View Full Version : Intro and missing servise booklet.

5th December 2010, 04:24 PM
Hi all,

I just got an ex hail damaged write off. 2008 Nissan Patrol 3L Diesel. Picked it up in Melbourn and drove it back to Adelaide the same day.

Tickled pink!!!

Only problem is that it is missing the servise booklet. So I am hoping I can get it from Nissan.

Anybody know where I can find one?

5th December 2010, 04:40 PM
Welcome to the forum.

Being a 2008 model you shouldn't have any trouble getting a new service booklet from Nissan.
Send "Nizzbits" a PM, he gets Nissan parts at very good prices.


5th December 2010, 05:08 PM
Thanks YNOT, got any idea how much these things are worth? I don't have any idea how much Nissan paper goes for, is is much more than normal paper or does it make gold leafe look cheep?

5th December 2010, 05:11 PM
I think it's about half way between normal and gold leaf! I'd expect about $50


5th December 2010, 05:23 PM
G'day mate - welcome aboard. Plenty of useful stuff on the forum, great people, and a good laugh also ... make sure you throw a few piccies of the new rig up in the members ride section!!!

5th December 2010, 05:58 PM
Welcome mate, enjoy the forum..................if we got off on the wrong foot then I do apologise but I hope that you can understand my point, just doing my job mate.

5th December 2010, 06:06 PM
as it says:

"Beware of The Dog................Man, only if you do the wrong thing on this forum."

25 post rule is still better than a paid membership for the manual, as Ithall worked out, saying a welcome 2 every new member in the intro section soon gets the posts up

5th December 2010, 10:14 PM
Thanks for that Dogman, takes the edge of it :)

5th December 2010, 10:20 PM
I figured saying hi to everybody was the only way I was going to get the posts up but I figured that had to be the idea of the 25 post thing. I am so new to patrols that is all I have to offer for now. But I hope to be able to put together a rock solid bus so I hope my posts can be less meet and greet and more Patrol :) Generaly I don't post much unless I really have something to contribute (then I write a novel). But the emfasis here is obviously to keep things pretty social so a change in approach is probably needed.

5th December 2010, 10:28 PM
Thanks for that Ynot, I am taking it in for a 150 point check and a servis tormorrow so hopefully it gets the big tick. There is alot of talk about the 3L being overworked so I want to make sure I look after it 100%. My gut feeling is that the problems are long gone by the 2008 but I also like to know that all my i's are dotted and t's crossed when it comes to looking after a car. I might try to call around and pick up a Nissan book tomorrow. I sort of hoped I could find out what was expected from a 30k servis so I could make sure it all got done tomorrow but if they miss something it won't matter if it waits till 35k.

5th December 2010, 10:30 PM
Thanks for that Dogman, takes the edge of it :)

Good on you mate, enjoy:thumbup:

Finly Owner
5th December 2010, 11:10 PM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House. And yes we expect you to make us laugh, and you too laugh with us. Oh by the way pics in members rides will make doggie your bestest mate, not to mention keep us all happy.


6th December 2010, 09:25 AM
Welcome on board mate. I hope you enjoy the forum.

6th December 2010, 06:04 PM
Welcome to Trol town Ithall.
Good to see you on board the best forum around. Sounds like a good score with your rig. Well done.
Heaps of handy information,Great bunch of people with a s*** load of knowledge and experience with plenty of good advice.
Plenty of good laughs along the way as well.

Doggy upsetting people is just a natural thing if your doing the wrong thing ?????, As he says he's just doing his job as a moderator. Damn Good one at that. Glad you got it sorted out.
A very friendly bunch around here.

Good luck buddy, Welcome aboard and Enjoy the ride.

Cheers Pete

6th December 2010, 08:18 PM
Welcome to the forums mate, great bunch of guys and girls here on the forum.. and every1 is always good for a laugh Haha

6th December 2010, 11:06 PM
Well, got the 150 point check back and I am missing a rubber plug for the hand break ....... thing ....... on the drive shaft and the rear diff oil was either long over due or the trol had done a lot of towing (I think it probably hadn't been changed). Other than that it is a new car (where is the happy face!!! )

I just have to take it down to regency and finish the paper work and I am done.

7th December 2010, 05:44 PM
Well, got the 150 point check back and I am missing a rubber plug for the hand break ....... thing ....... on the drive shaft and the rear diff oil was either long over due or the trol had done a lot of towing (I think it probably hadn't been changed). Other than that it is a new car (where is the happy face!!! )

I just have to take it down to regency and finish the paper work and I am done.

Great news there mate, don't forget to post some photos up for us all to see..:thumbup:
If you select "Go Advanced" on the bottom right of your post it will take you to another message section that allows you to add the smileys.

13th December 2010, 07:18 PM
Ok, got the last of the things to do, done today :harhar:

Now it has SA plates and in my name.

Also, $120 got me all the missing or broken internal plastic and the missing bung in the handbreak cover on the main shaft under the car.

Boring photoes but a great base to keep me going for the next 15 years.

The only thing to do to get it to 100% is to weld and paint the second batery bay.

After I have got the bank account into the black again my intentions are to add bull bar and winch, sliders, then lock and lift it.

I am thinking about bush bars as well but I don't know if they are worth it. I also don't know if I should lock the back as the limited slip is reputed to be very good.

13th December 2010, 07:24 PM
Looks great mate enjoy it, I would not lock the rear diff as you said the LSD in the Patrols are probably the best on the market.
I only put a Locker in the front of my old GU and also have done the same with my current GQ.

13th December 2010, 10:30 PM
Yeh, that is what I was thinking Dogman. Truth is I will get away without adding any lockers at all so I may lift it and see how I go for a while untill I have the cash sitting around ..... (That would be nice wouldn't it :) )

By the time I get to that point I will have a better idea how much a front locker will help me.

I am not used to the big trucks so it will take some time to work out where the goal posts stand. The zuk wasn't locked and when the going got rough you just had to hit it faster :) . I don't think that is the best way to go with the trol.