View Full Version : Adelaide members

28th February 2013, 04:30 PM
cut/paste from gen mech:

Afternoon all.
Earn some $$$$ for Easter.
Swivel hubs in need of some urgent TLC.
Are there any Adelaide members out there that have the time, the tools and the know how to do my front swivel hubs, if so can you give me a PM for details. Or alternatively can you suggest somewhere that is reputable and reasonable.

Thanks guys, Cheers Pete


28th February 2013, 04:40 PM
Buy a kit and do it yourself you lazy sod, its not that hard *L*

my third 256
1st March 2013, 04:54 AM
could be a good oportunity for a working /meet up day /work on patrol

1st March 2013, 05:40 AM
I'd take you up on it but heading to capunda for the break..

Any reason why your not giving it a crack?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

1st March 2013, 03:13 PM
could be a good oportunity for a working /meet up day /work on patrol

Yer sounds good Stephen, but time is my enemy, there ain't enough of it for me now.


1st March 2013, 03:18 PM
I'd take you up on it but heading to capunda for the break..

Any reason why your not giving it a crack?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

Yer want it done before Easter Kal' heading up the riverland. Trol will travel with it done or not.
Not giving it a crack for a few reasons mate, don't have the tools, time and don't want to start it and find it to complex to finish, need my Trol on the road most days.


1st March 2013, 06:34 PM
excuses...... excuses...... Pete aka slacker *L*

1st March 2013, 06:53 PM
Man im under the pump up till the week after easter until life saving seasons over

1st March 2013, 07:16 PM
Buy a kit and do it yourself you lazy sod, its not that hard *L*

How about I buy a kit and slap you round the ear with it *Lol*


1st March 2013, 07:17 PM
Man im under the pump up till the week after easter until life saving seasons over

No biggy mate, like I said, the Trol will Travel


1st March 2013, 08:47 PM
I would help but when it comes to mechanical work i lack three things-skill, ability and know how.
I always leave it to the mechanics to rip me off and do a bad job.

1st March 2013, 09:35 PM
I would help but when it comes to mechanical work i lack three things-skill, ability and know how.
I always leave it to the mechanics to rip me off and do a bad job.

Man that sounds like me, use to do all my own work (Holden's pre 1988)
Now days time and knowledge has flown by and i missed the bus lol. Still do the basics and like to endevour to learn when time permits.