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View Full Version : CRD fuel consumption when crossing the Simpson.

24th April 2013, 11:12 AM
Done a bit of searching both on here and Patrol4x4 and can't find to much specifically on this.

Am planning on crossing Simpson in a few months time and am trying to work out how much fuel i will need to carry. I haven't done much soft sand work in the patrol yet so am unsure of what sort of fuel usage i will get. Normal consumption is around 14L/100km which goes up to about 16-17L/100km when fully loaded with heap on the rack (spare tyre, chairs, table, swag, and blackwolf turbo 300 plus tent).

We are looking at doing From birdsville, QAA, K1, Rig Road, dalhousie then mt dare to refuel which i worked out to be around 650km.

I was thinking fuel consumption would probably be around 20L/100km so was thinking 200L should be heaps. This is 4 jerry cans on top of the 120L in main and sub so would prob put 2 on roof rack and 2 in car, obviously use the 2 on rack first to get rid of weight up there as quick as possible.

So specifically i want to know how much others who have a CRD patrol have used when they did their crossing and also how much they took with them.

24th April 2013, 11:43 AM
From memory 4x4 australia mag had some figures on this ,
think your not far off the mark at 200 ltrs of Diesel
Petrol was nearly 300 as I would have needed to take some Jerry cans with last 4x4.
You already have a main replacement tank of 120 ltr plus 35 for the sub = 155.
I'd be taking 3 jerry cans of diesel, @ 100Klm a jerry .A lot of this depends how you drive as well.
If conditions make the sand soft figures may go through the roof.
Three on the roof ,with some old carpet inbetween

24th April 2013, 06:41 PM
I have seen a few reports from GU 3Litre motors at around 125 Litres for this journey.

I can let you know in 2 months time......I will be carrying at least 170Litres

24th April 2013, 06:45 PM
I'd be taking 3 jerry cans of diesel, @ 100 ltr a jerry .

Did you up the dose today? Lol I'd like to see a 100L jerry!

24th April 2013, 08:00 PM
Fuel consumptions seem to vary a lot and a mean a LOT when it comes down to the CRD vehicles. Your best bet would be to work out your sand driving consumption and then add a safety measure on top (say 20%).

I think your planned figures seem reasonable...Good luck and enjoy

24th April 2013, 08:19 PM
Wow typo , You're so funny Winnie, lol
Just saying work it out as 1 jerry = 100 klm
Even 2 jerrys would be heaps but you'll need that safety factor

25th April 2013, 09:54 AM
Cheers for the responses guys, surely someone has actually done this trip recently in a CRD patrol?

25th April 2013, 10:32 AM
When are you going Blacklotus ?

Sir Roofy
25th April 2013, 10:48 AM
Try the www.explore oz.com site lot of usefull info on there
most are saying 140/50 l to cross on the frenchline

25th April 2013, 10:59 AM
When are you going Blacklotus ?

Be looking at going in early September, probably just before birdsville races then will head up to Alice and around to kings canyon and Uluru before heading back home down Stuart.

Cheers roofy I had a bit of a look on there last night.

I reckon we might just do French line this time. Maybe save eastern rig road for the next time when we have a bit more experience in the desert and are travelling with others.

25th April 2013, 11:03 AM
I am going in early July, so I will be able to give you some accurate figures after that if you like


25th April 2013, 01:15 PM
Cheers Mic that would be awesome.

28th April 2013, 08:20 PM
Generally, if your reading trip reports you'll find most travellers go from West to East on the French Line (that's the way I went too) - that's the easiest and less demanding on your vehicle. If your planning on East to West then chuck in a few extra litres as the dunes are a lot more challenging. Rather end up in Dalhousie with a full jerry... I did the trip last year in my 2010 Challenger so can't help you on your fuel usage. enjoy the trip, it's bloody great - pity you can't have a fire out there anylonger but...best you rug up :-)

22nd July 2013, 09:56 PM
I have just returned from my Simpson Desert Trip, and am happy to report that between Mt Dare - Dalhousie - French Line, Rig Rd - Knolls Track, French Line to Birdsville : Around 92 Litres used.

Things to consider, track was wet from recent rain, and if it had of rained the night before we arrived at Dalhousie ( There was a giant lightning show and a few spots of rain ), the ranger would have closed access to the desert.

Carried 196 Litres, 146 Litres in Main Tank, 30 in Sub, and 20 on the Roof in a GerryCan.

In September, the sand will be drier, and a little softer, meaning you will use a little more. Most people say around 120 Litres.

You need to carry some extra fuel for contingencies..... we got to Mt Dare to find out that they had run out of Diesel that morning because the rain had prevented the trucks from getting in, and I had to do a special run up to Finke, for fuel for all the vehicles....I was loaded up like a Fuel Tanker.....

Hope that this is helpful for you.


22nd July 2013, 09:57 PM
Jeff at Mt Dare also mentioned to me that it was harder West to East at the moment, due to the chopped up dunes on the West Sides, of which they were chopped up quite badly....


22nd July 2013, 10:07 PM
Yea discussed this with the father in-law who has crossed 4 times now and done pretty much all the tracks, including the north sections.
He reckons Its a lot harder west to east than it is east to west due to the winds blowing the faces a lot steeper on the west side.

Something to thing about with our meet in the middle I guess

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)