View Full Version : Custom Snorkel setups

20th March 2013, 06:48 AM
Id like to start a thread where people can post pictures of their custom snorkel setups to help out others that are planning to do the same.
Here are a few pictures of mine and a mates.
Please feel free to upload any pictures you have of your custom snorkel setup, especially if it is out of the ordinary.

Here is a detailed DIY thread on making a custom stainless steel 4" snorkel for a TD42. Compiled by our very own AB.... http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?3502-How-to-make-your-own-4-quot-stainless-steel-snorkel

20th March 2013, 06:59 AM
Heres mine:
(note the flexi pipe outside the engine bay was fitted by the previous owner and is long gone...)


The cylinder filter is off a gutlux (yes it hurts to say it!). The elbow on it was cut off, rotated and braised back on to suit the engine bay.

I only had to make the hole a little bigger so i just snipped with tin snips and folded over the edge

Tough as stainless steel brackets from a truck shop

I used door trim off an old car to go around the hole.
This is the only way i could figure out how to join the flexi pipe to the rubber elbow

Nice 3" stainless pipe

Good quality fittings

Finished product. Im still not sure how much water gets in the end when its raining, especially when when parked on a bit of a hill, but ive checked plenty of times and ive never found any decent amount of water in the filter...
Also note that i have spun the hose clamps around so that the nut is pointing down and hidden from view now.

20th March 2013, 07:12 AM
Heres a mates.
He got rid of the LPG setup and wanted to use the original airbox and filter. The idea was to run steel over the hot side of the engine so that the heat wouldnt affect the flexi pipe etc. The work was done by the local plumbing shop from his design. To save money he just got them to spot weld instead of seam weld and then just ran some sickaflex around the joins.


The old square to round conundrum

Pretty good workmanship







20th March 2013, 07:04 PM
Have you got any closer shots of what you did on top of the carby ? Or can you describe what you did ? Looks good tho that's what I've been looking for cheers

20th March 2013, 07:35 PM
Just putting this out there but is there any kind of formula to work all this out or is it just extend it??????????
As Too long may not be ideal, Just asking.??

24th March 2013, 10:49 AM
Have you got any closer shots of what you did on top of the carby ? Or can you describe what you did ? Looks good tho that's what I've been looking for cheers

Here you go, This was on the car when I got so I don't know what it's been made out of.
Note the gas fitting.


24th March 2013, 10:55 AM
A few more:

30th March 2014, 01:06 AM
Has anyone done a stainless install on the RB30? If so, Pics and tips would be great :)

30th March 2014, 10:47 AM
Heres my setup










23rd July 2014, 06:31 AM
could someone with a y60 2.8 diesel post a buildingplan for a snorkrel if there are 2.8 diesel owners with snorkels.

26th May 2015, 10:44 PM
Did you have to do any adjustments to the carby

27th May 2015, 07:58 PM
Is there a reason people make custom snorkels with stainless steel? I thought it would get hot in the sun and then you would be sucking in hot air and the engine would not get full benifit, I'm thinking of making one out of pvc stormwater pipe and painting it so it doesn't look like stormwater pipe (how ever swmbo wants me to save up and get a safari)

28th May 2015, 07:59 AM
Is there a reason people make custom snorkels with stainless steel? I thought it would get hot in the sun and then you would be sucking in hot air and the engine would not get full benifit, I'm thinking of making one out of pvc stormwater pipe and painting it so it doesn't look like stormwater pipe (how ever swmbo wants me to save up and get a safari)

I guess usually it's for looks and strength. Where I live there's never going to be a problem with sucking in hot air. I used stainless pipe and rubber elbows because it was an easy plug and play way to do it and I think it looks good. I also used some nice looking hose clamps instead of having to glue it so I can pull it apart easily any time. Plastic pipe can also crack if it's struck but that depends on what type of driving you're doing I guess.
But as they say: horses for courses.

29th May 2015, 09:54 PM
I saw a Gu today with twin stainless snorkels. I heard this thing before i saw it. Nice whistling Td42 and massive lift.
It looked weird when i first saw it but the more i stared the more i liked it. Jeez did it sound awesome though....
When hell freezes over and i get my td done ill be putting a stainless snorkel on i reckon.

29th May 2015, 10:45 PM
Mines not anything out of the ordinary, nor is it really custom but I love it.




29th May 2015, 10:47 PM
I saw a Gu today with twin stainless snorkels. I heard this thing before i saw it. Nice whistling Td42 and massive lift.
It looked weird when i first saw it but the more i stared the more i liked it. Jeez did it sound awesome though....
When hell freezes over and i get my td done ill be putting a stainless snorkel on i reckon.
Are you sure it wasnt a V8 diesel or petty?

30th May 2015, 12:30 PM
Are you sure it wasnt a V8 diesel or petty?
Defo a td42 mate. I know that sound as i gives me goose bumps.

30th May 2015, 01:40 PM
The performance gains far outweigh the looks. Especially if you run 4" all the way to the turbo.

30th May 2015, 04:27 PM
The performance gains far outweigh the looks. Especially if you run 4" all the way to the turbo.

I guess size is as important to performance as material, eg: a 2" stainless won't out perform a 4" plastic.