View Full Version : I'm Back

3rd December 2010, 06:49 PM
In case anyone cared, I am back from the land of NO Internet, don't you hate it when they cut your access just because their account has not been paid.:icon_bonk:
I told them that I am a Moderator on NissanPatrol.com.au site and the Vice President of the Western Patrol Club Inc and I need the internet to fulfill my obligations to the Site and the Club.
Well that went over really well NOT, the person that I spoke to from India said "what Site, what Club, never heard of them"http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/ well she certainly must have heard the phone slam down, even though I was on my mobile.
Lesson for everyone, when you slam a mobile down to teach someone a lesson don't do it on the pavers. :1087:

3rd December 2010, 07:03 PM
Welcome back mate - funny thing about phone/internet companies, they always want the bills paid and don't seem to have much of a sense of humour about it!!! lolol

3rd December 2010, 07:25 PM
haha welcome back doggy, we all missed ya.

3rd December 2010, 07:50 PM
I was very very close to putting up a lost post as I was thinking were the hell is Doggy!

Good to have you back mate!

3rd December 2010, 08:40 PM
Thought there was an eiry silence around Trol town.
Welcome back buddy. Hope all worked out well in the end.

Cheers Pete

3rd December 2010, 08:45 PM
I'll take a bet this is the poster on the partition wall of the phone company bunny you spoke to:


3rd December 2010, 08:59 PM
Welcome back Doggy and now you need a new phone? Speaking to India about a problem does get that sort of reaction quite often. Nearly done it a few times myself.

I here ya, I have set a few companies up with internet, phone and mobile plan bundles and it can be very very frustrating!

3rd December 2010, 09:02 PM
Thanks everyone, it's great to be back here...........did not realise how much I rely on the internet and how much I missed it...........Oh I need a lifehttp://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/

3rd December 2010, 09:11 PM
Welcome back Doggy, Internet is one things i try not to be late paying, I would be so lost without it..... I've met some of the friendliest people on here and would sorta feel lost if i had 2 go for a day without the forum :)

the ferret
3rd December 2010, 09:15 PM
I have a long piece of string and two Milo tins here if they are any use, ya can't ring India on it tho!!

Finly Owner
4th December 2010, 09:45 PM
I feel you pain Doggy, remember that was me not so long ago Wayne. I once slam the phone down too, only to realise it was a mobile I just bashed into the table while still connected to the impersonal sod on the other end, then i Pushed disconnect. Hahah
