View Full Version : Do you hide your goodies?

13th April 2013, 09:24 AM
When you buy goodies for your hobbies do you hide or smuggle them in the house? Most of my mates and I do. It's much easier than explaining it to the boss :)

13th April 2013, 09:28 AM
At least until it's got muddy, yes lol

13th April 2013, 10:14 AM
MOF pretty good as getting stuff delivered all the time, Didn't notice my new awning for a few months
as I mounted it on drivers side lol, MOF has had 2 cataract Ops done. Those vintage ice boxes bit harder to explain

13th April 2013, 10:28 AM
I get " where did that come from"? Had it for ages in the shed :)

13th April 2013, 10:40 AM
Back when I flew rc helis I had the missus going.. the heli kept 'upgrading' and growing.. she caught on one day..
One I had to tell her about was the 2.4m edge 540..
This is it before I bought it.. 100cc twin up front..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

13th April 2013, 10:43 AM
I've said it many times I am a very lucky man as my wife is very understanding and is one of the boys but with all the good girly bits.
I love the patrol I drowned it the week before our wedding 6G later all fixed with 3 inch lift front locker new mt atz4 rib and she still married me

I'm into hunting everything is expensive but she enjoys me bringing home the bacon (pardon the pun) Now the shock of the initial cost has worn off its a cheap hobby but looking at getting another gun for Christmas maybe a remington xcr in a 7mm rem mag or a 300 win mag.

I also want to get a trail bike to ride to work and in the bush with my mates my wifes answer was yes as long as she can get on to join us in the bush and she get a new car first. Honest to god her choice of vehicle She wants a Nissan navara D40 with a tray to put the bikes in bulbar spotties radio etc

I listen to all my mates winge and complain about their partners Hell I cant even organise a boys trip away as they are not aloud So I class myself as a very lucky man No wonder I wifed her haha.

13th April 2013, 01:53 PM
Um. After it was built, it was a bit hard trying to hide a mower that was capable of getting up to 90ks an hour up my driveway.

13th April 2013, 03:29 PM
Cheap goodies I don't hide, no need, they're cheap.
Expensive goodies I don't hide either, just forget to tell her, purposely.

13th April 2013, 04:17 PM
Guess I'm lucky like Macca86.
Not only is my wife the one who goes out to work to bring home the bacon, she always agrees to anything I want to buy provided we can afford it at the time. If we can't afford it I wouldn't be suggesting I buy it. That said neither of us lives an extravagant lifestyle. We don't go out socialising much, can't remember the last time we had a take away meal, went to a restaraunt theatre or cinema, many of our clothes come from op shops, but when I say things like I want to spend over 5 grand for a GVM upgrade on the Patrol she says "Yep OK if it's what we need". We only have joint bank accounts. Always have done. I reckon some blokes like to blow on about how they keep things from their wives just to not appear 'under the thumb' (but are - why else would they need to keep secrets), whilst others who keep secrets are destined for an unhappy relationship ending ........ like the husband of a friend of mine who, with them having just committed themselves to a mortgage, stretching themselves financially, came home one evening with a MGB GT he had just bought on impulse, had never even mentioned it to her until he drove it home ..... & he wondered why she was pissed off at him. She was smart & divorced him before kids arrived.


13th April 2013, 04:33 PM
I`m with you Cuppa
We are coming up for 40 years married to each other and as you say joint bank accounts, own every thing, if we can`t afford it we don`t by it.We do go out to dinner and do a little socializing Lived in the same house 37 years owned cars for 15 to20 years at a time .We are both on the same page so no need to hide things and apart from that she would win the fight any way

13th April 2013, 05:00 PM
Congrats on the 40 years together Pearcey. We've managed 31 so far & it's better now than it's ever been.


13th April 2013, 05:19 PM
I am lucky with my better half too, she will always say yes to me buying something but knows I am carefull with money.
We also only have joint accounts and married 28 yrs.
She also loves camping so we are made for each other.

I have kept secret the amount of booze i purchased before big 4wd trips with mates.

13th April 2013, 05:41 PM
I lie about the cost of accessories...lol

13th April 2013, 05:47 PM
I lie about the cost of accessories...lol

HAhaha, yeah dear this turbo only cost me $30 on eBay, what a bargain ey!!! LOL

13th April 2013, 05:48 PM
HAhaha, yeah dear this turbo only cost me $30 on eBay, what a bargain ey!!! LOL

Ome suspension was $500, turbo was $300, tyres were $500, bull bar was $100....I just keep finding bargains!!!!!....lmao

13th April 2013, 05:50 PM
My long range tank, according to my Missus is only 400 bucks, cos her question was, "how much have you spent", well the answer to her question, I had only doled out $400 deposit. So in actual fact I was never lying to her cos I spent only $400 so far. If she had ask me how much does it cost, then I may be in a bit of strife.

13th April 2013, 05:56 PM
I must be one of the lucky ones to, don't have to hide anything.
Sometimes I thinks she likes the patrol more than I do.

13th April 2013, 05:56 PM
My long range tank, according to my Missus is only 400 bucks, cos her question was, "how much have you spent", well the answer to her question, I had only doled out $400 deposit. So in actual fact I was never lying to her cos I spent only $400 so far. If she had ask me how much does it cost, then I may be in a bit of strife.

Got her on a technicality....nice.....lol

13th April 2013, 07:13 PM
My long range tank, according to my Missus is only 400 bucks, cos her question was, "how much have you spent", well the answer to her question, I had only doled out $400 deposit. So in actual fact I was never lying to her cos I spent only $400 so far. If she had ask me how much does it cost, then I may be in a bit of strife.
You should be a politician.

13th April 2013, 07:54 PM
I'm 50 /50 depends what it is or how important it is ATM I'm planting a seed in her head that we need new shocks saying "have you noticed how bouncy the car is lately?".. She replied "I thought something was diffrent" llmao new shocks here I come. Lol

13th April 2013, 08:01 PM
Not an issue here at all.

13th April 2013, 08:30 PM
All good with my wife. She doesn't mind me spending money but keep it within reason and don't bullshit her. I can respect that. If I want something expensive then I tell her I'm saving and X weeks later I get it. No problem.

We've been together 11yrs and still have separate bank accounts. She loves 4wding and camping and so does our 7yod. Funnily enough she came back with some new sports bras te other day and put them on to show me and said 'hey look at these new 4wding bras' then proceeded to jump up n down for me. :p

13th April 2013, 09:21 PM
My handbrake spends more on clothes than I can on the mav so I have no trouble there! Haha

Tappin trolls

13th April 2013, 10:00 PM
Anything hunting or shooting related comes on the premises via the side gate . Some things my wife just does not understand so it aint worth the hassle .

13th April 2013, 11:23 PM
Funnily enough she came back with some new sports bras te other day and put them on to show me and said 'hey look at these new 4wding bras' then proceeded to jump up n down for me. :p

As they say!

13th April 2013, 11:34 PM
Missus and I have a pretty tight budget. Basically we give ourselves 'x' amount of money to spend how we want. If i want something and i have the money then she does not care. If i really want something and i don't have the money then we usually sort it out. I can't complain and she has horses so she can never complain about how much I spend in my patrol.

14th April 2013, 08:23 AM
She's a accountant I can't hide anything , just have to word it right , you know honey if we got a snorkel it could potentially save thousands in the long run . I read on the forum that it helps in all sorts of ways ? And what do you know she rings up and books it in


14th April 2013, 07:27 PM
I thought I had permission to buy the boat.......I thought wrong!

14th April 2013, 07:36 PM
Spent the weekend in the dog house because I didn't tell the missus of the bits I've been buying. It's not worth it! Trust me!

14th April 2013, 08:59 PM
My missus saw this thread and just rolled her eyes and basically said, 'After 24 years of marriage, there isn't anything you can hide from me."

15th April 2013, 07:22 AM
My missus saw this thread and just rolled her eyes and basically said, 'After 24 years of marriage, there isn't anything you can hide from me."

I like this one. Too true, don't kid yourself... They always know. :D

I must admit I reckon my wife is pretty understanding. Also after 20 years she knows I'm a lot less grumpy and easier to live with if I get a regular session out in the 4wd. Tackling a dirty big sand dune (or mud hole) is a great way to forget work or any other issues. When we came back to Saudi my wife knew it was a given I'd mod the car and encouraged it. I still try and do as much as possible myself to stretch the money that has to be spent as far as it will go.

tapatalk on galaxy note

15th April 2013, 04:38 PM
Anything hunting or shooting related comes on the premises via the side gate . Some things my wife just does not understand so it aint worth the hassle .

With you 100% brother!!!!!!

Sir Roofy
15th April 2013, 04:45 PM
No i dont hide any thing from the boss if i havent the money i save up for it
if i need it i get it but tell her first

happy wife happy life

15th April 2013, 05:08 PM
i bruoght a boat last year and the missus wasnt happy i tried to sneak it in but at 5.5m i couldnt slip out the back, now the missus wont marry me (marry ya bloody boat) its taken 12months to calm down, wedding plans started again, been fishing a few times not as much as i want, i gett them evil looks every time i hook up the boat

15th April 2013, 05:14 PM
I'm 50 /50 depends what it is or how important it is ATM I'm planting a seed in her head that we need new shocks saying "have you noticed how bouncy the car is lately?".. She replied "I thought something was diffrent" llmao new shocks here I come. Lol
Hehe. Thats what I do when I want to buy a new telly, amp, speakers etc etc for the house. I once pulled the fuse on my 5.1 amp just so I could get a new and better amp. I asked her if she could put the HTPC on so we can watch a movie and she's like " babe! we have no sound!. I'm like " bugger!"
But with my car, she gets more annoyed that I spend more time with my Patrol in the garage than I do with her.

15th April 2013, 05:15 PM
i bruoght a boat last year and the missus wasnt happy i tried to sneak it in but at 5.5m i couldnt slip out the back, now the missus wont marry me (marry ya bloody boat) its taken 12months to calm down, wedding plans started again, been fishing a few times not as much as i want, i gett them evil looks every time i hook up the boat

We have similar brides :)

15th April 2013, 05:18 PM
Hey, Dougie, take the missus out on a romantic meal at sunset, in the boat ...

15th April 2013, 05:19 PM
I never try to hide my goodies from the missus, don't know why but she is always telling me to put them back in my pants :(

15th April 2013, 05:23 PM
Hey, Dougie, take the missus out on a romantic meal at sunset, in the boat ...

for some reason i dont know what the word romantic means?????

15th April 2013, 05:42 PM
I got the goodies out and showed the mrs, she said that's gruesome, I told her to have another look and it gruesome more :) :)