View Full Version : F1 Stoush Vettel versus Webber

25th March 2013, 10:06 AM
How many of you saw the Race last night and did you think Vettel was entitled pass Webber.??
I thought that Vettel was the better Driver but am not sure that he should have obeyed team Orders as it is Dog eats Dog in that Game.
What are your thoughts

25th March 2013, 10:09 AM
I think that in the world of F1 - even though it is dog eat dog - Vettel should've maintained his position. Even his own fans are bagging him online after that!


25th March 2013, 10:11 AM
He shouldn't have passed webber it was against there team rules and webber gets the wrong end of stick all the time it's really gonna make it an interesting season tho Ricardo is a gun and he will have a championship in a few years

25th March 2013, 10:16 AM
Not a big fan of team orders. However since they are a part of the championship these days, they should be followed and the order was issued before the race. Webber had to give way to Vettel last season several times due to team orders. Vettel is just an insubordinate minor that needs to grow up and bow down to authority.

25th March 2013, 10:35 AM
That was a very diplomatic way of putting it Dhuck!


25th March 2013, 10:38 AM
Not a big fan of team orders. However since they are a part of the championship these days, they should be followed and the order was issued before the race. Webber had to give way to Vettel last season several times due to team orders. Vettel is just an insubordinate minor that needs to grow up and bow down to authority.

Why dont you say what you mean and not beat about the Bush.


25th March 2013, 10:41 AM
Why dont you say what you mean and not beat about the Bush.


I tried to beat around the bush. But that is the way it came out of my non intuitive brain. lol

25th March 2013, 11:26 AM
I missed the end of the race. You're in it to win it. Webber was passed because he was slower. I remember watching the two blue and white falcon cobras at bathurst coming in one two . The second car ordered not to pass. I reckon it took the edge off the excitement.

25th March 2013, 12:43 PM
unfortunately if you listed to the after race interview vettel was not faster as they were told to take the engines off the top setting, weber did vettel didnt thats why he got passed and anyway thats just typical of a young i am better than everyone else win at all cost little snot, i think they should drop him for a couple of races as punishment but they wont, as was said previously, weber followed orders last year and would expect reciprication.

25th March 2013, 12:46 PM
That was a very diplomatic way of putting it Dhuck!


I noticed that he didnt even say F%&k. lmao

25th March 2013, 02:00 PM
Even when winning, something always happens for him to lose. Lol

25th March 2013, 02:13 PM
How many of you saw the Race last night and did you think Vettel was entitled pass Webber.??
I thought that Vettel was the better Driver but am not sure that he should have obeyed team Orders as it is Dog eats Dog in that Game.
What are your thoughts

It looked like Vettel was a better driver but was Mark really racing? The team gave orders 10 laps before the finish that Vettel is to come second so was Mark just cruising and wasn't racing 100%. Just a thought but one thing I know he wasn't happy...LOL

As least he had a better start:)

25th March 2013, 02:41 PM
Was great to see a couple of corners of proper racing, but then management stepped in and started the prima donna bit.
Engine management can be controlled from the pits and I doubt that Mark turned any thing down from inside the cockpit as in the mood he showed after,he would have put up a good show if other forces were not involved.I have the greatest respect for the abilities of all F1 drivers but let them race and get rid of the interference from pit lane

26th March 2013, 06:07 AM
Vettel needs to be santioned some how for not following orders like the aussie cricketters but he is world champ so they do not want o upset the driver do they?

26th March 2013, 06:08 AM
one t in cricketers sorry was too quick for spelling ha ha

26th March 2013, 09:07 AM
A couple of questions
1 Can you bet on F1
2 If so then team orders become race fixing
Just my view

26th March 2013, 04:18 PM
A couple of questions
1 Can you bet on F1
2 If so then team orders become race fixing
Just my view

Thats 1 question. . . .

I approve of team orders. I would say that team orders are part of the calculation you have to make before betting.
Betting is a personal prediction of events that will or wont occur, and you do so by adding up variable scenarios in your mind and making a call, bet money against somebody who has used the same variables to form a different viewpoint. everyone knows what team orders are. that's why they started it at the beginning of a year. use this information when placing a bet.

seb should have followed orders. if mark had not followed his orders he would have crashed with vettel. pretty disappointing.
seb is the better driver. but mark deserved that win. neither deserved to crash. and thats what would have happened if they kept trying.

26th March 2013, 06:52 PM
Vettel is a douche and I would like to punch him in the neck....

26th March 2013, 07:14 PM
I watched it, and I would have to say that I think Webber actually drove a better race, and was out to quite a sizable lead before he was told to button it off... Not sure what race some of you were watching that said that Vettel drove better.....

26th March 2013, 07:39 PM
The best racing I`ve seen at f1 this year was the Mercedes chase car and the Mercedes medical chase car, which was a stationwagon doing recon laps on Wednesday arvo at Albert park.8 to10 laps full on hitting turn 3 with the ABS locking and smoking different tyres, propping sideways and drifting under full power heading for turn 4, and only meters apart. These guys do not mess around hitting turn 3 at something like 230 Ksph. One of our team scored a ride in a course car on Saturday and was white for an hour after.

26th March 2013, 09:41 PM
Yep, team orders are part of f1 but they take the gloss of racing. Rosberg and hamilton was just as embarrassing but at least Nico had the maturity to do as the boss told him and Lewis had the guts to say it wasn't good for him either. So they should ban the radio and go back to the pitboard only. Just like the bikes.

The Chinese GP's going to be interesting!

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