View Full Version : Fuel issue with LPG/Petrol - and high revs, but going no where...

28th March 2013, 07:23 PM
Hi, 2 problems which I'm pretty sure aren't related, but I'll see what you people think.

It relates to my TD42 Maverick, auto, dual fuel.

I was doing some long-distance driving recently in hot conditions for a few days in a row. Not too many drama's, was running hot as usual but I kept my eye on that and topped up radiator as needed.

I noticed within days of my long commutes that the revs had jumped up for no apparent reason. Normally sits just under 2000rpm doing 110kmh, now it's up to 2500rpm on 100kph. I've adjusted the idle and the mix, but always seems to go back to the high revs. I live in a hilly area of the Sunshine Coast, and the old Mav would kick down a gear and cruise around the mountains no worries - now it kicks down and makes a big noise but goes no where. Probably something basic, but I'm no good with motors, carbies, etc...

The other issue is with the dual fuel. My gas gauge has never worked, so I was told when I got the vehicle just to run it out of gas then switch over to petrol til you can fill up again. Did this mant times. However I was driving down a local motorway recently and could feel that gas was low, so switched over to petrol (I had around a third of a tank) and nothing! Spent the next couple of hours on the side of the road fiddling with wires and switches and tracing everything back to see if I could find the problem, but no go. Called a tow to a nearby servo with LPG.

I guess I'll have to go see the gas guy, but if anyone here has an idea what it could be I might be able to save a few bucks.

Thanks guys...

28th March 2013, 08:05 PM
Get it in for a LPG service, they can inspect it better than we can. Has the auto trans been serviced lately? Maybe some free tran fluid will help!

28th March 2013, 08:51 PM
filter and transmax z in the auto, no leaks, hoses all good from what I could see. I dunno, guess I'll just put up with it for a while.

as for only running on LPG, I guess I can live with that for a while as well - just have to fill up more often.

28th March 2013, 08:59 PM
filter and transmax z in the auto, no leaks, hoses all good from what I could see. I dunno, guess I'll just put up with it for a while.

as for only running on LPG, I guess I can live with that for a while as well - just have to fill up more often.

Careful on sole LPG. The fuel system components will dry out and cost you $$$$ in the future.

29th March 2013, 04:09 PM
yeah, I was worried about that. Just spent a fair few dollars on the brake calipers and master cylinder, that's why I've got to put it off for a bit.

29th March 2013, 05:01 PM
Make sure your electrics are new before you take it for a gas tune up.
You'll need new air filter. plugs, leads in good nick as well.. A lot of gas
problems are 12v related, Not in This case though

29th March 2013, 06:20 PM
Sounds to me like you've either lost lock up, or the auto is slipping.

The gas could be the way it switches, or a problem with the petrol system.

29th March 2013, 10:57 PM
Sounds to me like you've either lost lock up, or the auto is slipping.

The gas could be the way it switches, or a problem with the petrol system.

OH PLEASE BE WRONG about the auto....I suspected something was up but I suppose I was in denial. I'll have to drive it only when absolutely necessary, then take it in for a 'professional' opinion. DaMN. (but thanks for the help Guys.....)

30th March 2013, 01:04 PM

Found this thread.....lots of awesome info, gonna start to try a few things mentioned in these posts (eg. TPS), hopefully can get to the bottom of it. The problems mentioned sound uncannily similar to mine and the 'poster' has the same running gear as I do. Relieved, but worried....