View Full Version : Back pain sufferers possible breakthrough

10th April 2013, 08:04 PM
Watching the ACA saw a new device for back pain suffers. instead of fusing vertibrea together putting stain on disc above and below injured area ,they now have a device to replace the disc. I for one will be putting my hand up for this new procedure. My Surgeon is Prof P Teddy well worth googling. First I would say to any back pain suffer avoid surgery at all cost, I made the mistake of going for surgery, wrong now 16 operations later I.m no better off,\. Mind you 16 ops have been to fix the first which went "pair shape". I've already booked in to see Prof Teddy. I'm excited, there is a pin hole of light at the end of that long long tunnel.

That hole started out 4" long and 2"deep daily dressings and seaweed pack for 3mths, pain in the butt you betcha

The BigFella
10th April 2013, 08:06 PM
hang in there bloke, there's always hope!

10th April 2013, 08:12 PM
Best of luck mate, really hope it works out for you!

10th April 2013, 08:19 PM
Thanks Winnie ,but there are 1000's of us. Pain of any kind can destroy your life ,your family and self worth.
Work care/cover will pay for any OPs which so far exceed $25k x 16. They pay for my imfamous pills. they dont pay for
Anti biotics or anti depressants Go figure. I have come oh so close to just giving up, but have great mates.
It really does destroy you

10th April 2013, 08:47 PM
Stay strong 3D I have chronic back pain but obviously not nearly as bad as yours mine is L2 L3 L4 bulging disks which rub viciously on my sciatic nerve. It flairs up every now and then which makes it impossible to put pants and shoes on.

I refused surgery because I was told it would make it worse so now I see a Physio 1 to 2 times a fortnight to keep me moving but I ll definately keep an eye out for this new deal if it works it ll be great. What show or channel was it on mate?

Stay strong and chin up 3D

Just tap it in just tappy tappy tappy

10th April 2013, 08:53 PM
Yeah avoid the knife at all cost, funny thing was another mate was in the bed next to me having a single steffi fusion and I was having a double Steffi fusion.
6 weeks later he was back at work and has remained working since ,18th Sept 1991 I have been out of action. The piece was on Channel nine Melb ACA

10th April 2013, 09:06 PM
Pain of any kind can destroy your life ,your family and self worth.

It really does destroy you

Keep strong TD,

My old man was in partnership with someone else running a Truck Mechanics Workshop he was sitting on a milk create and lent over to pick up a tool and that was the last of him :(

He gave away his share of business and most of his work tools to his partner and has never been the same since.

He decided not to have any operations for various reasons.

One day he can be in pain but its bearable the next day he would not be able to move out of bed.

Yes it does destroy one, I know he got that depressed at one stage he thought about ending his life, Im very thankful that he stayed strong and didn't choose that option

I didn't catch the news but will look into it, if you have any links about it you can pass on it would be very much appreciated



10th April 2013, 09:13 PM
I had a nerve ablation done.........works great. Good health to you 3D

10th April 2013, 09:19 PM
Maybe a link to beyond blue as well. But we have a member in this field
very easy guy to talk to, looks like mad irish pirate if the irish had pirates,
only met him once, But think I'm a good judge of ppl. Hope he'll read this
and supply a post.

10th April 2013, 09:39 PM
Hang in there TD, with modern medicine theres no telling what they can do.

I have seen and met incomplete quadriplegics walk and use their arms again and its only a matter of time before they have you good as gold mate!! Stay strong!!

10th April 2013, 10:40 PM
Guess it all depends on the circumstances I guess..... Mate of mine had 4 of the lower vertebrae fused about 13 years ago, no more pain and no more issues.
My dear old ma had her lower vertebrae pinned with screws and what not back in the late seventies, looks like scaffolding in the xrays.... Pioneering stuff back then they reckon. Also a few years back she was supposed to have hip replacements but the docs opted for a new treated where they coat the ball and socket in some sort of polymer plastic and surgical steel, worked a treat so far.
My brother was supposed to have his fused but the surgeon opted to shave 3 of the discs instead, so far so good.

I found out a few months back about my spine being riddled with arthritis, no issues yet but not looking forward to when it does. Shoulders and neck are enough for now lmao.

I know it doesn't help but mate, stick with it 3D, the guys in the know will find something that will work no doubt.

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

11th April 2013, 08:47 AM
Hope it works for you Mate.
Time for another Fishing Trip

11th April 2013, 08:53 AM
Lamenectomy are great just a trim of the disc, seen great results from that procedure. The bolts they use on my fusion
look exactely like 3/8th coach bolts with lock nuts I'll put a pic up to refresh, and this was cutting edge technology in '92.
I'm excited Can't wait to talk to Prof teddy,
And yes BOB time to go again and solve the worlds problems,
Phils doing reno's to his garage so end of month, I'll let you know, 630mm to beat

13th April 2013, 11:22 AM
Bumped Heres a pic of one from a set of 2 titainium screws and plates I had in my back.
Lying around in Darwin they heated up heating me up not good. All problems started when they
did these up and squashed all nerve ends

13th April 2013, 04:36 PM
3dogs, did ever get sciatic nerve pain

13th April 2013, 06:49 PM
No, basically a pain in right buttock, after first Op left leg went Hypo sensitive and completely numb.
Weight went from 85kg to 60kg in less than a Month. Surgeon kept saying it will settle, liar liar pants on fire.
Now I have bad back pain from nueromas and left leg thats dead as a maggot. hit it with a hammer and cant feel it,
so need to be extra carefull as you could imagine. Mates being mates were taking bets on the day of my crossing over lol
bloody showed them. Then with all the tablets developed Chronic Pancreatitis, which also has a Tumor growing on it. Today
went to hospital as had pain in my right arm. Not a happy camper I can tell you. but you have to fight the good fight.
My problems a small compared to other,. just put me in she'll be right catergory

13th April 2013, 07:22 PM
No doubt you have tried one but do you find using a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Machines (Tens machine) ?

After a car accident where a lady pulled out in front of me and I T-boned her... Long story..... I've used one of these tens machines when my Back gets to much and its been great 1 hr and I feel like new. Obviously not suitable for every case I was just wondering if they help you or if you have given them a good go if not i would recomend trying one!

13th April 2013, 07:26 PM
Thats the next Op ,that last was to trial it.
This time its more of a nerve blocker, I've had 2 spinal cord stimulators implanted
one blocked off my organs and I was rushed to Hospital to get it removed.
This nerve blocker wont stop me falling down but hopefully will ease pain

13th April 2013, 07:31 PM
Do you get a stabbing pain like a nerve pinching and some times its that bad you just have to drop like a sack of dung and the stabbing pain remains till you can straighten out your back so to speak.

13th April 2013, 08:07 PM
Do you get a stabbing pain like a nerve pinching and some times its that bad you just have to drop like a sack of dung and the stabbing pain remains till you can straighten out your back so to speak.

yep thats me from time to time

13th April 2013, 11:38 PM
this is what i get also and the tens machine will do wonders! ive got a hi-dow and use it verry regularly

14th April 2013, 12:06 AM
I had an xray when i was 13 and found out I had spondylolisthesis that they believed was caused by spondylolysis from birth.
This has caused back pain and sciatica down both legs, as a result I have been taking anti-inflammatories for the last 35 years.
I have been told by doctors that I will need an operation when the pain gets too bad but reading this thread I think I will avoid it like the plague.

I will follow this thread with a great deal of interest.

14th April 2013, 12:31 AM
I had surgery just over a month ago. Micro-discectomy on my L5-S1 disc, simple op with high success rate approx 90%.

Have had a couple of bulged discs for nearly 2 years but only resulted in minor back pain, bout 4 months ago I started getting a tight hamstring in my left leg. Progressively got worse until by Xmas I could no longer work. Slowly increased pain killers until the only thing that helped was morphine. After my surgery I felt pretty good. Majority of pain gone and just anti inflammatories while it healed, or so they said.

Like I said, that was over a month ago and the pain has slowly been getting worse. Last week I started back on the Valium (to relax the muscle tension and spasms) and now I am needing panadine forte and can't sleep due to the pain. :( I hope I don't end up going down the same path as you 3D. My surgeon is away on holidays for the next three weeks so I am going to call another bloke on Monday and see if I can get an MRI. Really hope it is nothing serious. Three months of not being able to pick up or play with my 11 month old son is really starting to get me down.

Everything else in my life is so great at the moment and I am trying to keep positive but I honesty cannot remember what it is like not to be in pain.

14th April 2013, 12:44 AM
i see my physio who specailises in backs and hips once every 2 weeks or month depending when i get a flare up a couple spells with her and i am great.

one thing though is i have found i cant get a normal back massage from a masseuse?? as it relaxes my back too much and i end up in agony for weeks so now its just physio work for me

14th April 2013, 09:42 AM
Well, back in hospital this morning for some morphine, something is definitely wrong.

14th April 2013, 10:36 AM
Well, back in hospital this morning for some morphine, something is definitely wrong.

Not good to hear. Hopefully something can be done.

14th April 2013, 02:39 PM
gotta hurt to be given Morph, hope all is good