View Full Version : Hello...

13th December 2010, 07:55 PM
Hi there,

Firstly i would like to apologise as i joined up and then posted a question without first introducing myself.

I am topgeargirl and my hubby and i have a 1985 Nissan Patrol which we love going away in.

Have a great night!

13th December 2010, 07:58 PM
Welcome Topgeargirl & Hubby, no need to apologise we are all guilty of that on some forums.
Enjoy the forum and when you get a chance we would love to see some photos of your Patrol.

13th December 2010, 07:59 PM
Welcome to the forum topgeargirl and hubby,

Great bunch of guys and girls here always willing 2 help out where they can

Enjoy the forum and what it has 2 offer

When u get a chance pop into the members map thread and leave your location so i can add u 2 the map.



13th December 2010, 08:01 PM
Welcome to Trol town topgeargirl.
Good to see another female on board the best forum around.
Heaps of handy information,Great bunch of people with a s*** load of knowledge and experience with plenty of good advice.
Plenty of good laughs along the way as well.
Surf around and join in where ever you feel comfortable.
Post some pics of your rig in the members ride section when you get a chance, we love our pics.

Good luck to you and hubby, Welcome aboard and Enjoy the ride.

Cheers Pete

13th December 2010, 08:09 PM
Welcome to the forum guys, feel free to ask any questions and join in the conversations.

13th December 2010, 10:34 PM
Hey topgeargirl & hubby.......welcome. You'll hear this over & over again...WE WANT PIC's. lot's of pic's.
Good technical advise, trips, laughs and PIC's here. have fun. I've only been here a week and now I'm a junky.


14th December 2010, 04:01 PM
Welcome on board & I hope you enjoy the forum.

Finly Owner
17th December 2010, 12:08 AM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House. Where abouts are you. If in brissie I may be able to help with MQ parts.


17th December 2010, 07:27 AM
G'day mate - welcome aboard. As said, plenty of useful information on the forum, heaps of great people and a good laugh to be had also, so feel free to get in on the conversations!!!