View Full Version : that all important question........

29th March 2013, 02:06 AM
Ok guys ( and ladies ) here is an interesting topic that the missus and myself were talking about tonight after she was reading some of the 4wd mags...
these different mags talk about all the different mods done to the vehicles, campers , etc to make life more comfy...


not once has any one of them talked about or given any advice about this topic.....

so i put it to everyone here...

How does everyone do their business?

and what sort of set up you use..

i know there are many different types of royal thrones for sale at different outdoor places..
some people are happy with the shovel and paper ... ( mind you i think this is a blight on our outback as i have seen many places where the paper streamers are everywhere )

i have the good old thunder box but yet to give it a go as most places we stop at have a place to go... ( never look down a long drop,, )

so we are trying to come up with some ideas where the other half can place her delicate toosh in comfort and privacy and no spiders.....

so any ideas???
would love to see some photos of some setups ( not in use tho please.... )

this could be good.......

29th March 2013, 08:45 AM
What a $hit question lol

my third 256
29th March 2013, 08:49 AM
yes its a real pisser
i have a little chemical toilet we use
no smell

29th March 2013, 08:50 AM
Fold out chair type set up with a dunny seat on it!!!

Have one of those chemical toilets but a pain in the arse........he he!!!!

29th March 2013, 09:49 AM
post hole shovel and a roll of dunny paper. just remember only drop your pants to just behind the knees or you ll end up will poop in your pants hahaha

29th March 2013, 09:50 AM
Here you go

29th March 2013, 10:01 AM
Post hole shovel and a roll of paper.
You should check out a product called a "she wee",Scares the Shite out of me but one for the ladies

29th March 2013, 10:20 AM
Post hole shovel and a roll of paper.
You should check out a product called a "she wee",Scares the Shite out of me but one for the ladies

My missus says they're crap and end up makin more mess, I told her they are for doing a piss only.... Apparently she knew that and that's what she was referring to so I left it there before I got any more details.

29th March 2013, 10:36 AM
In our bus we have a portapotti. Forget stinky chemical, use the cheapest home brand nappi wash powder. 1 teaspoon per dump. Works really well.

No room in the camper for a portapotti. Bought a frame & seat. Use compostable bags bought online - waaay cheaper than getting them at the camping stores. Two different size bags. One for individual dumps, one that lasts several days. When camping recently in very hot weather for 5 days we used two bags (2 people), & carried a small bucket of lime to sprinkle after each dump. Worked ok, no smell & buried before we left. Need a lid of some sort over the top of the seat to keep the flies away. We just used a split carry bag & a length of wood. It was the first time we'd tied it out & were surprised how well it worked.

Bags available at http://www.biobaganz.com/fully-compostable-biodegradable-bags-films/bin-liners-and-bags

For those that like a bit more detail :) we peed in the bags too & they held up ok, but if we were having to carry the bags out (in a spare tyre external bag) when the ground is too hard or rocky to dig a suitable hole, we would avoid peeing in the bags. These bags could then be disposed of in a long drop (but I intend carrying a spare bag with me when doing this to prove to any 'toilet nazis' that they are in fact compostable & not just decomposing type - the latter can take a year or two to break down & are unsuitable for long drops etc).


29th March 2013, 02:00 PM
well i think the bumper dumper looks the goods.... i just have to remember not to drive off with her sitting there,, ( now that would be a sight...... and a short life for me.. !! )
looked at the "thunder box" too.. this looks like a good idea,, fold up so not much room taken up....

29th March 2013, 02:07 PM
Damn old theme! http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?8306-AB-s-new-craptastic-2000-Bush-Toilet&p=183182#post183182 :smileyvault-cute-bi