View Full Version : UHF not working when ignition switched on

17th March 2013, 09:09 AM
Morning fellas

Im stumped.. I hooked up a GME TX4400 cb yesterday straight to the battery so it can remain on when ignition switched off.. all good this works great when ignition is off, however as soon as I switch the ignition on I cant hear any converstions any more.. turn ignition off, hear conversation again... any thoughts on what could be the problem as its doing my head in

17th March 2013, 10:31 AM

Does it do it with the engine running or does it do it with just ignition on. Is it just muting the conversation or is the unit turning off.

Also what motor does your patrol have in it petrol or diesel.

I know I haven't helped but it might assist others to pin point the problem more accurately.


17th March 2013, 10:34 AM
Mate just another question,

Did you take both positive and earth direct from the battery.


17th March 2013, 10:51 AM
Where did you connect the earth wire to?

If you connected it to a wire in the dash try connecting it to a metal panel instead.

17th March 2013, 11:14 AM
Thanks for your responses.... I fluked the fix.... The gadget you connect to the cig socket had a ipod connector tuned to a frequency. I discovered when I removed this from the socket the cb worked... put in in it didnt.... changed the frequency on the ipod connector and presto all fixed...

Just to answer you queries.... the motor is the 3L diesel...The unit didnt actually turn off when I turned on the ignition I just lost all transmission. I connected the +ve staright to the battery and the earth to a plate located under the dash near the brake pedal.... Now I can enjoy my Sunday!! Many thanks again... hopefully this may help someone else down the track cos it just didnt make sense at all


17th March 2013, 11:21 AM
Wow how weird is that. I've got another weird one. When I have my phone plugged into the cig plug and charging, I lose all radio reception. CB works fine but I mean the music radio.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

17th March 2013, 12:17 PM
Wow how weird is that. I've got another weird one. When I have my phone plugged into the cig plug and charging, I lose all radio reception. CB works fine but I mean the music radio.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

Hey Chris,

That's a little odd mate, given the guy you bought it off was an auto elec I'd give him a bell and see what he reckons? He might have set up the radio in some strange way??

Bloody Auto Elecs mate! They are all Bonkers!

While your talking to him tell him about your Dyno numbers and see if he can give you his expectation of best reading for you to have another chat with you tuner.

17th March 2013, 12:35 PM
Wow how weird is that. I've got another weird one. When I have my phone plugged into the cig plug and charging, I lose all radio reception. CB works fine but I mean the music radio.

If you're happy and you know it tap a post!

Does it also do it if you push a cigarette lighter in?.

Hey Chris,

That's a little odd mate, given the guy you bought it off was an auto elec I'd give him a bell and see what he reckons? He might have set up the radio in some strange way??

Bloody Auto Elecs mate! They are all Bonkers!

While your talking to him tell him about your Dyno numbers and see if he can give you his expectation of best reading for you to have another chat with you tuner.

AHEM...........errrrrr...........yeah fair call lol

17th March 2013, 01:43 PM
I would say it is causing interference, I have the same thing happen as Winnie does- loose radio recption when charging phone.

19th March 2013, 05:49 PM
All these issues just sound like harmonic issues. Sometimes they can be avoided simply by moving one of the devices or something as simple as changing the channel on the radio. This will prove if the issue is with the actual frequency of the radio station itself, or if it is to do with the emmissions being spat out from the phone (more than likely). As a test you could try plugging the phone (if it's charged through a cig lighter) to the rear of the car and seeing if the same problem is caused creating some distance between the devices. If there is an antenna connected to the phone as well try changing the location of the antenna. Absolute worst case scenario; and I've only ever experienced it once in my life is chop a couple of millimetres off the antenna cable and refit it. It could be perfect radio wavelengths causing the issue.

9th April 2013, 07:56 PM
The iphone charger probally has a switch mode dc - dc invertor. The switch mode must be generating RF interferance try reloacting as per above not much else you can do.