View Full Version : AC spills water into co-driver footwell

9th March 2013, 09:30 PM

before you say that the drain is blocked: it isn't (according to my mechanic).

That's what happens:
I drive with AC for a while (30-60 minutes) or if I had used AC the day before.
In tighter right turns water gushes out "under the glove box".
It can easily be 100ml a time and accumulates to something like 500ml - 1l over maybe 30 minutes.

Any idea what's going on there and how I could fix it?


9th March 2013, 09:47 PM
Doesn't compute, if the drain is not blocked than it should all be dripping/leaking out. I'd check the drain myself, and making sure that it actually is not leaking inside instead.

9th March 2013, 09:51 PM
yes, still sounds like your drain is blocked mate, how did you mechanic check this ?

Sometimes a build up of leaves/crud can still be at the entrance to the drain at the top, but the hose/pipe is free and clear of a blockage

9th March 2013, 10:11 PM
When it starts dripping down, it may be a good time to get under and ascertain where its coming from, As above sounds like the drain is blocked to me as well. But if you see where its coming from then you know where your problem is which will make it easier to solve/fix.

GUtsy ute
9th March 2013, 10:32 PM
AB spills BEER into co-driver footwell.

Definately unacceptable behaviour from the Forum Administrator!!LOL

(Sorry for the thread hijack)

Double check the drain is clear as fluff, leaves and dust can block it.

15th March 2013, 05:04 PM
the drain hose might of come off under the dash have a looksey

15th March 2013, 10:14 PM
I would look at getting a new mechanic. What your describing is exactly what happens when the drain is blocked.

15th March 2013, 11:01 PM
The pipe mightened be blocked, but it sounds like over the years the rubber has shrunk with the heat, and isn't making it through the firewall and onto the road below.
