View Full Version : I'm a fat bastard!!!!!!!!

2nd April 2013, 07:44 PM
Been on my mind for nearly 2 years but I recently topped 103kg, now for a person that was once a jockey riding race horses and most of my adult life was around 63kg this is a massive jump.

Now I know I eat to much takeaway and dont exercise and these are 2 areas that need attention first but I cant go on any hardly eat anything diet as it will not last...

Do you guys battle with this problem or just dont care???

There are some on here that I have never seen eat ever... I think they are vampires??

Should I try and go half measures?? what works???

I need to start riding the push bike again but I hate the frickin seat and there is no way I am having one of those pads in my pants... he he!!

Now in all the shit replies from some of the usual jokers I hope there are real examples of people who have faced this problem and can offer advice.. my little scare with trip to the hospital has been on my mind.

2nd April 2013, 07:56 PM
Cut out the takeaways..... Eat plenty of veggies, fruit and salad. Cut out thr processed meat. Drop your intake of cheese and other dairy stuff, use Hilo milk instead of full cream. Make smaller portions at meal time....... Little but often to keep the metabolism going

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

2nd April 2013, 07:58 PM
Geeze, I hit that at 18... Lol
But then I read your knee high to a grass hopper... Lol
I'm (cough) 130 and need to do something..
Shift work stuffs me.. I find myself eating weird times and as the wife doesn't cook I eat crap...
So I did make it a attempt to loose a bit but it is hard.. and camping.. well that is a bad time... I think 3 pigs died for my weekend enjoyment... Lol
I use to ride but now work is 20k away and as mentioned shift..
I find a walk to the park with the kids and wife and then home is good thing, but were now heading into wet season that's backing off..

How about a forum biggest looser?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

2nd April 2013, 08:00 PM
Ha ha ha!!!! 3 pigs hey!!!!

2nd April 2013, 08:02 PM
Have a read of the canteen weight loss threads

2nd April 2013, 08:03 PM
Ha ha ha!!!! 3 pigs hey!!!!

You dont wanna know.. but dam it was yummy...
My biggest killer is the truth.. fat is flavour...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

2nd April 2013, 08:06 PM
Geeze, I hit that at 18... Lol
But then I read your knee high to a grass hopper... Lol
I'm (cough) 130 and need to do something..
Shift work stuffs me.. I find myself eating weird times and as the wife doesn't cook I eat crap...
So I did make it a attempt to loose a bit but it is hard.. and camping.. well that is a bad time... I think 3 pigs died for my weekend enjoyment... Lol
I use to ride but now work is 20k away and as mentioned shift..
I find a walk to the park with the kids and wife and then home is good thing, but were now heading into wet season that's backing off..

How about a forum biggest looser?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

He's not a short guy at all and I still don't believe he was ever a jockey! LMAO
I lost 10kg in the last 4 weeks just by cutting out crap food, stopped drinking coke and soft drinks and going on more walks with my dog.

2nd April 2013, 08:06 PM
I reached over 120kgs after my 5 week driving holiday to Qld and back.
I luv takeaway, I haven't really changed much as I still don't exercise. Although be construction worker figure I waste enough energy there.
I definitely tried to make my meals smaller but not by much. But time passes I can't eat as much any more.
My breakfasts really didnt change cereal normally.
Morning tea changed the most and is just fruit and yogurt.
And changing it up all the time with different fruits.
Lunch is now a ham salad roll or more now a chicken or beef salad with ranch sauce.
Dinner remained normal apart from trying to not have a second plate every night like I normally did.
Big thing now is I don't snack anymore.
No more chips chocolate or bickies. But that doesn't work all the time and I'm ok with that.
I'm now 110kg probably losing a kilo a week.
I love soft drinks, well JD and coke and would assume doesn't help my cause at all. But I ain't stopping that.
Another 5 kilos and I'll be pretty happy

2nd April 2013, 08:07 PM
Why not join a gym? I hate doing cardio, but lifting weights is a great way to lose weight. If you can maintain a fairly healthy diet and stick with the weights, you'll find it a great way to boost your metabolism. Diets only stop what goes into your body. If you want to maintain this for the rest of your life, which I'm sure you don't, it's pretty obvious that this isn't a good option. Increasing lean muscle mass will increase your metabolic rate and your bodies ability to burn fat. Just try to avoid the bad foods.

2nd April 2013, 08:08 PM
Try Light and Easy.

Its not overly expensive, if anything its cheaper then buying food every day. They actually have some nice meals as well. The idea behind it isnt, stop eating, its eat less more often, and portion sizes.

My dad has lost +20kg since he started it about 5 months ago, thats with some exercise too.

2nd April 2013, 08:09 PM
Thanks thats good as that is me in a nutshell.... I am a gardener but find myself struggling at the moment??

Snacking is a shocker for me...

2nd April 2013, 08:11 PM
Why not join a gym? I hate doing cardio, but lifting weights is a great way to lose weight. If you can maintain a fairly healthy diet and stick with the weights, you'll find it a great way to boost your metabolism. Diets only stop what goes into your body. If you want to maintain this for the rest of your life, which I'm sure you don't, it's pretty obvious that this isn't a good option. Increasing lean muscle mass will increase your metabolic rate and your bodies ability to burn fat. Just try to avoid the bad foods.

I hate fricking gyms so that is out for sure......

I use to ride big K's and do boxing and weights and use to wear bonds tshirts or singlets while out at night clubs( yeah I know, what a wanker)......

2nd April 2013, 08:12 PM
Im a little the same. I was skinny as a rake forever but in the last couple of years I've put on a little. Luckily I noticed early and started to make small changes and while I haven't started loosing weight yet, but at least I've slowed down putting it on and have stabilized.
What I did was little changes everywhere. We don't have to be rocket scientists to know what's healthy. It easy to work out a perfect habit but hard to stick with. But first start off small.....
If you get fast food, get water instead of coke.
Skull a few glasses of water in the morning before coffee.
I go for raw veges in salads instead of boiled or baked.
Change to a low carb beer.
If drinking bourbon try it with soda water (or 50/50 soda and coke).
Get one of those rubber stretchy excercise ropes. You can work out while sitting on the couch haha.
Cook extra dinner and take it for lunch the next day instead of takeaway.
Eat dinner earlier and.don't go to sleep for a couple of hours after eating.
These are little things yo change without feeling like you've changed a thing
Then there's all the cliches like "take the stairs" etc...lol


2nd April 2013, 08:24 PM
I hate fricking gyms so that is out for sure......

I use to ride big K's and do boxing and weights and use to wear bonds tshirts or singlets while out at night clubs( yeah I know, what a wanker)......

What about a home gym? What about just getting on the floor and doing some push-ups and sit-ups, or even chin ups? There's apps now available on smartphones designed to train you to push out 100 push-ups in one go without a rest. Why not give that a go?

2nd April 2013, 08:32 PM
I hate fricking gyms so that is out for sure......

I use to ride big K's and do boxing and weights and use to wear bonds tshirts or singlets while out at night clubs( yeah I know, what a wanker)......Cut down on your food intake and start riding a bike again mate.Small steps at a time.

As for being a wanker, 90% of men do just that, the other 10% are liars...................:wink:

2nd April 2013, 08:57 PM
My brother was over 120kg's, he ate chicken breast fillets and green salad and did cardio and light weights. I think he dropped down to around 80 then started on heavier weights and now is around 100 i think. Next time you see him he'll give you some tips.

2nd April 2013, 09:08 PM
Yeah mate been battling to loose weight for about 2 years now, I got to 97 from being too skinny (about 75) at 6ft, after my operation. I wanna get to mid 80's I'm back to about 90 ATM. All I did was cut out simple carbs, like pastas and white bread. I walk once a week occasionally and I'm slowly loosing weight over 3 months I'm down 7 kilos. I drink heaps of water, no more soft drink and it's working slowly!


dads tractor
2nd April 2013, 10:20 PM
BA maybe check these out http://http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=eat+right+for+your+blood+type&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CGUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dadamo.com%2F&ei=nbFaUfm8ArGSiAeBqoH4Dg&usg=AFQjCNH-kG2OnUq_PwGH6Vkz32MwTwkOmw (http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=eat+right+for+your+blood+type&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CGUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dadamo.com%2F&ei=nbFaUfm8ArGSiAeBqoH4Dg&usg=AFQjCNH-kG2OnUq_PwGH6Vkz32MwTwkOmw) and http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=symply+too+good&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.symplytoogood.com.au%2F&ei=acVaUZXkJOW0iQf38YHgBg&usg=AFQjCNEZPxxJFNs-bnXVvAAtEBMLcJrv-g the second one is based on weight watchers but are very tasty and are good for those that are glutien intolerant.

2nd April 2013, 10:32 PM
i was 130kilos, all i changed was my meal portion sizes and to stop drinking as much fizzy drinks/iced coffee and replace that with water, less than 6 months later i was back down to 107kilos.

unfortunately i have gotten a little larger again and will be trying to loose some more wieght, luckily its only a ten minute walk to work, although walking home is all uphill!

my third 256
3rd April 2013, 04:46 AM
was 160 kg and now 125 low card diet no snacking on junk food small meals and no booz
oh by the way had a gastric bypass and diabetes in remission

3rd April 2013, 05:14 AM
Young fella here at work was 165kg 8 mths ago now 115kg when he was 165 wAs bench pressing 200kg but was still a fat bastard
He eats shitloads nearly 1kg raw veges a day and massive bowl/plastic lunch box of oats and Greek yogurt for brekkie has started running a bit and has cut out weight training is gunna start weights again soon
He's 6'3" so a big unit still

3rd April 2013, 06:23 AM
So who is keen to run a challenge like they did last year?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

3rd April 2013, 06:36 AM

Sir Roofy
3rd April 2013, 07:15 AM
Ill be in that .report every monday

3rd April 2013, 07:21 AM
Give up Beer & Sugar and eat plenty of Vegies and go for long walks and then become a Monk (No Sex) RAFLMAO

3rd April 2013, 07:28 AM
My biggest problem is I make excuses and fall back into bad habits 3 or 4 weeks into a health kick I say I'll just have a little ad food then start binging. I'm currently at my heavyist. I'm 27yrs 173 cm tall and just touched 110 kg I'm pretty solid built but carrying it all in the gut. During my footy days my playing weight was 100kg and was fit. I would like to get back to 100 kg but since I'm not in the gym for footy 90 to 95 kg would be more realistic this could be the motivation I need

3rd April 2013, 07:30 AM
Give up Beer & Sugar and eat plenty of Vegies and go for long walks and then become a Monk (No Sex) RAFLMAO

Sex is a good cardio work out a good reason to get the missus to throw the leg over to fight obesity

3rd April 2013, 07:31 AM
Sex is a good cardio work out a good reason to get the missus to throw the leg over to fight obesity

I like your thinking Mate (Best of Luck)

3rd April 2013, 07:51 AM
So who is keen to run a challenge like they did last year?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)
Sounds like a good idea, I am a short fat bastard myself, 5ft7 and pushing 100kg.
Like macca86 I make excuses all the time, will go for a period where I eat healthy and walk the dog every day then go away for work and eat at a pub every night.

3rd April 2013, 08:15 AM
I must be a monk already then????????

Plenty of good advice here guys and I like the idea of a challenge....... help kick start things along.

My wife is watching this closely as she hit me with a challenge for the end of April... she says I have had a good run playing like the little boy that I am but after the Tallarook trip she wants me to lose weight and get fit.

Now normally I would just put this down to nagging but this time (actually she is right a lot but dont tell her that) I really want to get fitter????

I think my worst things are snacking in the evening and takeaway food......?????

3rd April 2013, 08:44 AM
I think my worst things are snacking in the evening and takeaway food......?????

You can still snack, just don't eat the whole packet.
You get still get takeaway, just get healthier choices.
A mate of mine is on a very strict diet that he won't share with anyone (I don't know why) but in his diet he leaves himself a free diet day to eat whatever he likes. (In moderation of course)
ie: we can still go out to our favourite pizza joint or the almighty KFC.

3rd April 2013, 08:47 AM
People who are dieting forget to eat 6 times a day with each meals the size of both of your clenched fist's.

3rd April 2013, 08:49 AM
I am taking this all on board and will work out what I think will work for me.... I like most of what you are saying Mego as I think this fits more closely with my situation...

Might go buy my daughter a new push bike so she can come for rides with me (she is growing so fast) and also start back at riding to school instead of driving...???

3rd April 2013, 05:51 PM
Hey mate, all I have done is drop back to no beer except if going out to tea or a party etc ( used to be 6 -10 plus a night) and have reasonable portions for meals. I feel a sh#t load better and have dropped 8 kilo in about a month by just doing this. The cutting off beer nearly killed me but after a few weeks the cravings slow! good luck! I think you have kids correct? if so and at the right age get out and do something with them, it's good for you and not a chore if having fun.

3rd April 2013, 06:03 PM
I missed this thread, Hey BA, as a start you can run around Andys place 15 times on Saturday then you can have a glass of water with a salad.

3rd April 2013, 06:05 PM
I missed this thread, Hey BA, as a start you can run around Andys place 15 times on Saturday then you can have a glass of water with a salad.

F%$k you Kris..... I knew some one would come on here and be a big fat dick!!!!!!!!!!!

Punch in the neck for you mate!!!

3rd April 2013, 06:07 PM
F%$k you Kris..... I knew some one would come on here and be a big fat dick!!!!!!!!!!!

Punch in the neck for you mate!!!

Haha, you ganna have to catch me first...we can both loose some then LOL...I am definetly going to take this challenge up!!! I have nearly hit the magical 100 mark myself

3rd April 2013, 06:13 PM
BA you've met me I'm like a drovers dog all P%^^K and ribs never been over 85kg in my life
and eat anything I want, even got the sugar sweats on this new cake at the hot bread shop,
Think theres one can of condensed milk in every slice.
You need to get out walking with that cutie of a daughter plus your dog. Need to get your heart working
Use it or lose it. If not some type of static exercise like a bike or walker, but you need to want to first.
Dont leave it until its too late. go buy a Kyak and take it down near the Anglers Arms and put in a few kays

3rd April 2013, 07:26 PM
Drinking beer is sociable and iam sociable.

3rd April 2013, 09:36 PM
F%$k you Kris..... I knew some one be a big fat dick!!!!!!!!!!!

Poo sang a song about that hahahahahaha

3rd April 2013, 09:45 PM
I got a treadmill for sale if ya want 1 year old it even has 2 king brown holders on it what's wrong with being 100kgs more cuddle power cuddles