View Full Version : Retirement is a bit of a shock

12th April 2013, 09:21 AM
I started work when I was 14 and just finished at the Age of 71 (57 Years).
It is rather strange after 57 Years not to have a Job to go too every day.
I love my Fishing and Woodwork but to tell you the truth I would rather be gainfully employed and that is why I am looking for a Part Time Job for a couple of Days a Week. Have had a couple of Offers which I am considering.
I know you all think I must be Crazy but that is the way I am

Sir Roofy
12th April 2013, 09:25 AM
i started work when i was 14 and just finished at the age of 71 (57 years).
It is rather strange after 57 years not to have a job to go too every day.
I love my fishing and woodwork but to tell you the truth i would rather be gainfully employed and that is why i am looking for a part time job for a couple of days a week. Have had a couple of offers which i am considering.
I know you all think i must be crazy but that is the way i am

not at all bob beleave me it takes quite a while to settle down even now i still do the odd job
theres only so much you can do around home
all the best with it fella

12th April 2013, 09:27 AM
I'm dreading that day. Although a long way off and will probably need to work till 100 the way there raising the age..
But I get board shiotless on a week holiday... Just gotta be doing something..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

12th April 2013, 09:38 AM
Sorry Bob can`t help on the job front but I to am retired but do a stint for 2 to3 months with a good mate, mind you it`s close to 2 or 3 months 7days a week and there are 10 days that are normally 13 or 14 hour days. The rest of the year is spent trying to get away as much as possible. Life is to short and there`s not enough time for the stuff we really want to do.

12th April 2013, 10:02 AM
What not enough fishing, most I know that recently retired have actively sort work ,but in a different field.

12th April 2013, 10:42 AM
Hey Bob,

I wish a lot of the younger generation had your mentality, they just don't seem to want to work, even if they have a job.

Where I work there are two young blokes(nice guys) that have no self motivation, they whinge they are bored, but there is always something to be done. But they both don't have enough go in them to just do it.

Also mate I reckon one of the biggest problems with the older generation getting old before their time is a lot of them retire from work and then retire from life in general.

So good luck getting a part time job, and show us young un's what it's all about.


12th April 2013, 10:47 AM
I think I would find plenty to keep me busy, lots of touring and lots of fishing.
Have to wait another 20 years.

12th April 2013, 10:51 AM
I started work when I was 14 and just finished at the Age of 71 (57 Years).
It is rather strange after 57 Years not to have a Job to go too every day.
I love my Fishing and Woodwork but to tell you the truth I would rather be gainfully employed and that is why I am looking for a Part Time Job for a couple of Days a Week. Have had a couple of Offers which I am considering.
I know you all think I must be Crazy but that is the way I am

G'day Bob,

I am so envious that you were able to work for 57 years mate!

Unfortunately for me and my family, i was forced to retire this year due to ill-health. I struggle every day psychologically and physically. My father retired at 72 and the first thing he did was get involved with a voluntary community organisation in Geelong. My father advises "as long as you can keep your mind active you will be ok".



12th April 2013, 10:56 AM
Gotta keep the mind active Bob or else you will go crazy... Good on you mate!

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

12th April 2013, 11:01 AM
We never retire mate.............mostly move from paid work to unpaid work :) Enjoy, I'm a little behind ya :-)

12th April 2013, 11:01 AM
Good luck with the job hunting Bob. As RLI said you could always try volunteer work to keep you active. My nan volunteers at a school helping kids learn to read. I am sure you'll find you niche

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

12th April 2013, 11:05 AM
Good luck with the job hunting Bob. As RLI said you could always try volunteer work to keep you active. My nan volunteers at a school helping kids learn to read. I am sure you'll find you niche

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

Great suggestion by you and RLI. Had not thought of that.
Will investigate

12th April 2013, 03:31 PM
Yeah, Bob, volunteering fills time for a lot of people. I know of retirees that used to deliver meals on wheels and stuff like that.They also delivered pamphlets, it earned very little, but they got plenty of exercise.

12th April 2013, 04:03 PM
Some good ideas there Bob, I'm sure you'll work out the best way to stay busy. If all fails, find yourself a younger mistress!!! that will keep you busy and keep that ticker of yours in top shape...ROFL

12th April 2013, 04:06 PM
Suppose you can only count others ppls money for so long to the point its boring lol'
May your local area may need assistance in some area, Agree though gotta keep the grey matter working.
I would suggest to you Bob something completely different to your norm.
A new challenge, what that is I dont know.

12th April 2013, 05:10 PM
i know when i was in darwin there was a website for volunteering like at the show etc for grey nomads, they got free admission for doing a few hrs volunteering maybe something like that around victoria.