View Full Version : Brakes

3rd March 2013, 05:23 PM
The other day i changed the front brake pads and discs only to find that the slides on 1 side were completley seased, and the other was sticky. We did clean them out and get them moving again, but they are rather weathered, anyone know of a good place to get slides or even the outer part of the calipers?

Also while i was in there i repacked the bearings, i have manual hubs, should there be a circlip in there? it only got the screw thing on the cv and the lock washer that screws into that bit.

Thanks in advance

5th March 2013, 07:26 PM
dunno about the hub but give the sliders a good clean and rub down with some fine emery and get some of the black lithium type grease and grease them up. Unless the pin that the caliper slides on is actually worn down theres no reason for it not to work fine. If its worn, the caliper will tilt on the pin and catch.

5th March 2013, 07:44 PM
A little bit of "NEVER SIEZE" get the pistons free

5th March 2013, 09:45 PM
We got them free, just took some elbow grease and a tonne of wd40. the boot thats on them had come off so they are all full of dirt and have started to rust, will never sieze fix that up, or help at least??

5th March 2013, 10:07 PM
Like I said. Clean'em up. Real good.Use sand paper to get rid of the rust. And use lithium grease or Neverseize, if you have that. Both work the same. I used to use either on my Axles for my enduro bike, which ever was closest to my hand, so I could do puncture repairs easily on the side of the track without busting my pooper valve trying to pull the axle shaft out. If the boots are rooted get some new ones or you will have to do it all again after your next mud bath.