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View Full Version : gu buttons

1st December 2010, 10:44 PM
I am looking for somewhere to get various buttons to fill the dash on a 2004 GU ute. I want to use them for lights and pumps and any other accessories that i might add rather than having dodgey buttons all over the place. Does anyone know who can supply these??

DX grunt
1st December 2010, 10:48 PM
Not being auto electrically minded whatsoever, I'd be spending half an hour with an auto electrician and work out what you want and where you want to fit it.

Give it a day or so, and I'm sure you'll get heaps of ideas and help from your fellow forumites.


7th December 2010, 12:13 AM
Yep go here mate, he sells heaps of other ones that are not listed today


or search "ARB" on ebay and you will find heaps mate.

11th December 2010, 02:25 PM
You mean factory looking switches? I've previously got them from the wreckers (none for our Patrol yet).
The hardest part is finding the basic on/off ones without them being for specific accessories, demister, hazard lights, AC, etc.

10th January 2011, 10:48 PM
Hope this heaps, really cool, flash mount


the evil twin
10th January 2011, 11:11 PM
Narva "normal" size rocker Switches (not the little narrow suckers) should go straight in where the blanks come out.

If you mean the push/push button style like the fuel sub tank... uuummm best of luck