View Full Version : Bonnet Scoop for Sept 09 built GU wagon

6th March 2013, 03:23 PM
i need some help here from members experienced with turbo's.
We do a bit of 4WD touring and 1 May we're off doing the big loop, pulling a camper trailer, with no definate timetable.
If I fit a larger bonnet scoop to a standard factory turbo/ intercooler are there any negatives?
It's a direct 'bolt on' job.
Will a bigger volume of air produce benefits to justify a very expensive $585.00c, ADR compliant scoop.

The scoops are made by Dragon Industries, are expensive at $585 painted, 3 models- Mk1, 2 & 3.
Mark 1 is not compliant however Mk's 2 & 3 are ADR compliant. Mk2 is 60mm and Mk 3 is 53mm vertical opening. The scoops are a direct 'bolt on' job.

That's all the infor I have at this time ............ hope someone can assist!

6th March 2013, 03:31 PM
I have a larger scoop you can feel the difference
Pics here somewhere of it, Made by ARE I think

6th March 2013, 03:41 PM
Have you got a link mate? I know the A.R.E. scoop that 3dogs mentioned has all the research done and is a good product at a good price (about the same). I have no idea about the company you refer to though and I reckon if they are a copy of the ARE scoop then they are bloody cheeky charging those prices for a copy!!

Mudski here also has an ARE scoop and I think is happy with it.

6th March 2013, 03:48 PM
Plus they look tuff, bit over priced you're right there

6th March 2013, 04:08 PM
I just got an ARE scoop, very well made but a bit pricey, i have not fitted it yet and they do not paint them any more.

6th March 2013, 04:22 PM
Do the copies have the "air vanes" underneath to direct air to front of IC ???
Cost $100 to spray metallic pewter if thats my colour

7th March 2013, 09:25 AM
i bought an ARE recently and for the price i have not seen near enough benifit for justifying shelling out that much coin. it does however cool down much faster when not under accellaration but when the foot is on the loud pedal it still runs the same temps as before. looks awsome and is gell coated white which suits me because my truck is white but the money could have been better spent elsewhere....

the ferret
7th March 2013, 09:56 AM
i need some help here from members experienced with turbo's.
We do a bit of 4WD touring and 1 May we're off doing the big loop, pulling a camper trailer, with no definate timetable.
If I fit a larger bonnet scoop to a standard factory turbo/ intercooler are there any negatives?
It's a direct 'bolt on' job.
Will a bigger volume of air produce benefits to justify a very expensive $585.00c, ADR compliant scoop.

The scoops are made by Dragon Industries, are expensive at $585 painted, 3 models- Mk1, 2 & 3.
Mark 1 is not compliant however Mk's 2 & 3 are ADR compliant. Mk2 is 60mm and Mk 3 is 53mm vertical opening. The scoops are a direct 'bolt on' job.

That's all the infor I have at this time ............ hope someone can assist!

Ha ha, I thought that would get you thinking Rod, as I said yesterday, the Guys on here will quickly jump in to help.
Cheers, the ferret.

7th March 2013, 11:25 AM
Thanks Ferret, ..... Got the grey cells working but still trying to workout if the cost $585 will produce a worthwhile benefit?
For the moment I suspect air flow to the factory scoop is partially compromised by the top of the bullbar OR am I getting to pedantic?
Hope this reply makes sense- still getting my head & fingers around 'Tapatalk'

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7th March 2013, 11:51 AM
IMO I dont think scoops work, nothing seems to go into it butterflies etc.
I even blue tacked some cotton to the bonnet, again nothing, I;m trying to make a wing style
foil to push air onto bonnet then up to IC, we'll see

10th March 2013, 01:35 PM
Another vote for the ARE scoop here. Looks trick too. Whilst I see no performance gain as such the EGT's do drop very fast though.

11th March 2013, 10:34 AM
Does anyone have contact detail for the ARE bonnet scoop?

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11th March 2013, 10:49 AM
IMO I dont think scoops work, nothing seems to go into it butterflies etc.
I even blue tacked some cotton to the bonnet, again nothing, I;m trying to make a wing style
foil to push air onto bonnet then up to IC, we'll see

But you just said that it makes a noticeable difference. It's obviously doing something then.

11th March 2013, 01:19 PM
Does anyone have contact detail for the ARE bonnet scoop?

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Let me google that for you. Love this link...:smileyvault-cute-bi

11th March 2013, 01:23 PM
Does anyone have contact detail for the ARE bonnet scoop?

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Here you go mate. There is a heap on their site and well worth a read. They quote % increases based on their extensive r&d

You pay for their research but you get the results ;)

http://www.are.com.au (http://www.are.com.au/Inter/topMountIntercoolers.htm)

11th March 2013, 02:46 PM
They say in conjunction with their IC you'll have 85% efficiency, of what they did not say.
@ winnie with engine cover off and OE scoop on you feel difference , Smoother might describe it
Mate around the corner selling GQ like yours to Winnie PM if anyone needs number

my third 256
13th March 2013, 05:06 AM
why not put a fan on the intercooler alot cheeper

20th March 2013, 04:41 PM
I had a fan on my IC and it helped at low speeds, but was a hinderance at high speeds.

Still toying with the idea of making a 1" spacer block up to fit between the factory scoop and bonnet, and putting a vane in the middle of it. Keeps the factory look and should be a lot cheaper than any of the aftermarket replacements, but no idea if just lifting the scoop itself will make enough of a difference.

20th March 2013, 05:36 PM
bit more in it than spacing it up 25mm, mine has aluminium vanes to direct air to the front of the cooler
it is said the IC will work at a lower speed, a lot of thought have gone into them