not the point. I certainly didn't give them consent to do it. In the real world, it could be considered by some, as stealing. I haven't got the time or energy to fight a big corporation on this issue.

Edit: I have wireless internet and my modem automatically switches from 4G to 3G. Only been down a couple of times since the new tower went up. I'm greatful.

On a lighter side...when I read the title of this thread, I thought a new Podoligist was introducing himself to the forum. lol

Take care out there.


27th April 2013, 12:03 PM
I may have to put the flame suit on,

But I have been a Telstra/Telecom customer for the last 28 years and have never really had a problem with them.

I have home phone, internet and mobile service with them and the service I have had has been pretty good. It is hard sometimes to get to the customer service consultant you need to talk to, but you do eventually get to them.

My only real complaint with Telstra is they are expensive compared to other providers out there. Which is why my wife and daughter have ALDI prepaid sims for their phones.

But other than that, I am fairly happy with them.


28th April 2013, 03:51 AM
Was promised Wednesday "I will call you back this afternoon" pfft maybe I'll get the call tomorrow pfft maybe Elle Macphersons gonna pop in for. A quickie too :)

28th April 2013, 09:07 PM
If you have to contact the evil empire in regards to anything , i can highly recommend using the instant chat function they supply.
Not only does it do away with hard to understand accents and being called Mr Peter all the time but it gives you the option of printing off
the entire discussion for future reference.
I have resolved a few issues with Telstra since moving over to them and have found it very easy to use and have found Telstra to my suprise
very helpful at resolving the issues.1 of those issues being an ipad racking up 4.5 gigs of data over 3g when it was on wifi the entire time.

Next time you need to contact them,give it a go.

Btw. Its 24/7 service

29th April 2013, 11:19 AM
If you have to contact the evil empire in regards to anything , i can highly recommend using the instant chat function they supply.
Not only does it do away with hard to understand accents and being called Mr Peter all the time but it gives you the option of printing off
the entire discussion for future reference.
I have resolved a few issues with Telstra since moving over to them and have found it very easy to use and have found Telstra to my suprise
very helpful at resolving the issues.1 of those issues being an ipad racking up 4.5 gigs of data over 3g when it was on wifi the entire time.

Next time you need to contact them,give it a go.

Btw. Its 24/7 service

I tried that option first for that reason but guess what ???? I gave up after an hour coz it wouldn't work :(