View Full Version : Photobucket, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ! (small rant included)

2nd March 2013, 10:13 AM
Well ive been using Photobucket as hosting for my photos for ages now, they released a new version a while back and i didn't like it, but you still had the option to use the OLD version, so no problem.

Now, it appears the old option is now not available, and i find the new version is just "unuseable" for me, is it just me, or is anyone else having these same problems ?

When i upload pics its OK, but, they do not appear at the top of my album (as in, latest upload to the top, first page), instead , due to the new 2 column system and order, they end up 2 or 3 pages away.

Some of the new image thumbnails are NOT of the full image, they are a zoomed in/cropped version, and worse, it appears it does not take this sample/thumbnail of the image from the centre of your pic, so when you have a heap of pics with sky or water, it will get very confusing as they can all look the same.

Normally id scroll over a pic to get the link for posting, and one click later the image code/link is copied and i can paste on a forum.

With the new PB, i have to "search" for the pic (because its not at the top), scroll over it, then click on the "gear" symbol that pops up, then a menu appears, this menu is so big, on my little netbook, i have to scroll down to get see the bottom of the menu, then i can copy the image code, and then, "finally" paste it on a forum. :frown:

Either im missing something here, or this is just one big FAIL from Photobucket, i feel we may be parting ways very soon, im going to take a look at Flicker i think, what other pic hosting/sharing sites do you guys use or recommend?

the ferret
2nd March 2013, 10:38 AM
Yeah, same here, told em I didn't want the new version, but now you have no choice.
They asked me why and I told em it doesn't work full stop.
Now I'm also stuck with the new version that some spikey haired dude has thought up!!
Cheers, the ferret.

2nd March 2013, 10:43 AM
Agreed I dred next week when it changes full time :/
I hate the fact too that it's now in one continuous list. Before it was at least in pages so I had a clue where to look to find something.
Now I'm having to reorganise them into sub albums , and even that's a pain as I've linked so many to forums grrr

2nd March 2013, 10:47 AM
Hate it, also doesn't have the same editing functions it used to have, either that or I just can't find them.

Well that's progress I suppose LOL

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

2nd March 2013, 10:52 AM
I guess they're a victim of their own success. I can't imagine how many millions of pics they must be handling. So now they've simplified the bloody thing too far grrr

2nd March 2013, 12:50 PM
I hate it to...... things were better before these new fangled changes.... I like things in the good ol days!!!

2nd March 2013, 07:21 PM
I do not like it either, the only good thing is the automatic upload from your phone camera to Photobucket

2nd March 2013, 07:27 PM
Are there other hosting sites. I have had a few pictures deleted from photobucket because some prude thought that they were offensive.... BTW, they weren't.

2nd March 2013, 09:04 PM
I just use my pic album on the forum in embed from there no editing but its easy

2nd March 2013, 09:25 PM
It's sh!t!!!!!

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

2nd March 2013, 10:46 PM
It's sh!t!!!!!

100% true to form, we can always rely on you tell us what you really think ! :thumbup:

3rd March 2013, 05:49 AM
Perfect one minute, next minute some moron decides to take something that works perfectly well and turn it 2 sh!t.

And for that reason I never host my Photo's else where.

I started using photobucket a while ago but really don't see a need for it. I really don't understand why anybody hosts there photo's on a 3rd party website.

3rd March 2013, 06:17 AM
I started using PB about the time I started using forums. It was so easy to put them on PB and then do a direct link. Saves all that mind numbing resizing of images to suit different forum rules.
Also it's a handy back up facility. I had a hard drive fried thanks to a lightning strike and lost a huge amount of data images and work :/
Now use a seperate external back up hard drive aswell but still upload to PB straight off my phone. It's actually easier than trying to find the right lead for the lappy or the pc . I can upload anywhere too.
Just now though these stupid changes are a pain in the arse grrr :/
Mr Grumpy signing off...................................