View Full Version : Bubbeling Dash

10th March 2013, 09:41 AM
Ive got a 09 CRD Wagon and was most disapointed to find bubbles starting on the dash last wk :(

Whats the latest on the bubbeling dash issue?

Are Nissan still covering it?



10th March 2013, 01:31 PM
I think a few people have managed to get it fixed under warranty. Do a search and see what comes up.

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

10th March 2013, 02:04 PM
I cant believe a 2009 still has the issue, you would have thought Nissan would have rectified the issue by now. I would demand they replace it, don't think you will have any problems...Good luck

10th March 2013, 02:33 PM
I serched the forum and only came up with older posts, the problem seemed to be worst around 04 from what i could see.

The car ran out of waranty 6 mnts ago but ill give a ring during the week and see what they say.



10th March 2013, 03:04 PM
No brainer. Hit them up and you should have no trouble.

12th March 2013, 11:25 AM
I brought a second hand 2006 GU back in 2010, it had a small amount of bubbling on the dash.

Didn't worry me to much as I put a dash-mat over the dash anyway, but about year and a half ago, Nissan was replacing the dashes for free to fix the bubble problem, so got mine done, even though it was out of warranty.

They never advertised it, it was only by word of mouth that people knew to get it done, so I tried to tell as many people as I could. Just wish I knew about this forum back then.

So I would deffinetly hit them up.

12th March 2013, 12:18 PM
I brought a second hand 2006 GU back in 2010, it had a small amount of bubbling on the dash.

Didn't worry me to much as I put a dash-mat over the dash anyway, but about year and a half ago, Nissan was replacing the dashes for free to fix the bubble problem, so got mine done, even though it was out of warranty.

They never advertised it, it was only by word of mouth that people knew to get it done, so I tried to tell as many people as I could. Just wish I knew about this forum back then.

So I would deffinetly hit them up.

Thanks mate, we were all over it here though and there is a coue of big threads on this forum with good info.

The OP should have little trouble hopefully and there is plenty of precidents

12th March 2013, 12:32 PM
Just had my "goodwill" claim submitted this morning. I would definately hit them up about it. Worst that can happen is you get denied. Mine is an Oct 06 plated patrol with the dash replaced due to bubbles in late 2009 I think it was. Bugger me if they didnt appear again the other week. Would have thought the same as others that the problem would have been fixed by then but clearly not. I rang nissan themselves about it and they claimed to know nothing about the extended warrantee on the dash... deny deny deny and they rely on the lawyers I recon. The bird at the nissan dealer claimed a similar car to mine was denied last week, same age, first dash replaced around a similar time to mine and then bubbles developed on the second dash. She reconned because I had already had it replaced I was less likely to have it done again. A load of BS I recon but little that can be done about it.

12th March 2013, 01:28 PM
Thanks mate, we were all over it here though and there is a coue of big threads on this forum with good info.

The OP should have little trouble hopefully and there is plenty of precidents

Figured if it was going to be anywhere it would be on this site.

Great to see people being informed with real world info, not marketing blurb.

12th March 2013, 01:36 PM
Just spoke to Nissan Service here in Brisbane (Metro Nissan at Windsor), they said if it's within 6 years of the purchase year, it will get replaced, if it's already been replaced, they should be able to do it again, but would have to get approval first, and would also need details of mileage done etc.

Would like to think that would apply nation-wide with all dealers.

Hope it all works out for you.

12th March 2013, 08:05 PM
if it's already been replaced, they should be able to do it again, but would have to get approval first, and would also need details of mileage done etc.

Would like to think that would apply nation-wide with all dealers..

I love the way their minds work - just how, exactly does the mileage have any bearing whatsoever on the dash?

14th March 2013, 05:42 PM
Managed to find time to call Nissan today, the guy at the Customer Service Centre didnt give me much of an idea or a strait answer but when i rang the local dealer she knew all about it, booked me in no questions asked.

Cant complain about their service so far.



14th March 2013, 06:29 PM
Good result mate. Well done Nissan

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

4th March 2014, 01:32 PM
Took my 08 CRD in to Nissan today for the Throttle Position Sensor recall and had the Service department look at the bubbling dashboard. The dash only started to bubble this year during summer. The service manager took the VIN number and checked on the computer with Nissan records and did not hesitate to advise that they would replace the dash pad free of charge.
They advised that it will take a week or two for them to receive the replacement and they will ring me when they get it in. Can't complain too much about that.