View Full Version : Evey once in a while... Common sense.

5th April 2013, 03:42 PM

Might not be of much interest to 4X4 ers.... But some of us do have other means of transport.....

Compare this article with the tripe that ooze's out of Victoria.... :smile:

5th April 2013, 03:45 PM
That is good news.....wish Qld had similar brains!

5th April 2013, 03:51 PM
110 kph is heaps with the amount trees close to the road down here, If Victoria had the same run off area as the Territory
I can see an increase justified.As one reader wrote Whats the point of doing more than 130kph on crappy roads.
More fuel usage , more damage from animal strikes, plus wear and tear increases.
I'm happy to plod along and take in the sights of our great brown land instead of
A Quote from the Castle up Bonnie Doon did you see that,,,,,,,,,,,,what Oh its gone now

Fastest Ive been is 280kph but, was on a bike, on a track.

5th April 2013, 04:03 PM
Horses for courses.... I dont know how many times you have driven the Stuart, but trust me, after the first 7 or 8 times 110kph would drive you to cut your wrists....

5th April 2013, 04:10 PM
Horses for courses.... I dont know how many times you have driven the Stuart, but trust me, after the first 7 or 8 times 110kph would drive you to cut your wrists....

Driven up there with speed limiter @80kph
Drove us crazy.

5th April 2013, 04:21 PM
I'm all for speed, the faster the better :)

If other countries can build decent roads and autobahns then why can't my tax dollars build decent roads and autobahns here in Australia

5th April 2013, 04:31 PM
If other countries can build decent roads and autobahns then why can't my tax dollars build decent roads and autobahns here in Australia

I've done a bit of driving in Europe and loved it, Autobahns in Germany were terrific. Main reason they have better roads than us is because the countries are much smaller and more densely populated. Also they have a much higher tax rate then we do, especially on fuel and registration etc. Countries like Holland would fit into Victoria three times easily.

5th April 2013, 04:34 PM
@ Cold comfort Lived in Alice ,worked From Marla Bore sth to Kingoonya and lived in Darwin.
In between is a hell of a lot of nothing, Yes I have driven the Length of the Stuart heaps of Times.
Just saying think 130Kph is heaps, Spent a lot of time in the NT even lived at the Rock for a brief period as well

Can you remember why the limit was capped in the first place, been a while now.

5th April 2013, 05:17 PM
speed limit was capped
A becuase the federal govt threatened to with hold funding until they did.
B becuase the tourists were killing themselves in top heavy campers built to do 80kpm and not 180kph like most of them were trying to do.

I am all for open limit up there and places that have long distances to travel, when i was livivng in the territory i sat at 140kph as the car was happy at that, the bike was happy at 120kph so i sat on that on the bike.

5th April 2013, 05:20 PM
I've done a bit of driving in Europe and loved it, Autobahns in Germany were terrific. Main reason they have better roads than us is because the countries are much smaller and more densely populated. Also they have a much higher tax rate then we do, especially on fuel and registration etc. Countries like Holland would fit into Victoria three times easily.

So it has nothing to do with our government not been able to manage money and build half decent roads???? hhhhhhhmmmmmm

5th April 2013, 05:37 PM
I don't disagree with open speed but to do so we need better roads and more importantly better driver training as that is what a lot of it comes down too. The ability of the monkey behind the wheel.

5th April 2013, 05:49 PM
dont know if you have been to the territory but the roads up there a generally very good wide roads especially the main hwys, at 110 you get bored and go to sleep, at 140 you know you have to be alert or thats what i found anyway and i did a lot of driving up there whilst working for telstra.

5th April 2013, 05:54 PM
Didn't it all turn to shite after that race where Japenese driver died in a Ferrari or Lambo but something quick.
Think that was the straw that broke the Camels back, been a while now. I love going quick but rather everyone going in the same direction.
As in on a track. As we all know only takes one in experienced driver at speed to lose it. Education would help. New driver on "P"s
wow what a recipe

5th April 2013, 06:31 PM
Some history.....

The 130kph was imposed on 1st Jan 2007. By 2009 the road had doubled. It was one of the worst years for road carnage on record.

The feds have never threatend to with draw funding. The Hiway from Adelaide to Darwin is considered vital defense infrastructure.

The speed limit was imposed after advise from people like Harold Scruby.... Need I say more.

Even today the vast number of road acident victims are drunk, indiginous, and in the towns of Alice, Tennant, Katherine and Darwin. The imposition of any speed limit is meaningless to these people.

When the 130 was introduced everyone drove at that speed. When the (//) was the guiding factor everyone drove at their chosen speed. Often much less than 130kph... These are experiences that I have observed personally.

The Japanese driver died in the Cannon Ball rally. A governmet sanctioned moror sport event that brought much $$$ into the NT. He was speeding through a section of hiway that was being repaired and the car club had posted a 100kph speed limit on that stretch. He was travelling at around 200kph in a Ferrari. He was a dentist. That hapenned in 1994 (I think). There was also 2 rally officials killed.

"P" plate drivers are restricted like in any other state.

Back when I could decide what was my safe speed, it's a long forgotten concept of taking responsibility for your own actions, my cruise speed was 200kph driving solo and 160kph with wife and kids. Its no biig deal once you become accustomed to it and the hiways are maintained proply..... Only ever in daylight hours...

5th April 2013, 06:44 PM
I'm all for speed, the faster the better :)

If other countries can build decent roads and autobahns then why can't my tax dollars build decent roads and autobahns here in Australia

The one and only reason is person per square kilometer...

Over in England its around 800 people, China is above 1000, Australia I think is below 100...

So our taxes would need to go up 8 fold to even start thinking about competing on infrastructure.. let alone a super fast internet...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

5th April 2013, 07:21 PM
The one and only reason is person per square kilometer...

Over in England its around 800 people, China is above 1000, Australia I think is below 100...

So our taxes would need to go up 8 fold to even start thinking about competing on infrastructure.. let alone a super fast internet...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

Our taxes don't need to go up to build a decent infrastructure, we just need a government that can invest and manage money, if our government was a business they would of closed there doors many many years ago

5th April 2013, 09:03 PM
I don't disagree with open speed but to do so we need better roads and more importantly better driver training as that is what a lot of it comes down too. The ability of the monkey behind the wheel.

We put our lives in the hands of the driver approaching us......

5th April 2013, 10:19 PM
........Whats the point of doing more than 130kph on crappy roads.
More fuel usage , more damage from animal strikes, plus wear and tear increases.
I'm happy to plod along and take in the sights of our great brown land......

........ I love going quick but rather everyone going in the same direction.
As in on a track. As we all know only takes one in experienced driver at speed to lose it. Education would help. New driver on "P"s
wow what a recipe


5th April 2013, 10:30 PM
I don't think our government do anything very smart but I agree with the others, unfortunately one of the drawbacks of few people/large area is that our roads and such simply can't be expected to be maintained as well as these highly populated countries.
I'll happily accept the trade-off though!

6th April 2013, 08:43 AM
We put our lives in the hands of the driver approaching us......

Totally agree

In 2000 I towed a 23ft van with an ex ambo ,351 auto around OZ safe overtaking speed 110 kph .
Then you stumble across a convoy of grey nomads sometimes up to 6 underpowered cars towing big vans all bumper to bumper at 70-80 kph GRRRRR.

So you check ahead in the shimmering heat nothing in sight ok out we go you build up speed get half way past the convoy and crap where did he come from in the distance a fast approaching vehicle will I make it better not chance so I backed off only to just make it back in time as some hoon doing estimated 200+ goes flashing past (not just once either)
even though I had miles to pass safely under speed restricted conditions unlimited roads made it a game of russian roulette .

thats my experience


ps Ever been passed by a road train doin 120-130 k when your towing a van NOT FUN

6th April 2013, 08:46 AM
About 18 months ago i had a head on collision with a french tourist driving on the wrong side of the road, my wife is still traumatised from that accident!!!

6th April 2013, 11:16 AM
Totally agree

In 2000 I towed a 23ft van with an ex ambo ,351 auto around OZ safe overtaking speed 110 kph .
Then you stumble across a convoy of grey nomads sometimes up to 6 underpowered cars towing big vans all bumper to bumper at 70-80 kph GRRRRR.

So you check ahead in the shimmering heat nothing in sight ok out we go you build up speed get half way past the convoy and crap where did he come from in the distance a fast approaching vehicle will I make it better not chance so I backed off only to just make it back in time as some hoon doing estimated 200+ goes flashing past (not just once either)
even though I had miles to pass safely under speed restricted conditions unlimited roads made it a game of russian roulette .

thats my experience


ps Ever been passed by a road train doin 120-130 k when your towing a van NOT FUN

Why was the car traveling at 200kph (how do you know his speed?) being driven by a hoon?? That was once my cruising speed (2006 ford GTP) and I am no hoon.... If you pulled out to overtake in conditions where road shimmering is an issue and you were in a vehicle with limited over taking performance I would suggest that you (or the person you were traveling with) was the one driving dangerously. I understand your frustration with Grey nomads cruising along a dangerously slow speeds but sometimes you just have to suck it up and stay put until you are 100% sure that it is safe to overtake... There is a well known fact.... Speed limits marry traffic.... de-restriction divorces it.... I live up here, I have two kids driving here (22 & 21) and I would rather they travel on the hiways here with an open speed limit than with any speed limit. It's funny how most of the proponents for speed limits come from nanny states..... People that have been dumbed down to the point they need their governments to tell then how to conduct every aspect of their life.... ( not directed at any one here)

BTW road trains etc are speed limited to 100kph..... Have been for years.....

6th April 2013, 12:00 PM
You can suggest what ever you want .
However I can recall when we (in the nanny states) had unrestricted zones black circle with a black slash where you could travel with out speed limits provided you could prove it was safe to do so .
As stated by you 200 was your cruising speed I ask the question what would be the end result should out of no where a animal cross your path?
Don't get me wrong I love speed and have travelled at speeds greater than 200 BUT on a superbike on a controlled race track!
as for speed limiters on road trains check the date I was traveling and trust me they could go faster than 100 limited or not.

6th April 2013, 12:24 PM
You can suggest what ever you want .
However I can recall when we (in the nanny states) had unrestricted zones black circle with a black slash where you could travel with out speed limits provided you could prove it was safe to do so .
As stated by you 200 was your cruising speed I ask the question what would be the end result should out of no where a animal cross your path?
Don't get me wrong I love speed and have travelled at speeds greater than 200 BUT on a superbike on a controlled race track!
as for speed limiters on road trains check the date I was traveling and trust me they could go faster than 100 limited or not.

200 was a speed that was traveled at when safe to do so, things like weather, wildlife, road condition were all taken into account. The roads up here are unique in Australia. That includes northern WA. Its not possible to compare roads down south in more densely populated area's where speed limits are totally appropriate.... having said that I recently traveled the Hume freeway on my motorcycle..... Why that stretch of road in not 130 is a question to ponder. I can only draw the revenue line on that one....

What the (//) does is gives drivers the choice to take personal responsibility for their driving. If you want to travel at 110 or 90 or 100 or 140, it's your choice. I would say to any nanny state visitor to the Territory to ignore the (//) when you get here for at least a few hundred kilometers. Best to stick to the speed that they are used to and slowly increase until they find their comfort zone and just as importantly their cars comfort zone.

Contrary to popular myth, animal strikes up here are rare and almost always at night. Forward visibility is huge.

This is what is happening up here as we speak....

Take notice of the forward visibility!!!

Other states should take notice..... As was said earlier if so much of our hard earned $$ was not squandered by years of totally incompetent guvments we might have more roads like this....

6th April 2013, 12:54 PM
Coldcomfort you are spot on. Speedkills was a flawed campaigned designed to scare the sheep. Speed is not the problem, idiots taking unnecessary risks are a bigger issue. I m constantly pulling up when clowns in front of me overtake on double lines around bends and corners!!!

6th April 2013, 01:12 PM
I too agree on the idiot side of things the idiots I encountered had no consideration for themselves or others .
As for the Hume got me stuffed too :(
A bit of tongue in check fun what happened to the camooweal rd bloody goat track and the Vic hyw with it's big dips lmao

Cheers Gaz

6th April 2013, 01:20 PM
Just thought I would add a thought to this conversation,

In the early 70's they built the start of the Sydney to Newcastle Expressway, the speed limit was 110kph, the latest model cars around at that stage were HQ holdens and XA falcons just to name two,

Neither of these cars or any others had ABS Brakes, Air Bags and seat belts were not compulsory.

Now we have all these great safety innovations and more in even the cheapest cars and the speed limit is still 110kph. And another point you can do 110kph on Dual Carriageway roads and yet you can do 100 - 110kph legally on some goat track in the middle of no where.

Where is the sense in that?



6th April 2013, 01:35 PM


LMAO I been saying that for decades

6th April 2013, 02:21 PM


LMAO I been saying that for decades[/QUOTE]

Just like jumping off a building :)

6th April 2013, 02:37 PM
Just thought I would add a thought to this conversation,

In the early 70's they built the start of the Sydney to Newcastle Expressway, the speed limit was 110kph, the latest model cars around at that stage were HQ holdens and XA falcons just to name two,

Neither of these cars or any others had ABS Brakes, Air Bags and seat belts were not compulsory.

Now we have all these great safety innovations and more in even the cheapest cars and the speed limit is still 110kph. And another point you can do 110kph on Dual Carriageway roads and yet you can do 100 - 110kph legally on some goat track in the middle of no where.

Where is the sense in that?



I have also given that lots of thought. The only reason I can come up with is that the guvs can keep taking credit for air bags, ABS, DSC, crumple zones, radial tyres, improved suspension, and then tell us that it's their zero tolerance policy on speed with their money camera's that's lowering the road toll..... I really do wonder how this countries politicians are able to live with themselves. It guess is bares out the physiologists theories that the biggest psychopaths in society are attracted to jobs that they believe elevate them above all others....

6th April 2013, 02:58 PM
Now we have all these great safety innovations and more in even the cheapest cars and the speed limit is still 110kph.

Except those parts that are now ( well a long while ) 90kph for some strange reason

6th April 2013, 06:54 PM
Up here we have a passive revenue raiser called speed signs. On a long stretch of road guess the speed sign, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 110..........it will vary on different stretches of road so that the driver is confused!!!

7th April 2013, 12:15 AM
Part of the attraction of the NT for me is that they still leave room for common sense. How fast do you reckon people travelled when there was open speed limits? Most about 120 give or take. It's been said by others above, drive to the conditions. Can you do 200km/h from town to town? No, it's too rough in places. Can you do that at dawn/dusk? Sure, for a limited time only. I could swim in the rivers (unknown amounts of crocs in just about all waterways). I can go driving with no recovery gear, thongs and stubbies. I can try and cross cahils crossing without waiting for the tide. All sorts of foolish stuff for the country, I can do. But I don't. Some stuff is pure dumb. Are people going to have sympathy when I come unstuck? Not up here.

That's what annoys me about restrictive laws (and 100km/h in places) is that people have become so dumb as to need the 'limit' decided for them.

Don't get me started on. The cholesterol travellers.

7th April 2013, 01:44 AM
Except those parts that are now ( well a long while ) 90kph for some strange reason


Don't even get me started on that shite, or the wet weather speed camera.

There's one for you guys, a speed zone complete with camera that changes in the rain.


7th April 2013, 05:59 AM

Don't even get me started on that shite, or the wet weather speed camera.

There's one for you guys, a speed zone complete with camera that changes in the rain.


hahahaha, yeh I hate that 90kph section and find it hard not to be doing more?

Ins't there 100 zones as well???????????

So there really is three speed zones on our free-way between Sydney and Newcastle????