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View Full Version : User description

17th December 2010, 05:40 PM
Looking at the forum when you sign up you are ranked as a beginner, some are moderators, some are experts (we all know what that stands for), some seem to have created their own description. As a matter of interest can a user change this or is it allocated. If they can set thier own description how do you go about it?

17th December 2010, 05:56 PM
I believe u can change it Rick, can't find were 2 at the moment and don't have the time 2 look as i'm about 2 head out the door, if somebody hasn't sorted it before i get back, I will have a good look 4 ya when i get back in a few hrs.



17th December 2010, 06:22 PM
Yeah, I did mine, but don't know where I did it. AB, over to you mate.

17th December 2010, 07:03 PM
Yeh, I am sure that you can change it yourself, but unsure where, not a hassle, just interested

17th December 2010, 09:01 PM
I think it works a bit like this;

First 30 posts = beginner
30 to 100 posts = advanced
100 to 500 = expert
500 to 1000 = Patrol Guru
1000+ = Patrol freak

Some have custom titles after donating to the forum fundraiser.


17th December 2010, 09:11 PM
I think it works a bit like this;

First 30 posts = beginner
30 to 100 posts = advanced
100 to 1000 = Patrol guru
1000+ = Patrol freak

Some have custom titles after donating to the forum fundraiser.


Thanks Tony, I thought u could change them urself 4 some reason, but after some light vbulletin reading i gathered it was only something AB
could do

DX grunt
17th December 2010, 09:29 PM
I want to change my status from Forum Freek to 'Forum Socialite', coz I bear more than I wear, and my damn photo keeps popping up without my knowledge or consent. lol

17th December 2010, 09:39 PM
I want to change my status from Forum Freek to 'Forum Socialite', coz I bear more than I wear, and my damn photo keeps popping up without my knowledge or consent. lol

I wish those hackers would use some other members account 2 post that photo up over and over again.

17th December 2010, 11:39 PM
I want to change my status from Forum Freek to 'Forum Socialite', coz I bear more than I wear, and my damn photo keeps popping up without my knowledge or consent. lol

Maybe I should change mine to "forum super goose" ... and I could wear my underwear over my overwear to prove that under it all I'm above it all ... or soemthing like that anyway!!! lololol ...

Finly Owner
17th December 2010, 11:50 PM
Forum Stray more like it. Has to leave his mark at every water hole and post!

Now ROFLMAO and can't stop............


18th December 2010, 05:23 AM
Thanks Tony,
It kind of got me frustrated as I thought I would have been able to find out how to do it if I could. Just a senior moment. It happens you know

19th December 2010, 02:50 PM
As far as the user titles go its as Tony said in he's post & custom titles can only be done now by AB (admin).

It was decided by the Forum Management that the USER TITLES will be set by us & therefore the CUSTOM USER TITLES feature will not available on this forum.

The Members you see with CUSTOM USER TITLES was something given to these Members by the Forum Management in recognition of there financial contribution & support of the forum.

I hope this helps clear things up in regards to your question but PLEASE NOTE: No user titles we be changed from the the standard titles already in place unless you fall into the category mentioned above & any requests by Members to change there user titles will go unanswered.

Best Regards

19th December 2010, 02:59 PM
hey Paul, who is Tiny ????

19th December 2010, 03:54 PM
hey Paul, who is Tiny ????

Thanks for that................ All fixed

Sir Roofy
19th December 2010, 04:25 PM
well said patch697
just cruise along and pick up points as you go